Rock & Roll Mafia Hookers

Another from Osborne Park specialist Vic Demised who went outside his discomfort zone to Stuart Street Tuart Hill for this. I’ll assume it’s pro mafia Vic?** Ok, I’ll see your Mafia and raise you another footpath manifesto from Stirling street Highgate. From what I could decipher, written is, “A Mum’s bum, Hookers, Rock and Roll Man, Mal 4 Steph, Porn, Kiss Rocks, Maggies, something about cunts, and Kristen.”

A mum’s bum? You wouldn’t get this shit when we had honest square paving slabs. Interestingly the arrows pointing to hookers points to where I observed an intoxicated prostitute arguing with an intoxicated resident on Stirling street not so long ago.

**Please refrain from making comments ascribing mafia tendencies to any individual or organisation.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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27 Responses to Rock & Roll Mafia Hookers

  1. Juffy says:

    That’s “Ya mums bum”, LA. Deplorable lack of apostrophe, too.


  2. Oh that’s a “Y”. I thought it was a kiss.


  3. vic demised says:

    Good to see all those family values set in concrete.

    Pro-mafia, I’m not sure about, LA. I had to wash the blood off to get a decent shot. (As in photo)

    Stirling Street is/was a renowned hooker beat in Highgate.

    Love the “Maggets” at the top of the shot. Is that a misspelling of “maggots” or “Margetts”?


  4. I assumed it was Maggies as in Collingwood


  5. Bento says:



  6. Collingwood supporters are not known for their spelling. I still say Maggies.


  7. vic demised says:

    I dunno, LA, I reckon the “Hookers” with the arrows either side is related to the “Maggets”. I think what they are trying to say is “Prostitutes feed off the rotting corpse of suppressed sexuality” -though there was obviously not enough fresh concrete for that.

    Maybe it’s a misspelling of “Magnets?” Then the message would be “I find prostitutes attractive” or “prostitutes attract”


  8. Snuff says:

    It’s a veritable Rosetta Stone. Nice one, TLA.

    p.s. My best mate here has just moved to Adachi-ku, so a pilgrimage to Belmont Park is definitely on the itinerary.


  9. Bento says:

    Maybe it’s more sinister than we thought.

    ‘Hookers’ in fact refers to Joe Hockey. ‘Maggets’ could be Dee Margetts. ‘Steph’ = Stephen Smith, and ‘Mal’ is clearly Malcolm Turnbull. These may be references to some sort of secret alliance, which our Freemason-spotting friend could perhaps shed some light upon.

    ‘Rock and Roll Man’ is obviously Peter Garrett.

    And ‘Your mums bum’ is without doubt a reference to Troy Buswell.



  10. And KISS would be Kevin Rudd in the service of Satan?


  11. Bento says:

    And ‘something about cunts’ is presumably a reference to the Council of the Town of Vincent.


  12. Ljuke says:

    That top one was the last thing someone did before they died right there on the footpath. They were just about to name the hitman.


  13. michael says:

    stirling st highgate is a notorious street-walker red light district…and its where i live.
    this piece of graffiti with ‘hookers” (and arrows pointing south) also has “‘man hors”‘ (man whores? with arrows pointing to the northern end of the street) but this isn’t in the picture
    a kerb-crawler’s mud-map perhaps? i love this wet cement artistry :)


  14. Pingback: Concrete Boots « The Worst of Perth

  15. victoria says:

    are there any red light districts in victoria park?
    what streets are active still active now?


  16. andrew says:

    Does anyone know Tia or Vannessa Hollingway from Stirling Street


  17. bobo says:

    All rubbish i live in that area for 29 years.


  18. The Legend 101 says:

    Lots of new members to this site lately, Welcome to you all!


  19. Pingback: Prise the towel from my cold dead willie | The Worst of Perth

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