Inseminators 09

Someone commented that I should get a shot of this poster seen up around Curtin. They got pulled down pretty quickly, but I managed to find one lodged in a cranny near the Tavern. You know, the artwork does have a kind of dumb charm. I have to say that I quite like it, despite its obvious ah, problems. I’m tempted to go not worst.  I would class the events more as worsts, the burnout and wet tshirts comps, and the fact that the bar doesn’t open until 8 hours after the gates open. inseminatorscuinseminatorsbuninseminatorswd

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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766 Responses to Inseminators 09

  1. shazza says:

    This is an absolute worst.

    I’ll spare you the feminist analysis as it is patently obvious that a mysogynistic, bogan has been let loose with the marker pen.

    Any woman who would dash for cash just so a bunch of boozed up hill-billies can get a gander at some bouncing breasts needs to come and have a chat with Poor Lisa and myself.

    For shame!!!


      • poor lisa says:

        Not real clear what the connection is there.

        The Daily Mail breaks the shocking news that women sometimes sleep with men for reasons other than romantic… so they should be happy to have their foot put in a trap & get shot in the arse by a guy who votes for Wilson Tuckey after doing a dash for cash in a wet t shirt?

        You can’t argue with that logic shazza, I hope you read the scientific Daily Mail article and learned from it.


    • Oblivious says:

      I understand your point ladies however it is less the picture and more about the good night you have while attending these events. Have you ever gone to a BnS??? If not i find it had to beleive that you are judging this event based on this poster. Yes it is a little rude but hat is not what the night is about, it is about having a few with your mates and letting loose, de stressing and having FUN!


    • Rhiannon says:

      OK…I am not a bogan. I’m an extremely intelligent young woman studying farm management at Muresk. I have big plans for my future, one being a top quality wiltshire stud breeder. I don’t dress like a slut, my hair isn’t blonde, and I don’t have big boobs. I have only ever been with one man. It just so happens that I’m about the only artist at Muresk and the prize was free entry to the B & S Ball.
      And to criticize you need to know what you’re talking about. A B & S is all about letting go and forgetting all the bullshit in life. There are yobbos there but I’m not one of them…and I think you’ll find that no woman go in the dash for cash.
      It’s easy to sit back and criticize…because you don’t understand. The event raised $200, 000 for charity. That’s having a go at a lot of people.


      • Snuff says:

        Thanks for the confirmation on the yobbos, Rhiannon. Any rooting ?


      • That’s great, but you’re missing the point of the post and the blog.

        And didn’t I say right at the beginning that I LIKE the poster.


      • shazza says:

        Rhiannon, are you saying you are the artist responsible for that abomination of a poster? What the hell were you thinking young lady?


        • PEH says:

          she was obviously thinking how much fame she could get out of releasing such a great picture for people to comment on! obviously it worked and got some numb-nuts to comment on the so-called “politically incorrect” theme of the BnS. im pretty sure rhiannons thought were clear, and that the target audience is of the younger population!


          • B.T. says:

            So violence against women is OK? What other conclusion can we draw from a picture that shows a large male figure wearing no pants and discharging a shotgun placed in his crotch into the backside of a female figure caught in a trap. What message are you sending? Come to the BnS Ball and be forcibly confined and assaulted?



        • aaron says:

          shazzza your XXXXXXX…. u have no idea wat the fuck goes on out here and for some cheap bitch to comment on something they have no idea about……. well grow up!!


          • monkeypants says:

            wow! settle down aaron. this is no place to take a personal swipe like that. any point you were attempting to make was lost in the first insult.

            this post is actually making my eyes bleed now. the abundance of contributors who have taken issue with a pisstake commentary on a poster is astounding.

            it’s the price of fame TLA! the price of fame.

            if you want a serious site to share your thoughts on i am sure there are 100’s of them somewhere else. so please now, all of you without a sense of humour piss off.


          • shazza says:

            I may be a bitch aaron, but cheap? Mr Shazza would beg to disagree.


        • widmore says:

          shutup you finite element method (FEM)


      • Bento says:

        I’m sorry, I stopped reading when you said you don’t have big boobs.


        • shazza says:

          Once again, it’s the arvo, Iv’e poured myself a vino, and started to read through this thread (it’s just priceless TLA). And I have to say there are many comments that provoke a laugh, but Bento, this is the one I laugh the loudest at every time. Brilliant!


    • Mazz says:

      Ha ha! Man you guys are really something you know?

      It’s just a poster for an event someone like most of you who posted derogatory comments is never going to attend because you’re some prissy do-gooder still caught up in the feminist movement from the 70s. (You’ll probably go on to become born-again-christians and all will be right with the world.)

      Geez, if you guys actually came from the country you’d get it. It’s just a poster which pokes a little fun. The artist herself intended it to be that way. And as someone that personally knows her, I can tell you that she’s not the kind of woman that’d take crap from any guy.

      Like she says below, she’s a talented, extremely smart young girl who’s only ever had one boyfriend (and is still with him) and who likes to have a good time. It’s not uncommon for derogatory things to be said about woman in the country – in fact its a very common (and Australian!) thing. Look no further than most Aussie comic books or souvenir shops.

      So anyway. The 2009 BnS is over for the year. Frankly, I dunno why you’re all having a cry about the poster for it now.

      And by the way David Cohen – were you being funny? (“Men are BEASTS!) Cause if you weren’t then I’m really confused. ^_^


    • Bro says:

      So says some old hag who no one wouldn’t touch with a 200 meter long road train


  2. And yet, and yet…
    I certainly prefer it to this posted at Curtin.


    • shazza says:

      Perhaps if you could give me a humorous take on this, particularly the fact she is being shot in the ass at point blank while in a rabbit trap? I like to think I’m a good humoured lass but I’m not seeing the charm here.

      PS. To any ‘our Nikki’ freaks planning on telling me I’m jealous. My boobs arent what they used to be but I reckon I could still go tit to tit with a 20 something. So spare me.


      • Because it’s so incredibly stupid.


        • curious says:

          sometimes stupid is just stupid, and not funny.

          like this.


        • shazza says:

          Incredibly stupid it is.

          But it also seems to condone violence against females, with a caption in case you were too incredibly stupid to get the visual sub text alone.

          Maybe it’s a girl thing but the image leaves me feeling quite uncomfortable.


          • Kill Teen Angst Fan Boi says:

            Who gives a shit? It’s the boris chicken incident all over again.

            Perfect advertisement IMO. Gets a lot of people’s attention, and that’s all it’s there to do.

            Stereotyping is pretty common in advertising, and it goes both ways. Do you see masculine-nazis rallying to protest against every second advertisement with a dumb male?


          • Pink nails says:

            just so you know, this picture was drawn by a really sweet girl… she obviously does not condone violence against women. i went to the BnS and there was nothing there that was not appropriate… the wet tshirt comp was only entered by girls who were comfortable… the dash for cash was only entered by men no women. and there is no reason for you to feel uncomfortable the whole event was very well controlled and organised by the muresk BnS comitee with a group of males and females.


        • ronggly says:

          And the ram is wearing a dress. If he was in King Gee’s or overalls, it would be a lot worse.

          Actually I’m quite shocked that ads like this, and the poker night, are at an Institute of Higher Learning in Perth. That is what’s worst about both of these ads. One would expect them in a Kalgoorlie pub, not a University. Which dept contains such students ? Computer Science probably.


      • Shazza, I didn’t even notice your rack the other night! How pathetic is that? I only seem to remember that Mr Shazza had very white teeth. Jeezus.


        • shazza says:

          A) Am highly offended you didn’t notice, but I suppose it was dark.
          B) Mr Shazza does have a nice set of pearly whites. All natural, just like my boobs. So I suppose that means I’ll never compete with the young-uns on the Western suburbs dance floors.


  3. This post is at number one in google for inseminators 09, so any objection will be noticed I’m thinking. I wonder what charity it is.


  4. It’s so bad, if there wasn’t the rest of the ad, it could almost be an anti inseminators ball image. I think it’s bad in a similar way to Bento calling god riddance to Howard Sattlers old mother dying, wrong and stupid and yet…


    • shazza says:

      I say the Charity is the Mens Confraternity.

      For me it’s all about the message. Bento was highlighting the arrogant, disregard for the feelings of the family of those dead children by Sattler and his supporters. That message was clear, at least to me, and justified.

      Co incidentlally I suspect many Sattler supporters will be in attendance at the Inseminators Ball.


      • Bit young a crowd for old Davros Sattler, but I’m sure there will be some Wilson Tuckey fans going. He appeals to te younger demographic.


      • poor lisa says:

        Shazza I was with you from post 1 sister.
        I was gonna say Men’s Confraternity! Maybe it’s the Supporters of Peter Weygers Fund.

        It’s not even remotely viz type funny, it’s just crap.

        And how crap that curtin wimmin decided to have an approved-graffiti wall instead of searching out items like this to have a go at.


    • Bento says:

      Fuck me. I wasn’t even here, and I’m being called wrong and stupid. I may be wrong, and I may be stupid, but at least I have more masculine posture than D’Arcy the Ram there, who appears to be ‘en pointe’. What the fuck is that all about?


        • Bento says:

          Indeed. I did see a few worsts, but most of them were the result of endeavours to entice the worst elements of Australia, and just made me ashamed rather than amused.

          I did see a painting of a zebra felching a zebra, but couldn’t contrive to get a pic without being besieged. Mrs Bento said it wouldn’t have matched our couches, anyway.

          Back to the topic, I agree with ronggly. What the hell is this shit doing up at an institute of higher learning (or even Curtin, nyuk nyuk)?


      • shazza says:

        He’s back, and this time it’s personal!!


  5. Rolly says:

    This is verily a worst of the worsts.


  6. flynn says:

    castrate the lot of them.


  7. orbea says:

    Do you need a license to use the word ‘cranny’?


    • skink says:

      the website lists the President and Treasurer’s names as Rowan and Darcy.

      what kind of names are those for unreconstructed rams?

      I hope they are laying on some Bacardi Breezers for Rowan and Darcy


        • poor lisa says:

          B&S organisers are moleskin wearing farm heirs with trust funds who live at college during term time, not oppressed working class larrikins with mullets like you might be fantasising.


          • flynn says:

            so that would make it D’arcy then.


          • skink says:


            about mullets?

            would Rowan and Darcy know a woman if they shot one?

            will any women be going to the event, or do they actually have to be trapped and shot to get them to attend?

            if they do go willingly, exactly what kind of woman might look at the poster and think ‘they look like my kind of guys, perhaps I will be trapped and skinned by a future soul mate’

            after all Rolly’s crap about leaving the debauchery and moral ambivalence of Gotham to return to the country where old fashioned values and common decency still prevail, it’s good to see what really goes on in the flyover shires.


            • The website is in someways more scary than this poster. There’s a burning car. Nothing gets in the chicks like an overturned burning car.


              • skink says:

                actually, there is a young gentleman walking away from the upturned burning car wearing an “I love beer” T-shirt, who appears to have a mullet.

                do you think that might be Darcy?

                no doubt this is the WA equivalent of that Pride and Prejudice moment, but instead of Darcy emerging in sodden breeches from a swim in the moat, Darcy crawls out from beneath a burning ute after some ripper circle work, and young Elizabeth Bennett creams her knickers.


          • Treasure says:



    • Paracleet says:

      My eyes! Ze googles do nothing!


  8. JaneZ says:

    Thing is it doesn’t just condone sexual violence against women, it celebrates it. The fact that it’s fucking ugly doesn’t make that ok on some conceptual meta-level. Some things just aren’t that funny, sorry.

    In my defence (why do I think I have to defend myself?) yes I am bitter, but significantly less dried up than I might sound.


  9. poor lisa says:

    “Dumb Charm”. I think you were just trying to bring the sisters out of the woodwork LA.


  10. Bill O'Slatter says:

    Looks like it gets mighty lonely out on Shoot’n Reap farm.


  11. Richarbl says:

    I say not worst!
    Some things are just so stupid that they cannot be taken seriously and this is a prime example of that.


  12. Richarbl says:

    Honestly the whole thing is stupid, the gates open at ten, the “bucking bull” opens at twelve and then the bar opens six hours later?

    What sober faced fuckwit bogan cowboy is going to jump on a mechanical bull without a skinfull of overpriced watered down liquor to gird his loins first??


  13. Richarbl says:

    Y’know TLA, you should run for office. At least you could count the angst ridden, quasi feminist, funny, burdened, female vote.


  14. I have another Curtin poster for tomorrow. This one an approved one.


  15. Big Ramifications says:

    Eerily similar to the cartoon art for Snoop Dogg’s Doggystyle album. Can’t find a better version than this at the moment:

    There is a longer multi-panel cartoon story on the inside sleeve.


  16. Pingback: …on the white telephone « The Worst of Perth

  17. Ezza (sounds as ocker as Shazza!) says:

    Hi all, it must be prettty obvious that none of you have actually been to a BnS before….. cos if you had you would know the nature of the event.
    If you arent comfortable to step out of the box that conforms your narrow minds you wouldn’t know that the event is all about being able to laugh at yourself and let loose like you cant in the city with all the pretentious f#*>s that obviosly dont know how to enjoy themselves!!!
    Yes the advert probably pushes the boundaries and I can see how it would offend some people but hey if you cant have a laugh at that and not take yourself so seriously then I feel sorry for you.
    I’m looking forward to the BnS next weekend -being covered in food dye, rum and dust and cutting up in my ute and oh yes feel sorry for me cos I’m a redneck bogan who doesn’t know the finer things in life.

    GET OVER YORSELVES and stop talking crap, oh yeah and your alll welcome to come along and see what its all bout because anyone is welcome and anything goes, although I know that wont be you style…..


    • Search the Web on says:

      why did it take so long to flush one out?


    • shazza says:

      Ezza I am so glad you came to TWOP. I had only a few days earlier expressed my dismay that no B&S attendees had come to defend this country institution.

      You are right that it isn’t my style. Despite the bogan name.

      Tell me, how does one get over ones self, exactly?


      • tara says:

        the only reason that we all havnt said nething back to u is coz its a waste of our time and effort.
        u dnt have to be a snob about it all grow up and get lost.


        • shazza says:

          tara, it’s a waste of your time and effort to say anything to me, so you came to say that to me?

          Your’e a bright girl aren’t you.


          • Bento says:

            You missed the double negative, shazza. She hasn’t said nothing (nething?), because *that* would be a waste of time. Or something. Ergo, saying *something* is not a waste of time.


        • satay steve says:

          At least she realises it’s a waste of time, even if it doesn’t stop her doing it.

          I’m impressed that a one-time commenter has the balls to come here and tell the locals to ‘get lost’.

          Back to the original poster though – I saw a nice young lady at Curtin the other day walking around in a T-shirt of the poster, replete with the ‘her eyes glowed as I blew my load’ tagline. Classy.

          Can I get a copy of this whole thread on a T-Shirt?


          • curious says:

            and where is photo of said lady steve?


            • satay steve says:

              Hi curious, just call me satay. I say nice young lady; she seemed nice until the people in the bookshop told her she’d have to spend at least ten bucks to get cash out, then things turned ugly and I decided it wasn’t the time to take photos. Have you seen any of those shirts around campus?


        • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

          just pointing out that ‘tara’ appears to have cut and pasted the URL of her current location into the box where it says ‘Website’. Just saying. She has entered

          Inseminators 09

          into that box. Where it says ‘Website’.
          Just saying.


    • ronggly says:

      The advert does not push any boundaries, and it doesn’t offend anyone here. It is like my 2-yr-old doing a crap on the living room carpet and pointing proudly at it. It’s banal and ugly.


    • ronggly says:

      (I know this guy must be a troll but I can’t help it)

      People who “arent comfortable to step out of the box that conforms (their) narrow minds” is an apt description of the sort of people who go to BnS’s. I’ve been to some.
      The behaviour is always the same prescriptive routine you allude to. Men rolling around in the mud together. Latent homosexuality anyone ? Are gays welcome there ?
      However it’s not a man thing, there are many women in attendance. All patiently smiling and awaiting the attentions of one these men, whose family owns several thousand acres of real estate, sent them to the finest schools in Perth, where they proudly emerged free from any of the ravages of the finer things in life.


      • Each to their own says:

        I’m not sure which B&S’s you have been going to but i can’t say i have seen too many women waiting around for the affections of men at these events. Gone are the days where women wait for men like they are some trophy to be sought. The B&S is about getting together with your mates and having fun. I know i will not win a war of words here but i am comfortable in the tradition and would recommend any one keen for a different experience to check it out. One can not judge what they have not experienced.

        Each to their own.


    • Bento says:

      You bumpkins are sending out mixed messages, Ezza. Is everyone welcome, or should we slaughter terrified women and children? The rurotards are no longer content to simply tell beige people to FOWF, and have apparently upped the ante to advocating mass murder.

      May I suggest we turn Great Eastern Highway into a cul-de-sac?


  18. You’re allowed to say fucktards without the use of #^*## Ezza. Someone else is feeling sorry for TWOP community? Sorry Ezza, your pity will be wasted. Narrow minds? The Worst of Perth??? The home of the Cuntkini? I think not. The minds here have the widest open spaces in town.


  19. trolzilla says:

    How can you say that someone is open minded when i can bet money that those who give a negative opinion on something they have never attended are the first to judge? Most people would do some pretty crazy shit to raise money for charity and having a good time making a fool of themselves is all the more reason to have a go. Get off your high horse stop wasting time,get out and do a hard days work for once in your life. everyone is intitled to an opinion but dont diss something just cause it’s not “YOUR THING”.


  20. trolzilla says:

    someone throw me a rope , I’ve gotten so far up myself i’m stuck…. no i’m not up myself ,i minimise my breathing to help oxygen thiefs such as yourself survive rolly . No-one is forced to attend and if you’ve given it a fair go then fair enough , you are part of the small minority that would have a valid opinion on the subject.Obviously I have offended a few but hey opinions are like assholes, everyones got one and to say that you have a life and then to sit by the computer waiting for a reply just proves one thing….. YOU DONT.I stumbled onto this site by chance and i thought i would put my 2 cents in but i wont be visiting this site again so i wish you all a good life and good health.seeya.


  21. ezza says:

    Its for the local town shire and it supports the ag schools as well.. oh yeah and aren’t u off to your birthday party…beter let you get back to the finer things in life … peace ppl :)


  22. shazza says:

    Thanks Ezza,

    Another quick question since I’m back from the b’day party, and your’e possibly still on line.
    Will the farmers be giving us city people back all the drought money we gave you?
    After all there has been a lot of rain, and apparently a lot more to come.


  23. ezza says:

    r u trying to wind me up… cant even begin to understand the hardship that our farmers go through and how challenging the lifestyle is. Farming is one of the main industries that supports this country and we should be greatfull of the food that is on our tables.
    Havent you seen the suicide rates in young farmers over the years as the times have been getting increasingly difficult, they need all the support they can get! Also we are still by no means in the clear for rainfall which is still lower than average for the yearly rate, you know the total sprinkler ban is saying something.

    Next time I wouldn’t bother donating in the first place if you are gonna want your money back- kinds defeats the purpose dont you think?


  24. I’m from the wheatbelt. No amount of taxes, more rain or less rain will lessen the amount of rural whingeing.


  25. Richarbl says:

    Obviously the artist was trying to create controversy just like using an inflammatory term like, I dunno….quasi perhaps?

    But hey nothing like a bit of good natured debate eh Shazza.


  26. As for condoning violence against women…

    The caption is about as violence-condoning as “I could murder a hamburger right now” or “knock the top off a few beers” or “I’d hit it” or “wanna get hammered tonight?” or “demolishing a bottle of Beam”.

    And the gun is – wait for it – A METAPHOR!

    Funny? No. Well, it didn’t tickle my funny bone. Objectifying women? Yes, and in a puerile way. Condoning violence against women? Hysterical feminist claptrap.


  27. Snuff says:

    Fat chance, TLA. Hysteria is easily cured these days.


  28. poor lisa says:

    Local shires & ag schools are charities? Things do work differently in the country.


  29. Frank Calabrese says:

    And they’ve made it to page 3 of Teh Worst. It’s being spun as a last hurrah for Muresk as the powers that be consider it’s future.


  30. OutbackJazzie says:

    I am a member of a BnS commitee and I tell ya I ain’t from no bloody yuppy ag school … I know the hardships of life and I live the darn things every bloody day … So ya can stick ya comments about us all being ag college yuppies up ya rear ends …

    Also ya comment about the drought money, yes ok some people that didn’t need it took it … but i challenge you all to come and live a full year in the country on a large property with no feed for your stock, very limited water supply and a family relationship that is failing due to finances … You work out just how much water a crop needs to thrive or a cow can drink in a day and then times that by the amount planted, and the 365 days in a year … Yeah wake up and smell the roses people, it takes alot of water to raise just one cow … So you turn that into 25, 000 cows and there is fucking more than you can imagine … So watch ya bloody traps …

    Also feel free to dig at me cause I am happy to represent the rural and agricultural aspect of Australia and I will fight for the little people … Alone we are a weak force, but together we are united …

    At least country people know how to live life, enjoy the moment and have time for our families … Not rush to work every morning, come home late, force the kids into day care, and only go on expensive holidays to place where you will only spend all day on the phone or internet …

    Also anyone wishing to discuss this further with me go ahead:

    I welcome what anyone in here can throw at me and I will show you the logic in it … Not everyone can understand the country life without living it …

    Also BnS’s are about supporting the local communities … Without BnS’s alot of Australian towns would have long gone to ghost towns …

    Feel free to ask any questions :)


    • I’ve lived the country life. Born in the wheatbelt and I can say that country people are generally idiots who like whingeing more than every other activity. And correction, it takes 3 million litres of water to make one litre of bull semen. And I speak from bitter experience.


      • Big Ramifications says:

        Got some great mates who are hayseeds, a number of them Muresk graduates. I can’t believe some of the anti farmer “whinging lying bastards, the lot of them” comments they come up with. So much so, I thought they were taking the piss.

        Is the OBH still a country pub? Always liked the crowd there, plus I went to a boarding school. Been surrounded by hayseeds all my life.

        My only complaint is that too many of them [not all] go out of their way to tell me how the “city sucks”. Even as adults… I’ll get bailed up at a party by some drunk cockey telling me how much he hates living here.

        a) Well fuck off back home then.
        b) Issues? Feeling a bit inadequate, eh?


    • shazza says:

      I have a question.

      How is that “country people know how to love life, and enjoy the moment, and have time for our families”, while simultaneously moaning about how hard ‘life on the land’ is, and how family relationships are failing?

      Buddy, beef is on the way out, buy yourself some lambs, plant some fuckin trees and stop your whining.


      • Treasure says:

        I’d say life on the land is a bittersweet existence. You work hard at a demanding job but you also get to experience the beauty of the land, the true feeling of a close knit community and i think best of all… you develop some very strong mates through the most trying of times. I love the lifestyle and wouldn’t want to live any other life, even if it does mean hearing some rather offensive comments on this forum.

        I think some of you should be very ashamed of your ignorance and name calling.


        • Bento says:

          I may be a metrocentric twat (TM), but I’ve known a few rubes in my time (among other things, I lived in Manning, which is a little slice of the wheatbelt right here in Perth). I assume by ‘close knit community’ you mean ‘bunch of small-minded gossips whose second-favourite pastime is discussing their neighbour’s private business’.


        • shazza says:

          Neither ashamed or ignorant Treasure.

          The ignorance stems from those who assume we who choose to live in cities, no nothing of country life. That is bullshit – pun intended.

          Country folk do not have the monopoly on hard work, close knit communities, appreciation of beauty or friendship. But you sure as hell take the cake when it comes to complaining.

          This is why I choose to not live in the country, can’t stand the parochial carping.


          • Treasure says:

            I agree Shazza… those are all things that can be found anywhere in Australia. We are very lucky in that respect.

            I also believe that this “complaining” that many of the respondents on this forum seem to attribute solely to country folk is also present in the city.

            What i find amusing here is most of the posts in this forum appear to be having a massive whinge/ complain about country folk. Double standards much? I know you’ll never admit it but hey…. you know it’s true! =)

            A little more compassion and understanding is needed on this issue in my opinion.


      • Snuff says:

        Logic doesn’t seem to be a strong point for ag college yuppies crying for help, shaz. Why would anyone need to have the logic of what they’ve just thrown at somebody shown to them ?


    • curious says:

      ah the whingeing. usually followed by tales of life at boarding school, and the last trip overseas.


  31. Have a couple of t shirts planned. “I bagged a bumpkin at the B&S.” and “I got my tractor pulled at The B&S”

    any takers?

    Also, “I fought The Chong And The Chong Won.” Skink? anyone?


    • Bento says:

      I prefer ‘Don’t bogart the Chong’, personally.


      • skink says:

        I actually didn’t know what ‘don’t bogart the Chong’ meant.

        I assumed it meant ‘don’t keep crapping on about her’, but according to the urban dictionary it means ‘don’t keep her all to yourself’

        who the hell would want Chong all to themselves?

        as for ‘ I fought the Chong, and the Chong won’, I would like to point out that I won: me, me ME!

        driven from tWAToday, sacked by Merry’s, and any hope of a career in politics or on the bench torpedoed.

        as DFOC so eloquently put it: ‘crushed her like a bug.’

        I did notice that she was on that list lame of the Top Ten A-listers in The West on the weekend, but if you read the article it was actually the PR list of self publicists who could be relied on to show up for anything.

        The real WA A-list of talented interesting people : Kerry Stokes, Justin Langer, Fiona Wood, Luke Longley and Anna Gare, Ben Elton, Melanie Greensmith, Hank Marvin, Tim Winton, The Waifs, Rove etc. wouldn’t show up to any party that Chong and Basil Zempilas were invited to.

        I was trying to move on from this, but just when I think I have got out, you drag me back in


  32. shazza says:

    Yep, put me down for a ‘Don’t bogart the Chong’.


  33. David Cohen says:

    I think Teh Cookster has to wear a bogart T.


  34. Paracleet says:

    Weighing in like we all are:

    I grew up in the country and can confirm B & S balls are indeed for redneck retards. And have only become more rednecky and retarded as the years have gone by. They used to be just about the rooting… Dash for cash, wet t-shirts & burnouts for charity? What’s next? Wife swapping for world peace? Bash a gay: help stop global warming?


  35. OutbackJazzie says:

    Look I am not here to cause arguements, I am here to represent the other side of the fence …

    You can call me what you like, I DO NOT CARE …

    I am not here to whinge at all so each to their own if you think I am … I am merely here to present an even case and allow both sides of the story to be told …

    Also shazza your absolutely right, the beef industry is dying, but unless people like me fight to keep it alive then where is the beef that you eat every night going to come from … If the beef industry in Australia dies, then up go the meat prices … Like come on use your common sense a little please …

    I understand that alot of you hate being complained to about the city, but ever think it is because you call us bumpkins, and losers, and all the other shit kicker names you have been slinging … You dish it out but when you recieve it back you can’t take it … I do agree though that SOME and NOT ALL country folk do get on the case of city people a little too much …

    I am currently in the throws of organising a few groups and a BnS to try and over come that barrier …



    • Treasure says:

      OutbackJazzie, It’s great to hear someone in support of what i feel is a great tradition. I too feel the opinions in the forum are very one sided and stereotypical but i think what we have to understand is … these comments come from people who don’t want to understand what we have to say. They are interested in their own view points and sadly, no good and constructive comments will come out of this.

      Long live the B&S tradition i say! If i am to be classed as a redneck (which i can assure you is so far from the truth) then so be it. I will wear what ever badge people wish to give me but the reality is, we wont meet them, they don’t matter… they are just talk.

      If people have genuine interest of questions we welcome them but i’d just ignore the name calling… it is their weakness… not yours.


    • curious says:

      i don’t eat beef, nor do i want to.

      shazza lives in freo, beef is banned there.


    • shazza says:

      OutbackJazzie, I appreciate your attempt to be a voice of reason. Yet your claim I eat beef every night is misguided. For environmental reasons I rarely eat beef. I choose lamb, chicken and fish.

      Part of the problem for farmers is their insistence on continuing outdated, unsustainable, and environmentally degrading agricultural practices. Yet continually bleating (pun intended again) about how hard it is on the land, and how city people should fund their fuck ups, whilst simultaneously going on about what a bunch of wankers city dwellers are.

      Then on top of that we city slickers have to be subjected to the type of poster that started all this.


      • OutbackJazzie says:

        I can understand your view here … However us country people just try to get help from the city people not for our own fuck ups, but for the GOVERNMENTS … Don’t blame us for what they are ruining … We just do what we know, and be as good at it as we can …

        We get up every day and do our job the best we can … Same as what you do …

        Yes some people do whinge about how hard it is on the land but NOT ALL country people do … Again you are being very stereotypical …


      • Treasure says:

        poor city folk :'(


    • David Cohen says:

      What happens to those animals on the ships to the Middle East is bad.

      But what happened to my family…

      Come on you metrosexual TWOPers: is it only me trying to keep this meme alive??


  36. OutbackJazzie says:

    Paracleet thankyou for bringing up this major issue … A website I am joined to called Country BnS are strongly fighting this … The biggest problem is that too many people have the wrong idea of what a BnS is really about due to bad media coverage … It isn’t about the rooting and all that stuff that it is shown to be about …


  37. This whole conversation is almost touching. B&S’ers. Dudes. You seem to be missing the point of the worst of perth here. Earnestly telling us it’s not just about the rooting is not the way to go.


    • Treasure says:

      I believe the topic at issue was the flier and elements of inappropriateness. I think because other people have commented on the B&S and on country people in general… that we have gone very much off topic.


    • OutbackJazzie says:

      Ok I understand you view here … But answer me this … Why isn’t a BnS the way to go? … I can tell you I would rather my kids go to a BnS, where there are police that monitor the entire event, no drugs, security to help prevent fights, ID checking to ensure no under-age people, and an overall safe environment compared to some wild party of some kid they barely know where they can drink underage and access drugs …

      I am just asking for the reason why a BnS isn’t the way to go? … What is wrong with two single over 18yr old people enjoying each others company? … Are you not judging what single people do in their private lives here?


      • Originally 200 or so comments ago, I’m sure I said I liked the poster.


        • OutbackJazzie says:

          I appreciate that you like the poster … But we are not in reference to the poster … The question was in regards to your last post ‘Earnestly telling us it’s not just about the rooting is not the way to go.’ in reference to BnS balls … So please answer my question of why a BnS is not the way to go?


      • Bento says:

        You’ve misunderstood again. I think I can safely say we here at TWOP are firmly (pun intended) pro-rooting. Most of us are also pro-drugs and pro-alcohol.

        I do love the way you paint a picture, though. ‘When a mummy and a daddy love each other very much, sometimes they will get in the back of a ute while their mates clap and cheer, or have a knee-trembler against the barn’. Poetry.


        • OutbackJazzie says:

          OMG I love the way you so wrongly misinterprut what was said … A BnS is nothing like that … Yes ok there are the odd group of fuckwits that ruin it for the rest of us by giving that image, but I assure you that is certainly not what a BnS is like … This is the issue we are currently trying to resolve … Also no children are allowed at BnS’s so children are not subjected to this at all, same as they are not subjected to parents that have affairs, sex parties or even enjoy the odd threesome.


  38. What’s the outback’s view of Patti Chong? Outback Patt good or bad?


  39. skink says:

    I remember eating in an Australian Outback Steak House in London (not out of choice) and watching a delivery man carrying cartons of beef into the kitchen clearly marked ‘Produce of Argentina.’ (in Spanish)


    • OutbackJazzie says:

      <<<<< Points to the IN LONDON bit of this comment … That's the british mate … We are a fair bit different in our geographical location so care to come back here and join us in the Land down under … We are talking about AUSTRALIA not ENGLAND!


  40. Snuff says:

    This thread, TLA, is fantastic.


  41. Frank Calabrese says:

    Meanwhile here is some B & S “Music”


  42. Frank Calabrese says:

    And for the Spinsters in the Crowd :-)


    • OutbackJazzie says:

      LOL mate we only wish they played that at BnS’s … We are getting complained to because they aren’t playing enough Country music … So unless your putting up some hip hop style music you have sadly missed the mark.


  43. OutbackJazzie says:

    Can someone also please explain to me how a BnS Ball held approximately 100km from Perth is able to be classed as part of ‘The Worst Of Perth’?


  44. B.T. says:

    Yee Haw. Let’s settle this with 6 guns at the OK corral.

    I ain’t no quasi-Texan for nuthin.


  45. B.T. says:

    Yeah, missy, I’s aboout the baddest egg y’ll ever gonna meet.


  46. Frank Calabrese says:

    Ok, here is some footage from last year’s event:-)


  47. Frank Calabrese says:

    And they say Country Folk don’t watch TV :-)


  48. Athalone says:

    Of course: it&#0e9;s the media&s fault. Those damn city pebcil-suckers!;


  49. cols84 says:

    well well well, that was certainly entertaining reading!!!

    I paticularly love how the discussion went from sexist and degrading and what-not about women to completely bagging out the farmers who slog their guts out producing for the country just so the deadshits that rule the produce market can import from overseas coz it ends up cheaper.

    As Jazzie said, don’t blame the farmers for the fuckwits who are our government that make some seriously stupid decisions daily. – i.e. water restrictions, hey we got 5 days of rain and increased the water catchments a bit, so lets cut the restrictions, water like hell and then we’ll restrict you all over again coz the dams are back down to 5% again.

    And whats with knocking the country lifestyle and the choice of going to a BnS over a night club or a rave?

    Yeah, I’m country/redneck/idiot – take your pick or make up your own – but for fucks sake, grow the hell up and get on with your lives… ITS JUST A FRIGGING POSTER!!!!


  50. Big Ramifications says:

    Anyone read about that poor tourist bastard wot got murdered by the Khmer Rogue in the late 1970s? He said Muresk was a terrorist training camp.

    I went to the Quairading B+S many years ago and I thought it was great. But I thought many things were great back then. If only the today me could meet the many years ago me…

    Three lasting memories:

    1. Chrissie Amphlet [Divinyls] was just awesome live. Not my favourite band by a long shot but boy, that bird had something. “Work the crowd” was an understatement.
    2. Girls pissing everywhere. The filthy harlots couldn’t wait in a queue for 2 hours to piss in a portaloo?
    3. Beer jugs flying. Full beer jugs. If you took a photo towards the end of the night I reckon there would be a minimum of three gigantic plumes of beer and/or jugs flying in the background. It was truly something to behold. The waste must have been staggering.


  51. Big Ramifications says:

    The beer jugs were plastic.

    Sawn-off 2 litre milk cartons to be precise. So ya weren’t exactly worried about being BRAINED the whole time!

    And ya gave up being worried about being beer soaked at around 9pm.

    Some girls [I’m guessing city girls] wore expensive dresses, and they were magnets for 5 dickheads to each unload a full jug on their heads. Some of them were bawling their eyes out and – all jokes aside just for a change – I felt really sorry for them.


    • OutbackJazzie says:

      Yep but with the new laws that have been set in place by the GOVERNMENT all this sort of thing is dying out fast … I can tell you know that Inseminators had some struggles to get this BnS to stay going this year … I think you all need to just get the bee out of your bonnet … We host BnS’s to support our local communities … At least we do what we can to help the economy … Out here we just do what we can to help each other get by … Alot of the communities with BnS’s didn’t take the drought money as they were well enough supported …

      God next you will be whinging about the bush fire and flood victims for the hand-outs that the government gave them … Or maybe you will start on the Aboriginal folk for something.


    • Snuff says:

      Those know nothing city slickers and their spoilsport governments probably just don’t realise that “smash a bunny” is slang out here for “unload a full jug on the heads of city girls in expensive dresses”. The best part is when they bawl their eyes out. Hilarious !


  52. OutbackJazzie says:

    Most of you probably have the idea you do of BnS’s because you have no idea of all the rules and regulations involved … I just find it amusing that these people bag cows, well lets weigh this up:

    Cows produce:
    -Dog Food.
    + many more.

    Yea we really want to get rid of the cattle from Australia … Clap clap people your fucking your economy right up the ass ain’t you … I will remember this day when you are all sitting there in a few years bitching that produce is so high etc.


  53. You B&S guys sound like the types to buy MY inappropriate artworks. AND you can make fun of Perth at the same time!

    Bad Graffiti Masterpieces

    Sellarbration of Worst


    • cols84 says:

      You lot crack me up!!! you certainly know how to stir up a hornets nest that for sure!!! (even managed to make me bite – seeing as I was already in a bad mood and looking for a fight)


  54. shazza says:


    I was in a cranky mood too after a bad night, but this thread has put a smile on my face. I hope it’s done the same for you. While you are here, for an even bigger laugh check out the shirts for sale in the right hand column if you scroll back up towards the top. I reckon some of you country boys would enjoy them.


    • cols84 says:

      yeah, definately made me crack a smile, I know for a fact that a lot of the blokes i know would definately wear them (FYI, Jazzie & I are both girls) :-) however, you also would be suprised at the fun that can be had at a BnS – yeah there’s the ute revving, beer-swilling, country music (and a fairly large amount of pop, rock etc) rough housing.

      A lot of my city mates look @ the photos when my mates & I come back from the BnS’s and go you lot musta had an absolute ball!!! It is great fun and, not everyone’s scene – you couldn’t pay me to go to a rave or a night club, yet the people that go to them enjoy it.

      Everyone’s tastes & choices are different.. If they weren’t the world would be so bloody boring (and this place wouldn’t exist)

      and in all that rambling i lost my train of thought….


  55. I just received a letter from Brendon Grylls. His letterhead has wheat on it. I’m serious. The letter is not on this topic though.


  56. BAJ says:

    Just a suggestion for all those bitching and complaining… If you dont like it then fair enough, but for a hell of a lot of people a B&S is a bloody good time. Its not all about rooting a random bloke and forgetting it the next morning.

    So if you havent been to one then you probably dont have the right to comment.


    • shazza says:


      Prior to meeting my now hubby, “..rooting a random bloke and forgetting it the next morning” was my idea of a good night out.


    • Snuff says:

      What do you people have against rooting, BAJ ?


      • Exactly. If the thing wasn’t aout rooting, then what the hell is the point of it?


        • PEH says:

          shazza, snuff and the lazy aussie…. thanks for re-assuring all of us that you can be labelled “WORST OF PERTH”…. every day i hear people whinging about BnS balls…. have you even been to one?and do you know how much money is raised that goes towards charities, such as what the inseminators do? one day when your admitted to hospital for cancer and r lucky enough to recieve the cure, just think how the cancer council got some of its fundraising, and where some of it came from!

          thanks for all the stereotypic views and proving you’ve got nothing better to do with your lives than argue and be politically correct…. what is this world coming to? unfortunately, we are leading to survival of the dumbest who are scared of working out of a 2x2metre office and getting dirty and not having fun!


          • Frank Calabrese says:

            People, these are our taxes who are supposedly “educating” these people – no wonder the Education System is fucked when you get halfwits like this posting with abosultely no concept on this website.


          • Snuff says:

            You’re most welcome, PEH. In answer to your questions, yes, and yes. As someone who works in a small farming community, you have my condolences on the office thing. You are however right about one thing, surprisingly. I am scared of not having fun.


          • shazza says:

            Me, politically correct? Didn’t you see the comments about my tits PEH? And how much I liked rooting around in my hey day? And how I don’t think very highly of god?

            Scared of getting dirty? I know all about getting up at 5am, and shovelling horse shit. Having been a strapper in my younger days.

            Don’t take my older, wiser, more educated views as a sign I don’t know how to get down and dirty. To quote Elton John, I bet I could snort you under the table.


            • poor lisa says:

              You don’t have to be a strapper to know about getting up at 5am and shovelling shit. You just have to be a mother.

              Back to the original point, I still don’t like the ugly offensive poster, just like I don’t like the ads for the bikie night club. Might be a great night out just like a b&s but I’m allowed to not like the poster.


          • PEH says:

            frank- unfortunately the farmers unwillingly have to provide food to such fukwits like you…. the people who result in the dumbing of our nation…. and do you realise how much of the economy agriculture composes of? i dont think you would be around without farmers!

            shazza, my motives of mentioning of ‘getting dirty’ and politically correct werent neccessarily aimed to you, but the wider community who have posted shit about how wrong the poster is…. after all it is known as the “INSEMINATORS BALL”.unfortunately peoples own opinions have been locked up in this crazy rant and untrue stereotypes of people who live in the country have occured. i personally know the lady who drew the picture and you couldnt have found a nicer lady out there.
            and shazza, how is being a strapper anything related to agriculture? the only thing we both got in common is selling meat to butchers, or horses to the knackery in your case! and obviously you have done a lil too much snorting and need something better do in your life than sit on a computer all day posting crazy replies!


            • Frank Calabrese says:

              Umm, my family ARE involved in viticultre and work from dawn till dusk even at the age of 83, have NO holidays whatsoever and you have the HIDE to call me a fuckwit. Oh and they even did that in Italy before migrating here as well.

              Typical clueless CUNTRy bumpkin.


              • It started off as a joke, but the country crowd here with a couple of exceptions seem to be retards. And we thought Jesper had an irony problem with english as a second language.


                • PEH says:

                  how is fundraising for charities a joke the lazy aussie? you just prove my theory of a dumbing nation with lazy people recieving benefits from centrelink! HEY FRANKIE, THIS IS WHERE ALL YOUR TAX IS GOING!!!!!!

                  and frankie mate, seems like u can give it but cant take it mate!! keep off ya cheap wine…. it makes you violent!
                  just because your parents worked for a living doesnt mean you can stake any claim on being related to the country!


                  • Frank Calabrese says:

                    Ahh, A One Nation Voter I see.

                    And I’ll bet your parents are like this :-)


                    • PEH says:

                      nah not a one nation…. liberal mate….

                      and of course, who could forget the crazy italians…. nothing better to do than press olive oil for the rest of their lives!


                    • PEH says:

                      and what do you think of the perth trains?


                    • Frank Calabrese says:

                      At least we have trains, unlike the country where the Libs sold them off :-)


                    • Frank Calabrese says:

                      Ahh, one of Colin’s Cunts :-)


                    • PEH says:

                      always better than good old geoffry gallop and carpenter….


                    • Frank Calabrese says:

                      Who built that wonderful Perth to Bunbury Highway :-)


                    • I thought you were automatically killed when you dissed a Calabrese? Frank maybe they can display the testicles on the vineyard gate?


                    • Frank Calabrese says:

                      It’s a waste of time – he hasn’t got any :-)


                    • When the Calabreses start their murderous rampage Frank. Make sure they know that no-one has been more supportive of their flagon filling activities than me. No-one.


                    • PEH says:

                      wow…. he built one road, yet its still taken how long?

                      and how much of a success was bulldog mcTeirnen for the DPI!?

                      and for all this italian shit, we live in australia, land of freedom, and if ya dnt agree with the pic just shut the fuck up and put up with it! so sad when people like you (the lazy australian & frank) whinge and cant accept other peoples opinions on a fairly biased website!

                      im off now and not coming back, so the lazy boy, get off centrelink and find a real job! and frank go back to being the gay guy in the train back in europe! HAVE A GREAT ONE!


                    • Frank Calabrese says:

                      My work is done :-)

                      TWOP 5,000,000

                      Trolls a BIG FAT CUNT ZERO :-)


                    • Bento says:

                      The agricultural sector is in fact the largest recipient of government funds, so the Centrelink jibe is perhaps a little ill-considered.


                    • FLOOP says:

                      FYI information bento, yes the agriculture sector recieves the majority of funds, but unfortunately farmers dont recieve much of it as it is used for research by governemental research departments such as the ag department and CSIRO …. so that ill-informed cunts like you can still eat!


            • B.T. says:

              Ah yes, people posting comments on the inter-web telling other people posting comments to “get a life”. Such a brilliant and original put down. Wish I’d thought of that.


            • skink says:

              I do love that ‘we give you your food’ line

              if you cut off the food to us, we’ll cut off the electricity to you. And the TV and the newspapers and the subsidies and the tax breaks. We’ll stop forcing teachers, doctors and coppers to spend two years of their lives in the bush looking after you.

              you can sit in the dark with only your banjo for entertainment.


  57. Cassie says:

    What a stereotypical load of crap! its a poster for a fun & feral night, an event that raises money for charities and yes in the end it is a huge big party where randoms end up getting it on!!!

    Event organisers provide condoms and alcohol – what do you expect? If a woman attends this event chances are she knows whats going on, there will be a bunch of randy men and a bunch of randy women, choices are the individuals, there is a strong security & police pressence so I doubt that anyone is treated in a manner they wish not to be treated.

    You cant judge a book by its cover is the age old saying so why judge this event by its poster? advertising relies on creating a stir, taking things to the very edge, you are all dicsussing this and as a result all know about the event…

    Do you guys actually attend BNS balls?
    I do, and I am not the stereotype you seem to believe befits the bns attender…
    I study Business at uni, I work for an accounting firm, I own an investment property and am paying off my own home – a small farm (argh shoot me Im a hillbilly!!!), I paint my nails, I wash & brush my hair & teeth (which i must say are my own), I wear heels and thongs and boots (obviously not at the same time) and jeans and skirts I do not wear checked shirts or own a gun or vote labor, I listen to country mucis but am looking forward to rocking it up at a Little Birdy concert – what is my scene??? (to rob a great Aussie band of their song). label me and put me where i belong…

    To say that BNS goers are moleskin wearing ag students living off a trust fund is incorrect and a blatant mis-representation! how many people actually fit that mould?

    I suggest you go to a ball and see the fun & feralness that goes on, see the country & city and the in-between crowds mix in together and enjoy themselves, see the benefits of the increased visitors to small towns, the local pub the friday night before, the pie shop the fuel stop and then the charities that receive the donations – they all benefit, whats the problem?? Sure some troubles errupt but great friendships are often made at these events.

    Ive been to balls all over Australia, they represent a fun and wild behaviour which for many (myself included) it provides an opportunity to relax, and let loose without a care in the world or a worry about how people are looking at you and or thinking about you.

    Why not accept that and applaud someone having the balls to show a bit of artisitic flair and maybe going too far or showing things how they are… The poster doesnt represent a human yes sexes are resembled but it is in jest.

    If you cant laugh at yourself you have given the job to someone else.


  58. OutbackJazzie says:

    I must say what has been said in this thread can not be taken lightly and laughed at … You have directly attacked the country people, so being a COUNTRY PERSON … You have therefore in a sense directly attacked me … Also I find a few of the shirts you mentioned rather offensive and would not buy such an item … Something like ‘Sorry about your face’ or ‘My anger management class pisses me off’ or ‘I need a little head’ with the picture of a person with a little body and big head … That is humour …

    I was just here to present the country side of things, and I believe I have done that so I feel no need to continue my presence here … So goodbye to you rude city lot … And any of you country lot looking to keep contact you can find me on under the same user name, or contact me via the e-mail address listed further up :)


  59. skink says:

    if you really want to attract the redneck bogan element, all you have to do is type:

    Schapelle Corby is GUILTY.

    just watch the Queensland traffic surge


  60. poor lisa says:



    • Richarbl says:

      I agree PL, amusingly the first thing that I thought when I logged was…. 349 comments, What the hell has Shazza done!

      Good to see so many new people feel the need to voice an opinion, thank God Rolly isn’t here.
      I am not sure about the hard working country folk image, there seems to be quite a lot of them doing nothing except muck around on the computer all day.
      I suppose you could strap a laptop around your neck whilst feeding the chooks or sinking your arm into a cows arse but I don’t think it would be practical.


  61. tara says:

    um shazza i mean no disrespect im sure u have such a logical reason for bagging out half the “true” Australian population who do enjoy a good time as it happens at a bns.

    But however your point of view does not need to be publicised so arrogantly and i am completely disgusted at the lack of respect you have for other people.

    u say u feel the same way about country ppl as u feel about god, doesnt this mean that u discriminate and disrespect god as well other ppls values and actions. u have no right and i suggest in the future u stay in ure prissy little world and well stay in ours u dnt see us bagging out any of ure fuked up posters and boring tedious evenhts do u? so back the fuck off.


  62. Rhiannon says:

    What the Hell?!!! This is getting blown way out of proportion! Look it’s a play on words that’s not meant to be taken seriously (Her eyes glowed as I shot my load) It’s a tradition.
    And besides I’m 19 years old! I don’t worry about that kind of political correctness shit. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter. And I have more important things to worry about like how I’m going to get enough money to continue my studies, how I can help keep our University from shutting down and how my Dad’s going to get through his cancer.
    And yeah violence against women is OK…yeah that’s what I was thinking as I was drawing that picture because I love being beaten…Idiot. As if geez!


  63. And to think that when I first saw these posters I didn’t bother to take a picture. No-one would be interested I thought. Did I say how I will never understand you pigs?


  64. Snuff says:

    If you don’t mind mixing business and pleasure, and although it’s less than 1% of the market, this might help.


  65. David Cohen says:

    For God’s sake. You go out to work for a few hours and the bumpkins go mental and you miss it all.

    The humanity.


  66. I think there was less interest on election night.


  67. Vic Demised says:

    Fuck, I finally made it! What a thread, LA!

    I went to some BnS events many years ago, and saw some things I wish I could unsee. Four blokes mooned me and later had the temerity to question MY sexuality.

    I think it’s a great idea that these community-based events are held in all these far-flung places, so that the locals can have whatever fun they like. As far away from us as possible. It’s kind of a shame they’ve started regulating the whole thing so much; the firearms ban is particularly hard to understand.

    We urban dwellers should not begrudge the odd act of charity for our country cousins, deluded as they are into believing that they provide the food we eat. (How many sashimi farmers have we in WA? How many growers of macchiato-grade coffee beans?) We should support them.

    We city-folk should even pay a BnS levy on our income tax, to keep a proud Aussie tradition rolling along. There should have been a BnS element to Rudd’s economic stimulus package. State of the Art BnSing facilities could have been built in shit hole towns all over Australia.

    Because we city people need the country. We do. To remind us why it’s OK to be living in Perth.

    And we need to look after country people. We need to help them become more contented with their country lives. It might stop them coming to a brasserie near you.


  68. Pingback: To all my street art friends… « The Worst of Perth

  69. Cassie says:

    Woo hoo you get to call us bns goers dumb, at least ya cant call us spineless, we saw a thread knocking our beloved event & stepped up to ‘fight’ for it or to try & give you guys a different perspective of it.

    I havent been highly sanctimonious or degarding in my comments as you ‘holier than thou’ have been, if you believe attacking people & belittling them & degrading them is ‘sport’ im genuinley concerned for the rep you are giving city dwellers..

    I think at the end of the day be you from the city, country or wherever the fuck you are we are AUSTRALIANS and we need to unite not segregate stop the us & them ideals.


  70. skink says:

    I agree that this has been the best thread in a long time.

    It was a perfect summary of the state of Western Australian agricunture. If only the best comments could be collated into some sort of pamphlet that could be handed out at polling booths to anyone who thinks the National Party is a good idea.

    good to see some fresh posters on the site, and even better that they are angry. This site needs as much random capitalisation as it can get.

    You know it’s going well when Frank threatens to get medieval.

    my personal favourite was that guy that couldn’t spell ‘fukwit’. What a fukwit.


    • Well as an attempt to break down the cruel stereotypes that country folk are touchingly naive bumpkins and city dwellers are smartarse wankers, I declare it a magnificent success! My scrolling finger is sore.


      • Vic Demised says:

        Surely that stereotype has been solidly reinforced now, TLA? Our new country correspondents naively and touchingly stood staunchly together to defend their way of life against floods of smartarsed invective and parching wit from we wankers. Fences mended.


        • I did like the fact that city wankers stopped abusing each other’s feminist credentials and lack of senses of humour and were back to top form smartarsery against the real enemy. The Countryside. Skink’s retort of “Fray Bentos” to a jibe about where we’d get our beef from, and Bento’s definition of a balcony had me laughing until well after midnight.


    • shazza says:

      Must be some xtranormal gold in this thread skink.


      • skink says:

        you may be right.

        my xtranormal mojo has waned of late.

        there is good material in there, but there is a hell of a lot of crap to wade through.

        I shall wait to see if the muse will tickle my nuts


      • Snuff says:

        I’m not so sure, shaz, although I’d love to see some more of skink’s fine work as much as anyone. Unfortunately, as Jesper would say, not so much as a syllable of the B@Stards’© contributions contains a shred of humour. Then again, that’s why they’re so funny.

        They remind me of the slime dumps around Kal over which we merrily rode motocross.


  71. Snuff says:


    I’ll be here all week. Try the beef.


  72. Big Ramifications says:

    David Scott, a former roadie with West Australian rock band Bakery, thumbed his nose at his captors, naming members of the band entourage, such as manager John Hopkins, as a CIA agent and saying he was recruited into the CIA by a “Mr Magoo”.

    They also tell a tale of bravery and creativity under the gravest pressure, with Scott spinning a yarn of how Muresk College in Western Australia was a CIA training farm that churned out “active probationary CIA agents”.
    This was in The Weekend Australian a few weeks ago. Be buggered if I can find it on the web.


  73. Cassie says:

    Try the Beef? seems ur already full of bullshit ;)


    • Vic Demised says:

      Cassie, you still don’t get it, do you? Regular posters on this site -and lurkers like me- aren’t singling country people out as a target of our bile. We hang shit on everyone.


  74. Cassie says:

    Na I get it – I do, I accept that I personally also love a shit slinging match. I just dont agree with the mass lot of stereotypes that were voiced by people who seem to be scared of anyone who is different and feel they need to resort to belittling them to remain ‘holier than thou’ or to make people bite & react in a manner to give them shits & giggles. what do you derive from making people get defensive of their way of life?

    I think that sorta ‘sport’ is in no way innocent fun & all in jest, for that opinion to be voiced there must be that underlying thought that you are the best & anyone who differs is inferior.

    Im all for a healthy bit of ‘sport’ just make sure you actually are fit to ‘judge’ before you spew forth a whole lotta judgemental crap..


  75. Vic Demised says:

    What do we derive from making people defensive of their way of life? Well, some of us derive cold hard cash, for a start.

    At least three professional stand up comedians regularly post here, as well as cartoonists and animators and other people about whose work I have not a clue, but they’re mostly pretty fucking funny anyway. Maybe not as funny, to you, as a T-shirt with “Keep your tits off my eyes” on it, but they write the kind of thing I like to read. TLA may argue my definition is too narrow, but this is a comedy site, for fuck’s sake.

    Very often we make our humour at the expense of others and very occasionally the targets of our attempted wit take offence. Sorry, we do not apologise!


  76. Cassie says:

    Shazzer what point is it that Vic demised made? point out the point for me please oh wise shit slinger…

    Big Ramifications – do you often feel the need to play the hero & help those mere weak/victimised individuals or mass group? seems slightly compensatroy to me… but its ok I wont judge you!



    • shazza says:


      almost every country commenter has accused us city slickers of unfair stereotyping. Yet that’s the humour of it. Stereotypes are funny (and almost always have an element of truth). Exploiting stereotypes for humorous effect is what many of the commenters on this site do. Not just to ‘others’, but also to each other. It is a satirical site that celebrates the best worsts of human behaviour and endeavour.

      Many of your friends/countrymen and women who came to defend their B&S escapades have missed this point entirely, and have also made some sweeping generalisations about city people such as, all being office workers, narrowminded, ignorant, knowing nothing about farming or having a good time etc etc.

      The difference is, while we were all laughing at the country commenters insults, you guys were taking it to heart.


  77. B.T. says:

    Yeah, bring on the farting dog. The B&Stards are getting tedious.


  78. Cassie says:

    oooh its tedious vs sanctimonious!


  79. Cassie says:

    taking it to heart i guess proves that infact there is one inside, not some mechanical sterile implant that gives off human like qualities without compassion…


  80. B.T. says:

    Farting dog.


  81. At least three professional stand up comedians regularly post here…

    Youse better not be stealin’ my shit.


  82. almost every country commenter has accused us city slickers of unfair stereotyping. Yet that’s the humour of it. Stereotypes are funny.

    That’s why I yell out TERRORIST! from my car whenever I drive past a Sikh.

    Coz not only is it a stereotype of all Muslims being terrorists, but it’s a stereotype of rednecks not knowing the difference between Muslims and Sikhs. And then the stupid Sikhs get their panties in a bunch coz I called them TERRORISTS and they stereotype all Perth people as rednecks… when the joke is actually on them and it’s actually quite high-brow humour on my part.

    I’m so deep I practically live in China.


    • skink says:

      what is funny is when people write to complain that country people are stereotyped as being ill-educated, retarded and belligerent, and do it in such an illiterate, incoherent, blinkered and bigoted manner as to reinforce the stereotype.

      now that’s what I call irony.


    • Cassie says:

      And we wonder why there are racism problems in Australia – how could there not be with people being ofensive for shits & giggles!

      all in all it seems terribly immature to me (and im a whopping 25 years old!)


      • Big Ramifications says:

        I made up that story. But I do quietly remark “terrorist” to my best mate if he’s sitting next to me. He understands.

        We once heard his over-the-fence neighbour talking loudly in Arabic and I said “we should ring the terrorist hotline” and he’s all “ya beat me to it, exactly what I wuz gonna say!”

        Zing! Laugh? We nearly did.


  83. ljuke says:

    Is it too late for me to post this:


  84. I think Farmer Palmer from Viz magazine lives out Norwich way.


  85. Although he hates outsiders, Farmer Palmer once turned his farm into a guest house. The first couple to stay there fled in terror when his son Jethro pounded on their door all night, demanding to see the female guest’s “dugs” (breasts) and in the morning they witness Farmer Palmer making bacon for breakfast by slicing up a squealing piglet alive.

    Too funny!


    • Search the Web on says:

      anyone who pastes chunks out of Wikipedia without accreditation can get a job as a research assistant with La Chong


  86. CB One says:

    My goodness I’ve had a rollicking good laugh at this today.

    Kudos one and all.


  87. poor lisa says:

    Can you put this one on a tshirt?


  88. Rolly says:

    And to think that I missed out on most of the fun ‘cos I wuz in hospital having some horrendously painful liver stones attended to.
    Birthday or no bluddy birthday.

    I am reminded of the description of the well balanced individual who has chips on both shoulders with the replies from our country cousins.
    It goes with the old expression “going off half cocked”

    Bullshit vs Bullshit

    Except that one lot of unintentional bullshitters failed to comprehend the purposeful bullshitting by the original bullshitters.

    Now, may I please stop laughing to attend to my abdominal cramps and hurtful kidneys.

    (originator and copyright holder of the expression “Metrocentric Twats”)


  89. skink says:

    “Take last week. No matter which way you turned, women, especially those who talk most about feminism, were proving that women are often their own worst enemy. ”

    so says Planet Janet Albrechtsen today, who I think speaks for all the sisters.


    • Paracleet says:

      I don’t know what Planet Albrechtsen is in orbit around but its but its sure as hell not Planet Earth.

      For instance, apparently its OK to misquote someone if you believe it is a fair representation of somebody ELSE’s view of your views.

      By which logic I assume it is fair for me to assert, as an example, in print that it is a fact that Skink has no testicles, ’cause La Chong said so.


      • skink says:

        on an vague testicle theme:

        Ricky Gervais was on Conan last night.

        he described a party game called ‘Offal Pyjamas’ in which you pulled a piece of skin out of a hole in the front of your pyjama pants and someone had to guess ‘cock or ball?’


      • curious says:

        if skink continues to suggest that planet janet represents the sisters he probably will end up with no testicles.


  90. shazza says:

    She proves her own point, unintentionally.


  91. skink says:

    I see that La Chong has taken to advertising herself

    she has placed an ad in today’s West. You can hire her to give her ‘unleash the dragon’ seminar at your place of work


  92. shazza says:

    No help needed unleashing the dragon here.
    Ad isn’t in the Personals by any chance?


  93. B.T. says:

    OK, I’ve researched this carefully in the past 24hrs.

    Farming is hard work, no doubt about it. I played FarmVille on Facebook relentlessly to find out. I collected eggs from chickens, milk from cows, picked fruit on several kinds of trees, planted and harvested pumpkins, wheat, soybeans and rice. I earned nearly enough points to buy a tractor. I hardly had any time to rest in the hammock Mrs BT sent me from her own farm, never mind get to level 33 where I’m sure the big reward is a ute and a ticket to the BnS ball. Farmin sure is hard work. All that pointing and clicking, I think I’ve got a repetitive strain injury.


    • Bento says:

      BT – whilst your research is clearly beyond question, Farmville people don’t have the monopoly on hard work.

      I played SimCity on the Wii last night, and that was no picnic either. I built roads, coal-fired power stations, low-, medium- and high density residential areas, shops and schools. I managed rampant crime, and even put out a fire. I didn’t get to the final level either, where I’m sure I would be rewarded with a big pile of cocaine and a tinned pie.


      • shazza says:

        Neither the farming or SimCity games had a root as the final prize? Or is that assumed with the BnS ticket B.T?


      • skink says:


        I played Caesar 3, whcih is like Sim City, except that I built the entire Roman empire single handed.

        and let me tell you, anyone that says that Rome wasn’t built in a day just isn’t trying hard enough


        • Ljuke says:

          Well I played Second Life, in which I got to design my own clothes. I then walked around aimlessly, before stumbling upon a strip club, but, since I’m not a paying member, I couldn’t get a lap dance, so I wandered around aimlessly, getting my leg caught in random pieces of architecture, which forced my character to have an epileptic fit until I shut the game off.

          I may be addicted.


  94. skink says:

    is this the Calabrese family catching up with one of the B&S guys that insulted him?

    what I like about this story is that tWAToday have clearly not been to the crime scene, don’t have a photo, so Googled it and published the location.

    Maybe next time they can just post a link to a better news site


  95. Frank Calabrese says:

    Speaking of Farmers needing Govt Funding this article puts paid to our recent rants from the bumpkins about needing the Govt to survive.


    • Search the Web on says:

      considering that agriculture accounts for only 3% of Australian GDP, that means that WA farmers contribute exactly one quarter of fuck-all to our nation.

      please remember that the next time you hear about how important it is from one of these ruritards.


    • Kill Teen Angst Fan Boi says:

      I think what pisses most of us city folk off, and what the country folk here have repeatedly demonstrated, is the sense of entitlement they have.

      At the end of last year I closed my small business like hundreds of others did. I’m sure everyone here has known someone that has had to do the same during this downturn or any previous.

      Did I bitch and moan constantly and expect the government and everyone else to foot the bill for my efforts when there was no longer any point in doing so? Nope.

      I moved on to more profitable work and finished my degree instead. Some of these country people need to learn to do the same.

      Farmers want to be involved in a business and for some reason they think they have an entitlement that allows them to be treated as if they weren’t one. But their business is no more important than hundreds of others that have closed over time. And no more important than the businesses are to other owners and other employees.

      If it’s unsustainable, move on. It’s not your fault, don’t take it personally, it’s just too bad. Shit happens. It’s probably this inability to do so which leads to such high suicide rates. “Our crops aren’t growing… oh noes those city folks must hate me.”

      But if you’re worried about a lack of water, there’s one way to get a stream to flow.

      Remember, it’s up the creek bed, not across it. Cheer up emo kids.

      This thread is almost enough to make me turn to listening to Ten Speed Racer. Almost…


      • satay steve says:

        Not that I want to take the side of the ruraltards but I don’t think it’s fair to ask for your taxes back from them when the rain comes. I sure as hell don’t want to pay my Austudy back (the HECS is bad enough!).

        KTAFB I know you didn’t ask for that, but someone half a mile above this post did and I can’t be bothered looking for it.


        • Bento says:

          Drought relief could be based on the same principle as HECS, no? The government helps you out when money is short, and you pay it back when you are financially better off.


          • satay steve says:

            Don’t stop there – we could ask pensioners for their money back when they win lotto!


            • Rolly says:

              That’s my intention if ever I get a substantial win.

              Though, as so much of it would get lost in the bureaucracy, I might choose a worthy charity of some kind.


          • Big Ramifications says:

            HECS should be backdated like a lot of ATO rulings.

            Remember how the ATO recently ROGERED a whole heap of people with their retrospective “tree plantations tax write off” ruling, despite previous tax rulings to the contrary? To quote Amanda Vanstone: “HECS is only fair coz you get a higher income”.

            … what?! “Fair” in retrospect to 40 somethings who are still alive and who enjoyed free university edumucation and who ALSO got a higher income??? Look over there! [screams like Homer Simpson] Runs away.

            Be careful what you wish for, Bento/

            /not bitter
            //actually, probably bitter
            ///too drunk to decide


          • Bento says:

            My fellow citizens of civilisation – we need to stop this petty infighting.

            Did you not see what we can accomplish when we unite against those who would raise their banjos in anger? We need to maintain the rurotard rage, lest they come back again dumber, louder, and angrier.


            • shazza says:

              Bento is correct people. We must stand united against the common enemy. We must stand up to the tyranny of country dwellers.

              “To the rural voters and residents of small, dying towns, and soulless ex suburbs we say this: Fuck off. Your issues are not our issues”. (The Urban Archipelago)


          • Cassie says:

            As should parenting payments, no??

            Having a child is like chosing an occupation – it is personal choice. unless its not a choice and its an ‘oops im knocked up’ i didnt know about contraception…

            People who expect the Government to hand out taxpayer funds so they can have their child – public hospital, stay home with child – baby bonus & parenting payments (FTA & B), educate their child – childcare (rebates) public education & most other education facilities receive govt. funding. They are no different to ‘farmers’ choosing to live on the land and ‘expecting’ assistance from the government in hard times??

            Having said that re the farmers, I am in agreeance with KTFAB in saying that a whole lotta agricultural practice is unsustainable – so why keep flogging a dead horse? is it cos the government finds it easier to throw money into what is often (or certainly will end up a black hole) than to remedy the situation? Age pension & unemployment benefits are a mega drain on our country – why keep them? why allow bludgers & parents the ‘choice’ to be provided for when you want to take that choice away from hard working farmers who do actually contribute to the economy?

            Why is there so many sets opf standards – if you are prepared to point the finger, be prepared for it to be pointed back at you.


            • David Cohen says:

              Good to see you again after the ructions of the week, Cassie.

              Do you see yourself becoming a TWOP habitue?


            • shazza says:


              how about this for an idea? Anyone who chooses to live outside urban areas (boundary yet to be defined) has responsibility for looking after their children, their elderly, their sick, unemployed etc. And those who live in cities and surrounds look after theirs?

              Country folk can fund their own hospitals, schools, policing, emergency funds, agricultural subsidies, environmental prtotection and restoration etc. And we will fund ours?

              That sound fair?


              • Cassie says:

                David, yeah can possibly see myself returning!
                Im a fan of a good fight & incidentally Perth (the two seem to combine so fittingly). Am just now seeing Perth’s ‘worst’ side… its dark & disturbing, unlike the seedy backpackers ive stayed at whilst there…

                Shazza – kill the US v THEM mentality (Im sooo not a Hanson supporter but it is essentially 1 nation is it not??) thats what my argument is, I struggle with the notion that we should segregate and discriminate because it differs from us, the belief that ‘our way of life is superior to their way of life so they must be wrong’ highlights a lack of understanding or willingness to understand that which is different, possibly through fear that you may end up liking the different more than the known…

                And again incase I sound like a BnS die hard/tree hugging hippy shit (thanx south park…) Free love, you go to a nighgtclub lookin for a good time you go to a bns looking for a good time accept it!

                Australia is made up of some pretty peculiar aspects, accept the bogan within, wear ur flannos & dunlops loud & proud (stereotypes oops i did it too! haha)


                • shazza says:

                  Being a city person of some age and sophistication (shut up Bento) my idea of a good night out is a 5 course meal, consumed in concert with a cheeky vino or four. Ending with an old port of course.

                  I have finished with my wild nightclub days, though would have enjoyed a BnS in my time too had I ever been invited.

                  As for the us and them game. It’s all been for a bit of fun and isn’t intended as a serious attack. The relationship between country and city is symbiotic.


                  • Cassie says:

                    Naw shazza was this all over the lack of an invitation to the BNS??

                    I wasnt implying that you personally believe a good night out is a nightclub & a root…I try not to do personal attacks =D

                    Symbiotic you say – from what Ive read it seems it is believed to be very parasitic, each a blight on the other…


                    • shazza says:

                      I think parasitic is a good analogy Cassie. A bit like pregnancy, to get the baby you have to endure the blood sucking.


                    • Cassie says:

                      It is a choice tho to have the lil blood sucker.. as is a choice to live as a bogan or a bogan basher!

                      So it is a case of to get the beef, lamb, cornflakes or whatever produce or city centric service we must tolerate the other…

                      Do we declare peace or has that come prematurley?


                    • shazza says:

                      I think, in the time honoured city tradition, we need to form a committee to discuss.


                    • Cassie says:

                      Very honourable, as an outsider to both city & country I wouldnt wish to declare a falsity on either’s behalf..


        • shazza says:

          Oh god here we go again.

          I said it satay steve.

          It was a joke. I even told the guy I was winding him up in the next post.


          • Kill Teen Angst Fan Boi says:

            Even though I think I disagree with your particular feminist stance Shazza, I think I’m pretty much in agreeance with everything else you’ve said in this epic thread.


            • Snuff says:

              What exactly do you think you disagree with, KTAFB ?


              • Kill Teen Angst Fan Boi says:

                That I get the impression she may be the male replacement type in feminist clothing, rather than a genuine feminist.

                But, who knows.


                • Snuff says:

                  You think you disagree with that impression, KTAFB ? WTF does that even mean ? Try to be a bit clearer, and more specific, please.


                  • Kill Teen Angst Fan Boi says:

                    If you can’t extract the information you need, I worry for you.

                    I’ve called her a female chauvinist pig elsewhere, and that’s what she portrays here at least. That’s my gripe with her stance.


                    • Snuff says:

                      For example …


                    • Snuff says:

                      Just as I thought. Nothin’.


                    • Kill Teen Angst Fan Boi says:

                      Huh? I’m not tied to the computer day and night.

                      Denigrating females based on looks and in the process objectifying them is a chauvinist trait, regardless of the sex doing it.

                      And I would argue that if she is a dominatrix, then that could be construed as male replacement given that eco-feminists and the like equate sexual conquest, and sexual power dynamics as an inherently masculine trait, an inherently destructive one, and a negative one.

                      Do I have a problem with such? No. Do I have a problem with the wider feminist argument that makes it a problem? Yes.


                    • Snuff says:

                      … and the examples, in context, from shazza are …


                    • shazza says:

                      I think he may find when he digs for examples that he actually has made an arse of himself Snuff.

                      That’s OK KTAFB, it was a valiant attempt.


                    • Snuff says:

                      Indeed, shaz, if by valiant you mean pathetic. Still nothin’. You’d think from the way KTAFB was going on those examples would have been a cinch to find. Stranger still that after having gone though the same crap with Richarbl, in this very thread, someone would still be banging on about genuine feminists.

                      Speaking of waiting, anyone who enjoys torturing kids, and hey, who doesn’t, should get a kick out of this.


                    • shazza says:

                      I am going to have years of fun replicating the marshmallow challenge.

                      As for KTAFB, I think he may be googling feminism trying to scour the net for argments as to why I am a chauvenist quasi femmo rather than the genuine article. Slowly tying himself in knots. You know what they say about giving enough rope.


        • Kill Teen Angst Fan Boi says:

          Why not ask for our tax back?

          Most farmers would be set up so they pay the lower company tax than income tax. Totally different to tertiary students who generally contribute a far higher rate through taxes, and pay off debts on top of that.


      • ronggly says:

        KTAFB, a long time ago our government actively encouraged people to go out into the bush, clear some land, and grow wheat and sheep. Much later it became obvious that this was unsustainable in many locations. So one could argue that our government bears some responsibility for the situations some of these cockies are in.


  96. monkeypants says:

    Or, is drought relief really a work for the dole program?
    I can’t imagine many farmers actually stop working when there is drought. it probably gets crazier than normal trying to keep it all together. I don’t know – just saying.


  97. Ljuke says:

    If you love grammar, your in for a treat:

    Theirs some beauties.


    • satay steve says:

      Awesome. Since when has Steve Fielding been writing US protest posters?


    • Snuff says:

      Wonderful, Ljuke. Many thanks. I particularly like the way you’ve used your and theirs. Funny bugger.


      • Ljuke says:

        I was worried I was going to get a bunch of “You’re no better” comments.

        I think “Muslin” is my favourite one.


        • Snuff says:

          The borror, the borror, Ljuke. Stundents is nice, as are all of the English ones, but my vote probably goes to Not a extremist Just extremey over-taxed !!! No amesty for sheer consistency, and teabags.


    • Bento says:

      Nice. Love the Che t-shirt. If you’re not sure, try all the variants, and one of them will be right.


    • Search the Web on says:

      half breed muslin – i wonder what else goes in with the cotton?


    • phreestyle says:

      It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

      Or, in this case, remove the lid of an Artline marker and remove all doubt.


      • skink says:

        if i could be serious for a moment:

        I was in the UK during the last outbreak of foot and mouth, when the entire countryside was closed and the fields were full of burning cow carcases.

        I am still not allowed to donate blood, because I lived in the UK ten years ago and might still be infected with CJD

        there was a very serious debate at that time about what the countryside was for, since they spent more in subsidies than was generated by income, and being unable to go anywhere really pissed the townies off.

        there was a genuine consideration that farmers should not be viewed as primary producers, but as guardians of the environment.

        rather than give them subsidies to produce surplus food at inflated prices, they could be paid to look after the countryside, replant it, and return it to balance. There were some areas of the national parks where this happened, where older, gentler farming methods were reintroduced, and I recall walking through traditional pastures full of wildflowers.

        of course, none of the commercial farmers was interested in this, and they just wanted to go on poisoning the rivers with phosphates, increasing the salination, tearing up the hedgerows, and breeding disease ridden insane cows.

        so fuck ’em


        • Bento says:

          Again, to quote the Urban Archipelago:

          When it comes to the environment, our new policy is this: Let the heartland live with the consequences of handing the national government to the rape-and-pillage party. The only time urbanists should concern themselves with the environment is when we are impacted–directly, not spiritually (the depressing awareness that there is no unspoiled wilderness out there doesn’t count).


        • ronggly says:

          Another thing about the brits that I found when I was there is that, unlike Aussies, they have this misty-eyed image of what their countryside should look like.

          They love rolling green fields lined with hedgerows, along which you can ramble and gaze into the distance. They ignore the fact that such places are essentially deserts for wildlife, that the natural state is temperate rain forest.


  98. Caribou Bob says:

    Time for some commemorative T-shirts. I want mine to say

    “we city people need the country. We do. To remind us why it’s OK to be living in Perth.”

    Quite touching in it’s own special way.


  99. Big Ramifications says:

    When the spinifex hit Sydney it was the last thing we expected. When the desert came to Gladesville we tried to tame it.

    And when the emus grazed at Pyrmont it suddenly dawned on us all: hah, finally the world was silent and the door was shut!


  100. Big Ramifications says:

    Simon Jackman? Pfft.

    First thing I thought of when I saw the dust storm. Have quoted it on the web a few times previously too.

    Beautiful toon, BTW. It’s mostly instrumental. They use some cool “Peter Gunn” type steel guitar.

    /but I’m no muso
    //some consternation on Google search whether the lyrics are “hah finally” or “high and mighty”
    ///point taken – I did not attribute – but that’s my schtick


  101. perthy454 says:

    cool poster!


  102. Cookster says:

    Hello, did I miss something?

    Thanks TLA and let me say, I have a date with an Angus bull this Monday at the Royal Show.

    I can’t make it however, as I will be attending a Dune Buggy race meet in the picturesque town of Hyden. I kid you not. Familial obligations will see me pitching a tent and sharing portaloos with some of this state’s finest buggy jockeys – in the country.

    I believe this will be something akin to an all ages B&S Ball. Any of you rural types coming along, or will you just be waiting in the shadows ready to pick off any of us urban types who foolishly happen to stumble into the woods. ‘Hey, did you hear something Shazza? I think there’s something in that bush over there…’

    I am potentially facing a weekend that combines all the best scenes from Deliverance, Mad Max and a touch of Herbie Goes To Wave Rock.

    The camera is charged and ready…


  103. Pingback: Bush Week #1, Plug my Blowhole « The Worst of Perth

  104. Pingback: Pulling Off Trucks « The Worst of Perth

  105. Disgusted says:

    I have just read every post on this thread and I am completely disgusted with some of the posts!

    For something that started off about the Inseminators poster how you all managed to lower yourselves to abusing and ragging out people or kinds of people is beyond me.

    Since people where asking, The organisations supported by the profits from this ball include :
    Princess Margaret Hospital for Children
    Royal Flying Doctor Service
    Angel Flight
    Royal Perth Hospital
    St John’s Ambulance Northam
    PCYC Muresk Students Association

    I was appalled to see names mentioned in this thread, those of you who used them did you consider the repercusions? or if you would like it if someone plastered your name with insulting comments on a website titled “the worst of perth”

    BNS balls always have a cartoon which is used to promote the event and yes most of them are derogative and have been carried over in themes for many years. I dont promote violence or molestation of women yet I find the poster amusing.

    It sadens me to see that so many people are more interested in ragging out others then in keeping with what the thread was originally about.

    And it really badly pisses me off that you have all contributed to such bad advertising for an event that raises so much money for needy charities which yes those who live in the city benefit from aswell.

    Google search results Number 1 spot! Good on you all for letting the internet world know what an abusive derogative group of australian people you are.


    • shazza says:

      So your’e pro rural suicide?


    • cookster says:

      Good to see you’ve got the Flying Doctor, Royal Perth and the ambos on board – they might be needed when it comes to pumping out stomachs full of Bundy.

      “I dont promote violence or molestation of women yet I find the poster amusing.”

      Isn’t that a bit like saying, “I’m not racist, but I find those Fuck off We’re Full stickers amusing”…?


    • monkeypants says:

      “research suggests that domestic violence is a significant problem in remote and regional Australia. A report prepared in 2000 for the Commonwealth Department of Transport and Regional Services by the Women’s Services Network (WESNET), Domestic Violence in Regional Australia, provides a literature review of some of this research. A Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics (BTRE) publication, About Australia’s Regions, 2006, reported that domestic violence rates were highest in very remote Australia, followed by remote and outer regional localities. By contrast, major cities had the lowest rates of domestic violence.”

      disgusted, the major angst about this poster was that whilst it poked fun at a traditional event that i’m sure generations have experienced and enjoyed, it also uses a severely outdated standard of humour that is seen by many including me, as mind numbingly sexist.

      whilst domestic violence appears to continue unabbated towards women within country (and suburban oz ) i find it difficult to laugh at a poster like this one.

      the dollars raised are a positive outcome, but it now falls on our generation to discourage outdated and outmoded mindsets anywhere we see them. with such large groups of young people attending these events this is a great opportunity.

      and from memory the personal attacks started from the other side of the debate.


    • Bento says:

      Disgusted, I owe you a debt of gratitude. I’ve just spent a lovely half hour ambling through this thread, and it really was the Golden Age of TWOP. Thank you for bringing it all back.

      I only hope we’re still number one when Inseminators 10 rolls around, and a fresh crop of rurotards grace these pages.


  106. Number one spot? Awesome. Disgusted you claim to have read all but seem to have understood nothing.


  107. NVLII says:

    I dont promote violence or molestation of women, but the way that rabbit was dressed, she was asking for it.

    I’m not racist, but somebody needs to start culling people in the country, like kangaroos or camels. Just thin them out a bit.


  108. Love to see that another bumbling bumpkin has reopened this post.


    • Richarbl says:

      If there’s anything that can be drawn from this eternal battle between city folk and cuntry folk is that both sides are simultaneously correct and incorrect.

      The bumpkins have continually failed to realise that this website is primarily satirical. It exists for the sole purpose to take the piss out of anything that is inherently ridiculous…. and that includes lame cartoon depictions of violence towards women.
      Fact is, Bumpkins ( myself, I prefer the term hillbillies) are fair game to anyone with a sense of humour and a state funded education.

      On the other hand, the citycentric folk…. often referred to as dickheads….. have constantly failed to understand the real reason behind B&S Balls.
      They exist because they are fucking good fun!
      And whats not to like? Plenty of alcohol, plenty of chicks, a place to stay and a sense of brother/sisterhood… sure the music won’t please everyone but at least you won’t have some gay cunt trying to pick up you up at closing time.

      At the very least a B&S Ball is much more fun than staying at home on the computor giving shit to people who may very well had the time of their lives and that is better than any night at the fucking opera.


  109. Pingback: The Best of The Worst 2009 « The Worst of Perth

  110. mUTHA says:

    ive just had a good rad of this.

    il just give you my background.

    i grew up in the wheatbelt of WA
    i have owned and driven utes most of my life
    i have drunk copious amounts off piss.

    i have a job within the livestock industry.

    i have attended countless BnS balls.

    i am 22, engaged, have a rahter large group of mates stretchign the whole of WA alot of which i only see at BnS balls.

    now my 2c

    these events are run to give back to the community and raise cash. alot of cash is raised. yes some cars etc get damaged. they are th cars that are purchased generally a few weeks before hand for under $200 and are destined to be burnt rolled and smashed. it happens. and its generally the owner of the vehicle that starts it.

    yes theres a wet tshirt comp. why not? its perfectly ok to show it on tv but not be invloved?
    dash for cash. any bloke or chick that wants to get their kit off and run a foot race over approx 100m to win $100. why not its not like people are pressured to do so.

    burnouts. well yeah its a bit of fun. its not like you havtn ever seen done or participated in some way or form in doing a skid. or doing a donut. if you havnt then you obviously live a very sheltered life.

    the fact that sexual intercourse may arrise? and sheez it doesnt when you go to a pub and meet a nice young girl?
    just the fact that its infront of a ban in a tent. omg you havnt heard of spring in the valley? which is supposed to be a prim and proper event. i have seen more people passed out at that event than a BnS.

    the reaason the flyers would have been seen around a university is that fact that some commitee member beleive it or not may be studyin to god frbisd maybe teach your children. so we going to screen teachers to make sure they are pure virgins that dont drink or smoke and drive toyota prius’s?

    BnS balls are a way of life. a right of passage almost for the large majority of rural communities.

    the fact the poster in question has a bunny with her foot in a trap with a gun piointed at her has no bearing on what happens. if it is then why are publications like the prosh aloud to be printed annually?
    should we ban anything that may cause any form of stimulation. hell jsut ban tv. just chain everyone to desk’s and make them stamp blank pieces of paper.

    im bettin over half the people that have commented here have never been to a ball let alone to a rural community.

    theres a simple rule dont like it? dont look at it.
    but dont worry our BnS baklls will be gone very soon as liquor licencing is becoming very ahrd to get due to people likeminded klike the majority of you who have never had “one too many” hipicrits.

    i ask you do one thing no matter your age. attend a BnS ball and see what life is really all about.



    • orbea says:

      fuck me what a cunt!


    • So it is about the rooting. Got it. So nice that this post still isn’t dead.


    • Pfortner says:

      Having just had a decent rad of your post, a few things stick out. Firstly, let me say in the spirit of magnanimity that wet, jiggling farm tits are a delight to most, no qualms with your defense there. Burnouts, excessive drinking, rolling in the mud like animals – all par for the course. Indulge to your heart’s content.

      But I think you may have missed the point about the poster. Anthropomorphic sado gun rape. To most, it’s not so much a question of being ‘stimulating’ as it is a case of ‘fucking wierd’. Anyway, no hard feelings, but for your further edification may I recommend


      • orbea says:

        mUTHA, why doesnt it get some nice pink rubber gloves, it cuts the tips off and it makes a peep-hole bra for its cow? you sexy mUTHA


        • Ljuke says:

          Haha ha haahhaahaahaaha hhaahahahahahahaha HAHAHAHA (I’m crying) hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAH!


          Heh heh.


        • poor lisa says:

          At this point trying to decide if I am most in commentator love with pfortner “anthropomorphic gun rape” or orbea. hahahahahahahah


          • shazza says:

            Yes pl, I too found myself smitten with that comment.


            • Can this get to 1000 comments before September when the new ball happens?


              • WAtching says:

                Not without cheating… or another “anthropomorphic gun rape” poster.


                • Bento says:

                  Probably a good chance the rurotards will start popping up again from mid-year, when they’re using spending their drought relief cheques on B&S tickets, $200 cars, and anthropomorphic gun rape bumper stickers.


              • Richarbl says:

                Am I seeing a T-shirt?
                Something like….. “I was there at the Inseminators 09 and banged one up Cassie for the city folk”


              • mez says:

                yes you can get 1000 but you have to strap a portaloo to your forehead and run around a paddock at midnight screaming “this will be the best night of my life! this will be the best night of my life! EVER!”


                • Richarbl says:

                  The only way we can get 1000 comments is by using our intellectual skills to engage in meaningful discussion about rural issues.

                  Or we can ask our cuntry friends to include their thoughts, and here are a couple from a Holden fan

                  i drive a ford falcon and that baby purrs like a kitten not like your shitbox lol”

                  fucking wankstar deluxe you are Ramble. Falcon that purrs like a kitten, eh? Yeah that’d suit ya, fucking pussy. Even if every Ford racing poofta died in the 1 plane crash, the values wouldn’t even twitch. I paid $7000 for my SS 5.0L in 1994 and it’s not even registered now and it’s insured for $25000. Stick that in yer pipe and smoke it. Although I suspect u prefer to smoke pole. You don’t even have any vid of your shitheap coz NOONE would watch! Stick to wot u know… masturbating.”

                  Pauline H would be proud of her little neonazis and to think she is leaving the cuntry.


    • G'day from WA says:

      But the real question is: how big are your tits?


    • Paracleet says:

      This looks suspiciously like fake retardation rather than actual retardation. At first Blush.


    • shazza says:

      I cannot understand why you country folk keep taking this thread out of context. The poster was the point.

      Though no one mentioned front stage fucking before. So it is about the rooting? Is that what you’re saying?


    • mez says:

      In response to a couple of your assumptions

      my background; Grew up in Western Suburbs of Perth, I have owned and driven utes most of my life (currently a Falcon BF), I have drunk copious amounts off piss.

      I have a job in the arts industry

      I have attended 2 (count ’em) BnS balls

      I am 40 and my marital status is none of your business. My mates have, at times, stretched the whole of WA.

      I would like to know where I can buy a car for under $200 and then would like to smash, burn and piss on it.

      I wish there was a wet t-shirt competition at the last BnFucknS I went to in Quairading (and please, please don’t try to correct my spelling there mUTHA) but sadly there was not. The girls serving beer through sheep drenching guns were nice though.

      I didn’t do any burnouts but two of my friends commandeered the double decker hire bus and did burnouts in the paddock. That was hilarious and everyone laughed.

      I did not get to have sexual intercourse mainly due to the fact that all my friends (good, clean living country folk) got in first and left me at the end of the night trying to save the poor bloke who was inside the upended porta-loo which was carried ritualistically through the BnFkinYeahS
      and dumped by the dam shitter end up. That was hilarious and everyone laughed.

      I agree that we should consider banning TV (and Xbox while we’re at it).

      Simple rule – don’t like it? Fuck off with Pauline Hanson then

      As I said earlier, I have attended a bnShitfacedS ball and I still don’t know what life is about – I must have missed that bit


  111. orbea says:

    Muresk is to be closed down. I blame the Inseminators Ball 09 Committee for this outrage. Rubber fetishists all of them.


  112. Cal says:

    What an astonishing display of quasi pseudo wit, a sluggish backstroke of utter intellectual mediocrity and a denigration of the Australian easy going acceptance of our sexuality and outback making our own fun.
    You poor desperate pontificators who ranted about the violence and objectification…what an embarrassment for you, if you only had the brain function and perception to realize it was a fucking symbolic cartoon.
    Or…if you like….a symbolic fucking cartoon.


  113. Pingback: Westminster Club | The Worst of Perth

  114. orbea says:

    How I love this thread.


  115. orbea says:

    Can this get to 1000 comments before September when the new ball happens?


  116. Karen says:

    Bahahahaha… you can tell you lot are closed minded city born and bred… you have lost your sense of humour amongst all that cement!!! Ummm really.. you are over analyaing a perfectly humourus poster… the picture isnt depicting some kind of assault.. its a cartoon to grab your attention… and your sense of humour… id feel sorry for you if i saw you at a bns with a dirty great v on your back… btw.. is there a date set yet for Inseminators 2010…?


  117. Pete says:

    Once upon a time (before safety Nazis made everyone wear them) I wore an orange shirt to work in the moinse. Because I’d come from the East, it had a big reflecto V on the back. Which totally confused the moiners when I told them it was so the aliens could see from space where to put the probe. Perhaps that’s what the V is for.

    Can’t believe this thread is still live, despite the brilliant Inseminator 2010 posters that should raise rurotard ire.


    • WAtching says:


      Where are the Rurotards.
      Too busy filling in Subsidy forms?


      • orbea says:

        The rurtards are struggling to understand the how-to-vote card, and why the Nationals TV advert shows a lot of gold being sent from Canberra back into the tip tray of a mine truck.

        Karen: “Why is Canberra subsidising miners again?”
        Darren: “Is this the Baby bonus form, why are they available in two colours? Are these blokes the sperm donors?”
        Karen: “Fuck I’m pissed hey, give us anudda Bundy and urine Dazza.”
        Darren: “That red haired chick looks like a lezza”


  118. Lisa says:

    as a bns goer and obviously a woman i understand the humour that goes into these pictures. and i hate the fact that people diss and moan and carry on about such events when they’ve never been and so they actually know nothing about them!.


  119. Pingback: Inseminators run to ground | The Worst of Perth

  120. Jess says:

    All you city dickheads need to stop reading into things so much and get a life.


    • dickheads? Not loosers?


    • WAtching says:

      I’m guessing you’re not from around here? Just for the record- I am perfectly comfortable with the fact that my tax dollars go towards supporting an army of rurotards, rooting, drinking, doing burnouts and being genrally ignorant.


      • I’d be happy for them to get a superphosphate bounty too.


      • skink says:

        there was a typical rurotard story on the news last night.

        it started by saying that the drought in WA was so bad that farmers are selling off their livestock.

        as the story unfolded it became clear that because of all the rain over east farmers over there were desperate for more stock and the price had gone up, and so WA farmers were cashing in and selling their stock to the eastern states. They were getting rid of stock during a drought but making top dollar in the process.

        The story did not mention that the price of meat was going up in local shops, but did bleat about meat packers running out of work.


        • orbea says:

          THEN the rurotard farmer union said they would be going to the government for assistance to start building up their sheep flocks after they’ve cashed in sending them east.
          The hayseeds have been accommodated to a life of handout and entitlement and a gerrymandered electoral system that reinforces it.


    • Bento says:



  121. Rolly says:

    ……”and get a life.”

    Catching up with the latest yank-speak are we?
    20 years after it became fashionable.

    You’d probably be surprised to know that many of us have rather interesting lives of our own and some even originate in the bush.

    Time to grow up a little and expand your horizons, methinks.


  122. Pingback: Inseminators 2011 Kern your tits off! | The Worst of Perth

  123. The Legend 101 says:

    Is the joke about Bento the rainmaker still going?


  124. The Legend 101 says:

    E.C.U is better then Curtin!


  125. orbea says:

    And October the 2015 version of this event kicks off


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