Weekend Worstoff 158

Dave P saw a meta-cock in Bunnings O’connor and an angry Jesus(?) bog roll holder.Several people sent me this. The first was The Colour H. Could have something to do with the “Climate Naturopath” Lord Monkfish being around, I don’t know.Bento chortles that the driver doesn’t know what downlow really means. Actually, neither do I. Highgate. Maybe Highgate means something rude too? I mean, High Gate eh?

And Cimbali saw that Victoria Park should expect miracles on Bourbon Street. Maybe Cash Twon can be raised from the dead? Worst well.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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42 Responses to Weekend Worstoff 158

  1. Pete says:

    I forget which post caused the formation of this but thanks any way Skink & TL101


  2. The Legend 101 says:

    What post is it Pete, sorry if it caused any trouble and also Who is Skink?


  3. Pete says:



  4. Snuff says:

    Angry Jesus ? What part of Do not feed the trolls don’t you understand ? It’s clearly TL101.

    I quite like Gina’s defecating Tonka toy. And on a vaguely vehicular related note, if it ever all gets too much, you might consider snacking here, adjacent to the parking lot of a driving school.


  5. sharon says:

    What the hell is going on with that Lords eyes?

    Fantastic array of worsts TLA. Any video footage gleaned from inside the healing malarkey would be gold.


  6. NF#1 says:

    That building on the corner of Fitzgerald and Newcastle is a worst in its own right – abysmal.


  7. JaneZ says:

    It’s kitty corner at the lights as you come off the GFF heading westish onto Newcastle St. It’s bluish, and there’s this horrible white pipe cladding diagonal grid stuff on it for decoration. Just horrible


  8. Bento says:

    Corner Newcastle and Fitzgerald. I think it’s Perth.


    • poor lisa says:

      Ah you’re right. It even says newcastle st on it. I was getting it mixed up with the building Janez is talking about which is equally horrible. THe Subaru impreza I LIKE.


      • Bag O'Turnips says:

        I’m waiting, in vain likely, for the day when an Impreza WRX driver will instead of making their car even more obnoxiously blingy with pretensions of high performance (neat straight out of the box is how I like ’em personally), would take off any standard accoutrements that indicate its muscularity, such as the low-profile rubber, big exhaust and aero kit, and bland it up, with maybe a white or beige paintjob, steel wheels with plastic wheel covers, a modest and quiet tailpipe and remove the WRX badges, to form the ultimate Q-car outside of a grandfatherly Toyota Cressida with a Supra drivetrain (easily fitted, as they are very closely related). Oh, and regular issue plates too.

        Now that would be a rebellious (under)statement.


  9. Lucky Star says:

    I’m sure the Subaru driver was just thinking of his lowered car when he picked the plate. Not the gay connotations. Or maybe he really does like keeping it on the downlow and he’s proud of it.


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