Burnt chicen

No food, fast or otherwise, at this desolate Alexander Heights scene. Even I am too sensitive to post a close-up of the carbonised playground.




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61 Responses to Burnt chicen

  1. RJ says:

    Wait so are you guys open or not?


  2. rottobloggo says:

    Do you take EFTPOS?


  3. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    Alexander Heights
    Residents demand new taste:
    What? “Charcoal Chicen.”


  4. rottobloggo says:

    Disabled parking
    Lost its ooster: where do they
    Go for breast or leg?


  5. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    Some must win, some lose
    Franchise game of hawks and doves
    Or is that chickens?


  6. edwarddebozo says:

    That’s my local. Been there for almost a year. I gave up smoking round about then. Fun to park in the Blue bay just coz u can.


    • RubyRuby says:

      The most disturbing part is the length of time that it’s been in this condition. I don’t know where my head was at, but about 6 months after the fire I tried to use the drive through order facility, somehow assuming that they would have fixed it/replaced it/been back in business by then. I would like to add that it was dark and that there are days that I retreat into my happy place inside my head instead of using visual cues such as, well, what you can see in the above photos. AH shopping centre is an odd place. The good bit is that I have never heard the v-word used in association with it.


  7. The Legend 101 says:

    Any the any photo’s of the chicken i had a thought that maybe it’s KFC.


  8. RubyRuby says:

    Noticed who placed this post… “The Dee-Fock Redemption”?


  9. Lucky Star says:

    A fine worst. It warms the cockles of my little black heart to see one of these fitters and turners destroyed. I like how the name just peters off mid-word.


  10. BrownBook says:

    I miss my cheesy nuggets. Solid cholesterol.


  11. Ljuke says:

    This only lends credence to our suspicions that RR is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. How else has it stayed in business?


  12. The Legend 101 says:

    Red rooster that explains alot and its in not Alexander Heights its Mirrabooka, Near my house OMG!.


  13. having this dribble removed from internet publications would be a wonderful innovation and giant step for mankind. is it possible that somebody could attend to such removal? reward offered – a gold plated donut hole.


  14. JaneZ says:

    I think the emergence of Abs is one of the best things that happened in 2011


  15. Pingback: Outrage Sunday 36 the fuzzy in the wuzzy | The Worst of Perth

  16. Pingback: Outrage Sunday 55 chicen à la Greacque | The Worst of Perth

  17. Pingback: Outrage Sunday 97 Kewdale burial | The Worst of Perth

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