Rising Water The Review

OK, so Rising Water right. Essentially the play was a boring rambling bunch of nothing with a side order of stupid.Let’s call it “An aquatic Don’s Party 2”.Positives. The set was great. The play not so. A spirit child rowing a boat around for no reason, ridiculously reeling in a fish which turns into a kite. Groan. Lines like, “You’ve got to open the hatch to your heart and wait for a breeze.” Risible. Unexplained was why a red headed (supposed) lezzo is so interested in fat old bastard Baxter. Why are we concentrating on old bastard when there’s a water borne lesbian on hand? How is the topic of rooting underaged lactating schoolgirls rendered boring so easily?Why does the English backpacker spends most of the play lying on the deck wasted and wasted as a character. I can’t see any chance of it touring over east or anywhere, not just because of all the Perth references, but because it’s so fucking boring. 80s WA inc Perth references! London can’t wait.Ditch the play, keep the set. Strip out the Winton and drop in Titarse Andronicus and now you’ve got something.

But, whatever, now get this. Before it started, Tim was wandering around talking to Luke Longley and Woosha etc, looking of course like a slob in jeans, tshirt and sneakers. But when he comes out for the bow at the end, he’s got no fucking shoes on! At what point does he decide that the shoes have to come off? It was a fucking outrage and total posing. I’m wearing a hand tied bow tie and the cunt comes out in bare feet? Yes, I have already informed Occ Health and Safety. I was forced to delete some of my photos, so those I have left are not of good quality, but there is this blurry shot of Winton with shoes on.Some of my predictions came true too except John Howard not Kelso was the manatee..

The play is just devoid of anything actually interesting. Geoff(I’m still alive) Kelso’s character Col (Of course he’s called Col) has a few ok lines, but it’s such cliched larrikinism, that who cares?

Items of note: Woosha, Eric Ripper, Luc Longley, Max Kay. AC/DC shirt, Gday from WA shirt. Only set designers should see this play.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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395 Responses to Rising Water The Review

  1. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    Barefoot RU SERIOUS? Sounds awesome man


    • No just barefoot, but barefoot after actually having shoes on previously.


      • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

        Incredible! Just incredible!


      • hi gloss says:

        sorry to disappoint- Tim’s shoes were off because the hi gloss floor on the set would have scuffed otherwise.


        • He seemed to be the only one without shoes.


        • NF#1 says:

          Phwoar, he thought, me own play. Will have to make a speech after, take a bow. Might take me shoes off. More comfortable that way, with the familiar feel of wood – high gloss or not – underfoot. More like stepping onto a spray-whipped Dunsborough jetty than into the harsh limelight. And even if that imagined jetty turned out to be a gangplank, he had the balmy surge of his audience’s adulation to fall into…


          • John Howard says:

            dear NF#1 yet another jealous anonymous comment…from your missive I can tell that you have a way with words…bravo…I enjoyed your invective…but perhaps it betrays a touch of the green eyed monster…No…? Why don’t you write 20 odd novels and , more to the point, get them published.


        • I get the feeling I’ll never be disappointed by Tim. Unlike the baking hot Christmas days when the magpies chiaked behind the oleanders and we had to pretend to like the gifts of polyester blend underwear…


        • I call the black tshirt, jeans and no shoes as total posing. It’s about as authentic as wearing a monocle with plain glass in it.


        • orbea says:

          I call bullshit on that, converse soles would scratch high gloss? His toenails and heel barnacles would have scratched the floor more than the cons


        • poor lisa says:

          Sounds like bullshit to me too.
          Stagehands electricians carpenters painters etc not allowed to wear shoes on the stage? MEAA and Worksafe might have a view on that.


          • John Howard says:

            Por Lisa…the floor is a mirror…noone wears shoes on it…noone…love john Howard aka “Baxter” in the play…


            • poor lisa says:

              So one person says the floor is hi gloss (whatever that means). Another says it’s a mirror (meaning glass?). One says only Tim wore no shoes. Another says everybody on stage wore no shoes, including people whose job should require them to wear enclosed shoes. Nothing about this play adds up. Like that poor little bugger Gary Grubsome who never had his neck washed or his clothes ironed, and sat scratching his nits up the back of old Bumless Bishop’s apple-stinking hot maths class through the torpid Leederville afternoons, rising with resignation to get the cane across his palm, grimed like the courses of rivers dried in the heat of too many quintessentially west australian summers….


        • RubyRuby says:

          Hi gloss – an attempt to polish a turd?

          Seriously – amazing set, wonderful lighting, sound great, actors fantabulous.

          But as a playwright, Winton makes a competent novelist…


        • The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

          “Tim’s shoes were off because the hi gloss floor on the set would have scuffed otherwise.”

          I live six billion miles away, never heard of this idiot and even I know that’s bullshit.

          Is he also wearing one of those rancid little ponytails?


          • Ohhhh yes. Ponytail greased up like the cold chips at the bottom of the cup on those bright winter days when we would huddle at the bus stop…


            • The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

              Why would a set have a hi-gloss floor?

              Wouldn’t the actors already have scuffed it during the performance? Were they all barefoot too?

              What the hell kind of idiot defends a clear act of wankery from a truly world-class wanker on an anonymous satirical message board?

              The sort of idiot who Google-searches his own name the day after his play opens, opens like the Western Australian Eastern horizon, cascadant with sunlight, shot through with the fruity bark of the kookaburra and the clanging and the twanging and the jangling of the surf and the soft thud-thud of the drop bear?

              That kind of idiot?


              • No the floor was the “water”, so they didn’t walk on it during the performance. But the barefootery was totally unnecessary.


              • RubyRuby says:

                Truly amazing set, Barkeep, multi level, multi layered, just like the metaphors and similes of the dialogue were meant to be.

                As TLA says, set designers should really go and have a look. Maybe take an iPod to listen to something good as they see the crazy effects of the light off the hi gloss lower level “water” create its own magic. Truly a visual extravaganza, if only His Timness had been less self-conscious about being “literary” and a “living National Treasure” with it all.

                Tim – loosen up, mate. Cut the hair, put on some shoes and maybe a shirt and tie. Go wild, try wearing a suit. NOT A BAG OF FRUIT, a suit. Live a little. Maybe get a job in a bank. Or as a penpusher in the public service. Take some of the pressure off yourself.


                • You know you actually could produce Tightarse Andronicus on that set. Severed heads, rapings, tongues being torn out. I can see it working.
                  I’m thinking Cherry Orchard, Dolls House, Godot. All would work. Oh Calcutta. Even Eqqus (with dolphins as the horses). They’d all work better than rising water.


              • Pete says:

                ‘soft thudthud of the drop bears’ Classic work bartender.


              • John Howard says:

                An idiot who didn’t understand the set…the floor is glass…nobody walks on it with shoes on… it’s a mirror surface… even I can’t walk on it with shoes on…John Howard…Baxter in the play…why don’t you guys think before you sound off…do you imagine we don’t anticipate these production problems…?


                • The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

                  Then why not anticipate the post-performance problems and realize: “Hey…the playwright is going to do a bow after the final curtain and will look like a wankstain if he does it barefoot–let’s have him wear slippers or suggest that he acknowledge the reason why he’s taken his shoes off.”

                  Assuming you are who you say you are then this is not your responsibility. But please. Post-production press doesn’t write itself.


                • The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

                  Oh….and if you really are who you say, then you also are the sort of idiot who Google-searches his own name the day after his play opens, etc.


                  • I think it’s quite normal to search for reviews after opening night, but the horror of seeing The Worst of Perth review at the top of most searches would be a little difficult ti swallow.


                    • Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

                      A professional stage actor I know once told me that the going rule is never to read the reviews until the play has closed – and that he personally never read reviews of his current play until he’d secured a role in the next one.

                      Which, for the purposes of securing both your professional distance from the press and your own peace of mind on and off stage seems like good advice.


          • John Howard says:

            Can you make a good whiskey sour? If you can I am your lover.


        • vegan says:

          the entire cast were barefoot?


      • Marsh says:

        Grow up buddy, you have seriously talked about this barefoot topic for a couple of hundred comments, why dont you focus on the pros and cons of the play itself??


    • naf says:

      this is a very clever and entertaining play well done ……..
      shoes or no shoes who cares………


    • Marsh says:

      I saw the play not long ago. I found myself falling asleep listening to the back and forth one liners, some ok but mainly pathetic jokes and the accent and speech of the English backbacker was literally painful.
      On another note, how can you guys discuss the issue of Tim not wearing shoes for many hundreds of comments -_-Its not a big issue, grow up. (THE LAZY AUSSIE MAINLY!!!!!)


      • Dude, it ALLLLLLLLLLLL about the shoes. The whole thing turns on the shoes. Without the shoes it’s just an aquatic Don’s Party 2.


      • RubyRuby says:

        Hey Marsh, nice to see your considered criticisms here.

        Point about the accent of the English backpacker – it was painful, that’s how they talk in Finsbury Park. Winton’s chosen something that is intrinsically not beautiful to further hammer through some uncomfortable home truths.

        Unfortunately it was the totally spot on accent work that made the character of the pisshead girl so successful… So, why waste her lying on a deck for so long?


  2. orbea says:

    720 Geoff is wanking himself into a stupor over this right now 11.30am
    fap fap fap


  3. poor lisa says:

    “You’ve got to open the hatch to your heart and wait for a breeze”? Is that real?


  4. vegan says:

    saw a g’day from wa t-shirt being worn in the supermarket the other day. must be making a comeback.


  5. Ljuke says:

    Trying to decide if “flabbergasted” or “aghast” is the right word…


  6. RubyRuby says:

    I thought you also liked the Bintang singlet? The lighting at the back of the stage was a bit glorious, and I really liked the effects of the drowning scene, but the voiceover of the girl’s thoughts was naff and irrelevant to anything else. And then, somehow, she wasn’t dead? Wired. And possibly gaint.


  7. langhorne87 says:

    Hand tied bow tie, I am impressed.


  8. sharon says:

    Barefoot? Maybe wearing shoes was giving him blisters, after all he’d be used to stilts.
    Have to admit interviews about the premise of the play Ive read previously have shat me to tears. Was it as anti yacht club as it seemed in the previews?


  9. The Legend 101 says:

    Whats with you and Lezzo People? T.L.A youve been making fun of them alot lately and thats probally why you put this article here.


  10. rottobloggo says:

    Are they Converse?

    I’ll head down to Lindy Rosenwax: bet you they’re there…


  11. BrownBook says:

    Was Our Patti there?


  12. And noone is going to mention the turnups?


  13. orbea says:

    720 this morning there’s a facebook group trying to get Atlantis restarted, and anonymous employee said the ex-atlantis dolphins died at Hillarys cos they were poisoned
    Then Mark McGowan phoned up and said he heard nothing about getting Atlantis in Rockingham. Weird.

    Well shit Mark, get your mates and a ute and dig up the sculptures and bring the vibrancy


  14. GWS says:

    I think your best work yet LA.


  15. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    Am I wrong in thinking that the really mammoth threads always seem to be Winton threads? Is it the case that everyone’s got a bone to pick, like that old heeler used to lie around in the shade from Len’s trailer on one of them tawny April arvoes when the sun-swept dust just used to hang there like sputum on the sands and we’d sit and wait and watch the children down where the surface meets the sea as they’d straggle and squeal in those untempered Antarctic currents we’d all get back then on them days like those and after days and days and what seemed like years of dry dirt and drought we’d be grateful just for little moments exactly such as this, when everything seemed like it’d seemed that way forever and always would?


  16. Winton’s play has received mixed reviews in the local press as DFOC can attest. A thumbs down from the Success Libertard ” set sail for fail”, but a thumbs up from the Mirrabooka Looker and the Darch Examiner. Nothing but banjos has been heard from the offices of the Armadale Yodeler.


    • Jezza says:

      Any scrivening tool knows that you should never write a play with the words ‘rising’ and ‘water’ in the title. What are the reviewers gonna say, even if it IS good (and I’m sure that it ain’t.) What reviewer could go past the obvious ‘Rising Water Sinks Like a Stone’? Or, the beautifully cliched, ‘Rising Water Leaks Like a Sieve’? Or – ‘Water always Rises before the Flush is Finished’ or some such shite.


      • John Howard says:

        Jezza, How can you say that ” I’m sure that it ain’t” if you haven’t seen it? I’m in it and I’ve been in a shitload of plays in my 30 odd years of acting…and I reckon it’s a very good play. please explain to me why you don’t.


        • The Bartender's skills with a Manhatten says:

          Really? A “shitload?” Well hell’s bells, that inspires confidence in your taste.


    • poor lisa says:

      Goddamn Bill O’Slatter that’s funny.


    • orbea says:

      Incorrect, the only sound coming from the Armahole Self-Exminer is the bubble from the bong


    • Ljuke says:

      Russell Crowe is The Darch Examiner. Based on the popular website, “Rate my Poo”.

      Quick, someone get scrivening!


  17. John Howard says:

    What is wrong with you people? Why do you bash local artists who can bring more cred to Perth and WA ? Don’t you realise that everyone of you who gains international recognition brings more attention on your city and on all artists from the city…don’t you realise that rhe world already knows about you …that the world is already interested…ask anyone in serious IT…design, art, performance, painting, you name it…dance…for f#ks sake get on with it…stop carping…you are already part of the world culture…just do it…


    • We will decide which out of state artists grace our stages, and the manner of their entree.


    • Rolly says:

      Some of the people genuinely interested in culture and art would seriously challenge the concept of ‘world recognition’. it most generally means a pale imitation of something imported from elsewhere.
      Originality and creativity must be eked out in small doses to people, otherwise cultural reflux occurs, spewing the products of our greater minds before the feet of rampant commercialism and petty parochialism.
      So, if you ever come up with something seriously original, you have to administer it in small spoonsful to the cultural scene; winging it so dangerously low under the radar of imitative mediocrity that you are in danger of colliding with the tiny towers of critique that pass for informed review.
      “Cast ye not Pearls before Swine”
      Especially those who always have their ‘snouts in the trough’.


    • I think every other review has agreed with me. Nice set, shame about the play.


    • poor lisa says:

      Dude, some of us just think Tim Winton’s writing is overhyped, cliched and deeply embarrassing.


    • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

      Don’t wanna admit it’s shitty, so instead I’ll keep hintin’,
      The whole world’s heard of Perth now, and it’s all down to Winton
      You probably think I’m mad, but I’ll repeat my claim,
      His brand of vapid horseshit is our town’s ticket to fame

      I don’t know why I’m starring in a Winton
      I’m clutching at straws, defendin’ Winton

      If I’ve been typecast as an old fart, well you won’t hear me complain
      My career’s depended on the public’s appetite for lame
      It’s so easy to embrace such cheap parochiality
      Once you’ve mingled with the very best of Perth’s literati

      I don’t know why I’m starring in a Winton
      I’m plumbing new depths in service of Winton


  18. Pingback: Outrage Sunday Nein | The Worst of Perth

  19. Raquel says:

    Sorry ‘WORST OF PERTH’ loved the play, laughed a lot at the Perth ‘jibes’ so funny especially to a Perth born & bred girl. Stage design spectacular – acting superb and all held within the opulantly understated Heath Ledger Theatre – a real treat! Well done Tim Winton, cast & crew – thoroughly enjoyed!


  20. Grasshopper says:

    Sorry guys, I haven’t read through the thread so far. Just one question: who was that fat old git with the scruffy hair who played that pedophile principal guy? It’s bad enough security didn’t stop that burnt-out old drugged-out hippie from clambering up on stage at the end – he wasn’t even wearing any shoes for crying out loud, some people have no respect – but seriously, I thought someone’s senile grandpa had gotten lost and was sleazing onto the lead actress.
    Won’t somebody please think of the children?


  21. Yeast Coast says:

    Would have thought the bad accents and spotless dungarees of Cloudstreet were warning enough for the sane.


  22. orbea says:

    Happy Birthday Tim Winton
    Love ya work


    • I’m worried that this will peter out at only 250 comments. Perhaps management has said to JH “Ixnay on the antingray. You’re just giving these haters oxygen.” (or perhaps methane.).


  23. H. says:

    It’s actually amazing how much negative energy you all put into slagging off Tim Winton. If you didn’t like the play then no worries. Be critical, that’s fine, that’s what happens. But the childish and vicious personal attacks are just embarrassing. It is so easy is to sit there and hound someone who is putting their energy into being creative. Tim has stepped out of his comfort zone and written a play. What have you put your time and energy into? Following all his works and proceeding to tear it to shreds with your online accomplices? Wow. What a fucking amazing ambition. You all deserve a medal. It’s sad to think that while you’re trying to be creative or artistic and make something your own, there are groups of people like yourselves who willingly avoid just being constructive or critical. It’s about making sure that everyone knows that you hate him and that they should too. To the point where you have a “Wintoning Project”? And the way you all high-five each other while doing it is beyond me. How messed up is is that? And all because of what? You had to study his books in school? Or because you don’t like his ponytail? Because he didn’t dress as well as you did on the opening night? Grow a pair. You sound like bored teenagers. And you might be, it’s hard to tell with bloggers. Also, why did you see the play? I’d be surprised if you went because you thought you might enjoy it. I imagine it was so that you could add to your “Wintoning” collection. The fact that people spent most of this topic bitching about how he didn’t wear shoes on stage, or thinking up new ways to poke fun at Tim makes you look so immature and desperate. It’s comforting to think that this site is only really made up of a few bitter people that seem to have nothing else to do. I think you knew that this was the case when you created it though. Thank god I don’t know you people in real life. This place really is the worst of Perth.


    • rottobloggo says:

      I would quite like a medal.

      What can we strike for ourselves?

      The Sunny Vibrant KPI?


      • orbea says:

        H – Is Tim a wanker for wearing shoes and then taking them off when on stage? Or not?
        H – how do you ‘know’ you don’t know the TWOP ppl IRL?
        H – Can my medal be made of the metal from the inside lid of a 1kg milo tin please, and dont worry about engraving it, I only need a pen and an audience, just like you.
        The SV KPI Liberation Army Front of Darch


    • Bento says:

      You forgot to say ‘loosers’ and ‘get a life’, but you did do the standard riff on ‘you are the worst of Perth’ and ‘you don’t create anything, you just criticise’, so I’ll give you an 8.7. Good work, but I’ve read better.


    • You mean grow a pair of shoes?
      These are always so heartfelt aren’t they?
      “Also, why did you see the play? I’d be surprised if you went because you thought you might enjoy it. I imagine it was so that you could add to your “Wintoning” collection.” Dude, seriously. Low blow.
      “Thank god I don’t know you people in real life.” Dream on sweetie.
      “Tim has stepped out of his comfort zone and written a play.” No I think it was the same comfort zone he’s always been in.


    • NF#1 says:

      Lucky he didn’t see this one.


    • Grasshopper says:

      “And all because of what?”
      Because I loved him once, and he broke my heart.

      What, just the fact that he’s a terrible writer isn’t enough for you?
      Also, your mum is truly the worst of Perth.


    • langhorne says:

      ‘comfort zone’ ? ‘grow a pair’ ?


    • B.T. says:

      yeah yeah, yeah, We’ve heard it all before, as in:

      “This is my husbands truck….. So tell me what, “nerd or Geek” goes around our city looking for unusual and strange “things” and thinks it’s so cool and funny, at someone’s else’s expense. You are a sad bunch of lonely twats!!!!!

      PS yes my husbands truck is poor but he earns a F##K load more money than you will ever see in your life time!!! Not you Greg. CHEERS”


    • Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

      As I don’t live in Perth can I be the Worst of East 39th Street?


    • H. You weren’t in the play by any chance? This has the mixture of ego and inadequacy you’d expect from a board treading thespian.


  24. Rebalehan says:

    …and it’s cracked 250


  25. Mike Rithkin says:

    Lazy you’re an absolute wanker. Tim is a champion and could have walked out there in a bluey and boardies for all i care. His contribution to environmental causes alone earns him that right. I went last night and saw it and was impresssed. Sure the dialogue was a bit much at times but it’s his first go.


    • sharon says:

      Hahahahaha aaahhhhh hahahahah or ROFL as the kids say. Fantastic.


    • poor lisa says:

      Bluey and boardies.
      Now why didn’t I think of that, he mused as he jammed his toes into the converse knockoffs he’d found on a stall in the station markets, where once he and Beccy’d wandered palm in sweaty palm, eating greasy noodles from the old Chinaman’s stall in heady anticipation of …


    • If I was establishing a dugong sanctuary in Hyde Park, I’d still wear shoes. There is no environmental or charity activity that would offset that ponytail.


    • rottobloggo says:

      Yes Lazy: you’re a champion wanker. Your contribution to kerning causes means you can never wear Dolce & Gabbana singlets again. I am not impressed with your first-go mojitos as you sure put too much mint in. Have a good hard look at yourself – cheers.


    • orbea says:

      yeah Lazy you wanker, its Tim’s first go at getting his writing in front of an audience, cut him some slack

      Mike – do you theatre much? and not just Fest of Perth Shakespeare gone wife-beater Bollywood


  26. I am actually going to be speaking at the Tim Winton lecture theatre today. Wearing shoes.


  27. Lynn says:

    Thought the play was brilliant.
    What’s the problem with shoes, or lack thereof? I won’t be bothering to come near this website again – tedious.


  28. I think opens in melb this week. Hope to see a review that calls it “An aquatic Don’s Party 2”.


  29. Unless I’m one of the high flyers, no mention of me. Outrage! No mention of shoes either.


    • rottobloggo says:

      The literary terrorists have won.


      • RubyRuby says:

        “I look back over the work for 30 years and I think, ‘God, where are they getting the idea that I’m safe?”

        We didn’t say “safe”. We said “predictable”.


    • Rolly says:

      He “fessed up” and subsequently declared that marine parks are “massively overdue”.
      What ever happened to the English language?
      He is neither an Adirondack hillbilly nor does tardiness have any weight to it.
      I didn’t do any more nit-picking as I had to rush to the bog to vomit.


    • poor lisa says:

      An embarrassment of riches.
      Our camus in tshirt and thongs.
      Bittersweet. etc.

      Really, he had to “move up to” “the city” from Freo? I’ll grant Freo’s another planet, but it’s still just a half hour drive or train ride away.


      • Did it say he had a “ruttish smell”? can’t remember.


      • poor lisa says:

        He crossed the bent boards of the front verandah, faded and salt-cracked from 102 summers in the baking Fremantle heat and fullon blasts from the doctor. Before he descended the steps he stopped and gazed back at the brine-marinated weatherboards, Tibetan prayer flags batting at his face like a swarm of flies in a layby on the Great Northern when you feasted on your sweaty polony sangers and warm bottle of Weaver & Lock after dad stopped the HJ after one too many “Dad are we there yet?”s. I’ll there yet you, he’d grunted affectionately and stopped the car and got out the igloo from the creaking boot.

        Phwoar, this is it, he told himself. If I can make it there I’ll make it anywhere. It’s goodbye to old smalltown Freo with its 500 funky cafes, gourmet burger restaurants, working port, 10 microbreweries, nightclubs, converted warehouse apartments, Domes, university, cinema complex, Myer store, Library, homeopathy clinics, nascent small bar scene, football oval, homewares shops, four star hotels and major teaching hospital. Going to the big city up the line, way inland where the briny winds didn’t reach, choked by uncaring crowds of big city slickers, his soul would cry out every restless night he spent in a serviced apartment for his sleepy unpretentious hometown so far away, but he’d have to grit his teeth and stick it out in Perth for a couple of weeks in order not to commute for an hour a fucking day like thousands of others manage to do. For becky’s sake.


    • Pete says:

      Pert NOW? what about the qantas link I sent. harumph. Good day sir! I say Good Day!


  30. Jeez Louise says:

    Whatever happened to Weaver and Lock?


  31. Has it opened Melbourne yet? Haven’t seen a review. The searches are annoyingly clogged with my own posts.


  32. Sancho says:

    Saw Rising Tide at a preview in Melbourne last night. Cloudstreet is just about The Great Australian Novel. But this play wouldn’t have got the funding for it’s magnificent set if it didn’t have the Tim Winton name attached. It played like a writing excercise for someone’s first effort at a play.
    Drop the Kid, or have him do/say something usefully related to the story. Maybe work out what it is you’re trying to say. Is it something about Australia Day, or about the marginal people who inhabit marina caravan parks? About lives flittered away as you get older? The floating Lesbian is a bit of titallation or easy cliche? If the former then have her get her kit off.
    And I agree, Tim needs to be a candidate for a makeover in Queer Eye for a Straight Guy.


  33. Jeremy Andrews says:

    Ironic that Tim Winton is accused of posing – and then I read these comments, many from people who haven’t seen the play, interested in nothing other than ‘Aren’t I clever’. Even a statement from one of the actors can’t burst the bubble.

    Ironic that people say they fell asleep/nearly fell asleep and then complain it didn’t make sense.

    Here’s a clue or three – go to see a play if you’re going to contribute to ‘reviews’. Stay awake with an engaged brain if you want to go beyond the superficial. If you’re mainly interested in looking at the playwright’s feet, stay home.

    I didn’t think it was perfect and in particular thought the boy and boat unnecessary but otherwise the play had a lot more to offer than is suggested here. The audience on the night I saw it agreed.

    If you haven’t read any Tim Winton, don’t start with Breath which has a limited target audience. I realise it’s short so if you can’t read a big book like Cloudstreet, maybe start with ‘That Eye the Sky’. Don’t read him at all if you’re so cool and picky you can’t manage Magic Realism and just want to know about his footwear. Don’t read him at all if you have some inexplicable need to dislike him.

    Like John Howard, presumably, I reached here looking for reviews. Although I called it inexplicable, through all the words what I see is ‘green eyes’, ‘Tall Poppy’ and a void where ideas and genuine thought should be. I see Tim Winton barefoot all the time in Fremantle and would rather read about the play than his feet, so now I’m off to look for a real one and some fresh ideas rather than the stereotyped posing here.

    I can see why this is called The Worst of Perth’. I couldn’t agree more.


  34. skink says:

    Melbourne Age review is in:

    “struggling to stay afloat.’ and lots of other Wintonesque nautical motifs

    “It’s a sinker, and you can only wish that it went down, as one character quips, ”like a bag of cats”.



  35. Pingback: Outrage Sunday 15 Modern Manners | The Worst of Perth

  36. vegan says:

    crikey says ‘The set is brilliant, the acting top-notch and the script is hilarious, writes Suzannah Marshall Macbeth.’



  37. RubyRuby says:

    Returning to normal, non-dogging programming, here is another review of the Melbourne run:


    TLA suddenly looks quite generous in his appraisals.


  38. Nigester says:

    Spot on. We left Melbourne performance at interval but would have left earlier had we not been stuck in middle of row next to someone who had fallen asleep.


  39. skink says:

    another review:

    ‘Where the play runs aground is its tendency to interrupt itself with heavily sentimental stage gestures and monologues.’

    ‘Pray, Mr. Winton, what precisely is the “sound of green”? Or even the “smell of sunlight”? Why, I put it to you, Sir, that this is nothing but rhetorical synesthesia gone mad!’



  40. Jessie Black says:

    Is it Tim Winton walking on water perhaps?
    I saw the play last night and I like this review. I guess I say that because I agree with most of what it has to say. Judging from the lacklustre applause at the end the audience last night would also have agreed. I’ve had more interesting round robin conversations and family gatherings. And I don’t like speeches that dish the dirty out on white Anglo Saxon types. I’ve heard them before, they’re almost cliche, except that they are old and tired and not true. Sorry for the actors who were terrific.


  41. rottobloggo says:

    This is up for a Best New Play gong: I bet it will win and you will be exposed as a looser TLA…



    • RubyRuby says:

      We gave the First Family a book that features a character who’s heavily into the old strangle-shag, then? Sure that’d be a good bed time story for the girls… Do you reckon anyone in Canberra has read these books, or did they just see the gold sticker on the cover? Hmm…


    • valerie woodruffe says:

      Excuse me I’m going to vomit. Sickofants all of them


  42. Pingback: The Best Worsts of 2011 | The Worst of Perth

  43. RubyRuby says:

    My sources tell me that Le Winton was at Black Swan’s production of Hilary Bell’s The White Divers of Broome on Friday night. My sources have been suitably reprimanded for not taking note of (presence/absence of) footware.


  44. Pingback: Winton’s Signs of Life, The Review | The Worst of Perth

  45. Zuben says:

    I was at first night for this play ! It was the only live theatre performance on which I ever walked out before the interval . So I missed the author s bare feet but saw them next day in the news . It wasn’t v convincing .


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