Weekend Worstoff 248

Outrage saw that Mark (The slightly damp teatowel) McGowan has rediscovered his country roots. Maybe you should have thought of the bumpkins before you based your entire campaign on a city slicker train set SDTT. Notice he’s getting out of the just knobbed hitchhiker side of the truck, not the driver’s side.weekmcg
Jaidyn-Jaxxon has been country worsting too, more of which I will show next week, but before that, he noticed the emasculation of men Newman style. New-man. They are probably cutoffs too.New_-Man_1
Nick Lord-Sole saw this charmer on Reid Highway. Let me guess, he shits on toys without tits?week248tits
Mark B saw it accross the road.week248accross
Worst well.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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3 Responses to Weekend Worstoff 248

  1. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Breaker one nine, breaker one nine this here is Sneakers McG do you copy?


  2. Shazza says:

    Is it just the Riesling or is this the best worsting in a while? “Just knobbed hitchhiker side”. I laughed.


    • skink says:

      he’s getting out of that door because he is, in every sense, a passenger.

      ‘if we’re going bush, should I wear the moleskins and the Blundys?’
      ‘yes, but leave the hat at home. Colin already owns the Asshole in the Akubra look.’


We can handle the worst