Outrage Sunday 99 creepshotting

I was south of Armadale, deep in banjo country, ready to squeal like a pig.shagtimeThis was closer to home. Surely the cost of Scott towels after a few days exceeds that of a new wiper?wiper1wiper2More worstness emerges about Jamie’s Kitchen. I’ve heard rumours Saturday night diners also steal the View-Master menus given to kids, but I don’t believe it. Who would be so callous? Speaking of food, Bento was pondering this for a Mother’s Day gift, but thought: ‘Am I the only one thinking it’s unusual timing for a promo on pressure cooking?’. chachingThat Bento: what a creepshotter. I am indebted to the Western Independent, the Curtin Uni student paper (and not worst), for learning a new word. Creepshots are pics of people taken without their consent or knowledge: enthusiasts speak of “creeportunities”. Sounds terrific! creepshotting

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8 Responses to Outrage Sunday 99 creepshotting

  1. Bill O'Slatter says:

    At this very University , if creeky old memory serves, a mere four years ago, the Lovers and Loppers website served up a delicious menu of creepshots. New ! New! New! In gerbalist circles this is called an angle. “For some time,lawyers and legal academics have been arguing that the law should recognises a right to sue and claim compensation……” pseudo legal claptrap ends here. Only in the olden days dude.


  2. Re viewmaster scandal. Follow the money.


  3. Pingback: Pressure cookery | The Worst of Perth

  4. Pingback: Battle of Wipers | The Worst of Perth

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