All time Most Popular Worsts

I response to a question, here is the list of all time most popular Worsts as of January 2009. Big movers, Miss Nude has no Nipple and Patti Chong real or Hoax. Another fast mover is Perth Beer Fest Blows, currently just out of the top ten. The brothel ones keep climbing slowly due to constant google search hits, which incredibly gets The Worst of Perth at number two on google searches for Perth brothel. Really! Try it. I predict Miss nude will keep moving up the charts for similar reasons. The Worst of Perth occupies several of the top ten google searches for Miss Nude Perth.

#1 Worst of The West Australian

#2 Fairax online launched

#3 The real brothel is here.

#4 The State Election 2008

#5 Alsatian Rampant

#6 Bad House, Bad Brothel

#7 Miss nude has no nipple

#8 Dead Parrot

#9 The Patti Chong Story

#10 When it all goes pear shaped

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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44 Responses to All time Most Popular Worsts

  1. Snuff says:

    Fine work, TLA, and guess which site the number one Google search result for “Public nude tranny bovine fisting bukkake” is?


  2. and I still dominate Perth’s worst anal


  3. Frank Calabrese says:

    Have you prepared the Worst Certificate to be presented to Paul Armstrong in honour of being the No 1 worst in Perth, as it was his editorship which has earned this “Honour”, along with special certificates for Sir Paul of The Nurries and Pamela Mosellas.


  4. You know, we haven’t really done much Pam recently.


  5. Frank Calabrese says:

    You know, we haven’t really done much Pam recently.

    And even though she is married to a respected cricket Journalist who has a regular guest spot on ABC local radio, she still bags the National Broadcaster.


  6. skink says:

    the trophy, the trophy


  7. Just to clarify, this is the list of the top ten posts as in clicked on. Only a couple of my own favourites in there.


  8. Frank, She-Ra vs Riddance? Non starter.


  9. Frank Calabrese says:

    Frank, She-Ra vs Riddance? Non starter.

    First Story – bit of a damp squid – Sattler frothing at the mouth about the Nortbridge link etc.

    No video, but link to transcript is here.


  10. David Cohen says:

    For God’s sake. Typical. None of my finely-crafted, intellectual, surfing-the-zeitgeist contributions are present.

    Do not make the mistake, TLA, of confusing popularity with quality. If you do, you run the risk of seeming like Domitian (who, you will recall, was condemned to oblivion by the Senate) at the Colosseum: pandering to the masses.

    This list is a Fucking Outrage. And I do not use that term willy-nilly.

    I will be posting my own Top Ten selection within the next 24 hours.


  11. Domitian? Fuck me down dead! You are well aware that I was born a Boethius man, and I’ll die a Boethius man.


  12. Frank Calabrese says:

    You are well aware that I was born a Boethius man, and I’ll die a Boethius man.

    And didn’t you say the same thing about Kingsley Koala ? :-)


  13. David Cohen says:

    Bah humbug. Careful or I’ll go all Vespasian on your asses…


  14. I did? Boethius vs Kingsley? Maybe I should take another look at Domitian.


  15. And yest Boethius and Kingsley do have a certain similarity careerwise no?

    The soul who pointed out the world’s dark ways,
    To all who listen, its deceits unfolding.
    Beneath Chanel Nine lies the frame
    Whence it was driven; from woe and exile to
    This fair abode of peace and bliss it came


  16. Rolly says:

    The most clicked upon does not make them the most popular; The most responded to qualify for that accolade.


  17. It’s an eclectic mix. Like the Movie Eclectic Blue. (Or am I thinking of I am Curious Yellow)? I don’t see Savage Bliss.


  18. skink says:

    are they all DFOC submissions?

    that truly is wince-inducing


  19. Frank Calabrese says:

    Proof that the Lazy Aussie pledged his loyalty to Kingsley Koala.

    March 17, 2008 at 2:04 pm The Lazy Aussie

    I was born a Kinglsey Koala man, and I’ll die a Kingsley Koala man.

    Squeezing his Kahunas


  20. David Cohen says:

    Gosh – they are all mine! What a coincidence!

    Bwa ha ha ha ha….


  21. Well I can pledge allegiance to kingsley and Boethius can’t I?


  22. David Cohen says:

    No man can serve two masters, LA.


  23. Cookster says:

    Where’s that friggen restaurant review Cohen?


  24. David Cohen says:

    Oh shit. sorry I forgot. spank me! I will send tonight.


  25. Snuff says:

    Fine detective work, Frank, but as TLA was cunningly “born a Kinglsey Koala man”, I bet Patti could get him off on a technicality.


  26. Ljuke says:

    Patti could get who off?


  27. David Cohen says:

    Sparkling first sentence on Patti’s blog today:

    Driving through Kings Park after last week’s devastating fire was like a surreal scene from one of those Hollywood movies of the lone survivor after earth had been burnt and decimated by some alien invasion.


  28. You have to be a special breed of cat to get me off.


  29. Bento says:

    I suspect Mr. Chong would most likely be cast as an alien, rather than the lone survivor.


  30. skink says:

    classic misuse of the word ‘surreal’

    it was not surreal, it was just disturbing

    it would have been surreal if a fish had been reading Breton’s poetry, or an elephant had walked past on stilts.

    Patti, as usually, is just arson about

    ceci n’est pas une pipe


  31. Bento says:

    Perhaps Patti phoned her story in on a lobster.


  32. Ljuke says:

    Perhaps the sun was chicken.


  33. David Cohen says:

    The Treachery of Patti’s Images.


  34. Frank Calabrese says:


    Aree you responsible for this on La Chong’s blog ? :-)

    * Bob
    * January 22, 2009
    * 02:35 PM

    what happened to King’s Park was bad, but what happened to my family was bad too.


  35. margeryx says:

    Frank – don’t make me go look at that blog again!

    So angry now – can’t believe she passed high school English.


  36. Adrian says:

    Kingsely Koala was shafted by Fat Cat you know.

    True story.

    I used to love that crazy big marsupial. Imagine my horror was a kid watching Kingsely invite “his good friend” Fat Cat over to “stay for a while”. The Cat arrived in style in the Channel Seven car park on a 50cc scooter.

    Within a couple of months Kingsely was “species deceases”, gone, NADA, airbrushed from history.


  37. Adrian says:

    Hang on, I think I might be getting Kingsley confused with Percy Penguin.

    I think Kingsely was a Ninester and Percy was Seven all the way.

    Either way that Cat was a Rat.


  38. Cookster says:

    Frank, no It wasn’t me – I haven’t even bothered to look at the Chong blog. She won’t be dragging my ISP address into her sullied courtroom.

    TLA, Teh Outrage?


  39. David Cohen says:

    Not me. But I see this comment is also there now:

    It put pressure on the bush far beyond what should have been put.


  40. I don’t deign (or even Dane) to comment on those blogs.


  41. Frank Calabrese says:


    Re Fat Cat boning Percy.

    Fat Cat was introduced via a “Biggest Cat Competition”, which was “won” by Percy who brought in his “Pet” Fat Cat. And the original Fat Cat Costume was an ugly looking thing as well and the suit has been modified over the years – the latest version looks like the poor feline has had botox done to the face.

    And as discussed on another thread – the cat is now being operated by a female, Vic Demised has mentioned many a war story with the original operator, who also worked as a Floor Manager at 7 – Fat Cat is now outsourced to an outside agency.


  42. adrian says:

    Frank, Aha!!! So my poor drug and alcohol addled memory hasn’t let me down!

    But make no mistake, that Cat definitely shafted poor old Perce as soon as he shored up the numbers.

    I mean, where is dear old Percy now?

    No doubt clinging to a fast diappearing ice floe somewhere in the Antarctic.


  43. The Legend 101 says:

    Good Work with Creating this. I love of theese articles thankyou for doing this list and BTW you and this list is Legandary The Lazy Aussie.


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