Saturday Bento – Sence and Sencibility

You know when you go on holidays, and you ask your colleagues to keep an eye on various things you’re working on, and they assure you they will, and then they do fuck all? Yeah.

Have we had Shane before?  It seems familiar.  Why would I call him 9240 5000?  Doesn’t make sence.  The next level?  Don’t tell The Post someone’s contemplating a building with more than one level. By NF#1.


If you kill for truth, why on earth would I want to be true?  What’s my motivation here?  I’ve watched enough SVU to know that’s entrapment.  Makes no sence.  Mosman Park, by Pete F.


“The picture of her ass is a nice touch just in case you weren’t sure what a stripper does”, says BurgerD.  Sencible.  Location unknown.  Probaby south of the river.


Worst well.

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9 Responses to Saturday Bento – Sence and Sencibility

  1. Misspent yoof says:

    Poke ‘er nights?


  2. Snuff says:

    Yes, we have, Bento. Dianella Daniella seems exactly like the girl next door I was fortunate to have had as a neighbour. Had.


  3. Arcadia says:

    I would trust a palindromic builder. The whole Panama thing.

    Is that his best side?


  4. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Anybody want to have a stab at the difference between the “Diamond Banana Split” and the “Agency/Industry Standard – any veg”?


We can handle the worst