Labrador Nominees

(Once again, sorry if I haven’t got to everyone’s suggestions yet. I have so many stacked up, particularly bad public art and bad houses to get to. Those Italians were busy in the 70’s weren’t they? I appreciate all the wonderful comments and worst sightings. Will get to all eventually. Thx Lazy Aussie).


Guest Post By Tom from Eating WA Tom says…

This is on great eastern highway in Rivervale, I lived across the road for about 9 months before I realised it wasn’t actually abandoned and is actually a restaurant inside. The circular sign on the front has been broken for years, and no longer lights up, so the only signage are the Chinese characters at the front and a sign saying FULLY LICENSED. the funny thing is, it’s really quite expensive – I live across the road and never eat there because places in northbridge are a lot better value.Wouldn’t they want some signage to get the motel people in there? so weird – it’s a big mystery.



Obviously if you can’t afford it Tom, you must be in the grotty old apartments across the road rather than the ritzy new ones right? This is an interesting place. It has been there forever. When I was a kid, they used to put protective cages around the lions. I think people used to smash them or steal them. What you didn’t mention was that it is run by Labrador Nominees. Why not call it “Where’s my cat? Nominees”? Good thing it’s not a Korean restaurant eh? Thanks Tom. I’ve got a feeling you have more worst in you. Don’t be a stranger.

By the way, the Chinese doesn’t say Jumbo either, it says Rare Treasure Restaurant.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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14 Responses to Labrador Nominees

  1. thewinchester says:

    I work just down the road from this place, and I too also thought it was abandoned until recently. Let’s just say I’ve seen the menu and I wouldn’t let my cat eat there… on the off chance it was actually on the menu.


  2. Adam says:

    woh Jumbo!
    Used to go there many many years ago. I too thought it was gone by now! hha :D


  3. Bento says:

    One of many Chinese restaurants whose survival is more likely due to an illegal gambling ring out the back, rather than the #32 with blackbean sauce out the front.


  4. That’s funny Bento. Check the policy page. You need to be clear that this is a joke. Seriously though, it is interesting with restaurants in China. Ritzy appearance is not necessarily connected with reputation. It is a concept that Australians don’t always understand. This place still has a very loyal Chinese clientele, who wouldn’t connect the broken sign with the food quality.


  5. bzet says:

    actually it offers “decent” chinese food… much better than offered in northbridge and prices are compatible.


  6. The Lazy Aussie says:

    I see that the site has been sold for redevelopment. Soon to join the ranks of vanished worst. Yes I believe it was a good restaurant.


  7. Pingback: Weekend Worstoff 11 The Vanishing « The Worst of Perth

  8. Bryan says:

    U are sherry shit heels bothof you


  9. Alterego says:

    Haw haw Haw

    the classic, chinese restaurant took my cat jokes



  10. poor lisa says:

    The one in Scarbro Beach Rd innaloo is also gone.


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