Render unto the duck

I thought I better record this, Pompeiist mural across from KGB Headquarters and not far from the vanished Barra monument before it is lost to that censoring concrete render. I seem to remember that there was some kind of anti council ranting on the left side at one stage before it was partly concreted. Leaving just the duck’s arse? Kudos.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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27 Responses to Render unto the duck

  1. Snuff says:

    Nice D.A., TLA.


  2. rolly says:

    Give us more of the story behind it TLA; or do we have to wait until an archeologist in some distant time creates a dubious theory of its origins?


  3. munkipants says:

    That ducks arse is quite the ducks nuts TLA!


  4. Those ducks were probably pogo’ing to “Holidays in Cambodia”! (Sorry Snuff, couldn’t resist!)


  5. shazza says:

    I quite like the wombat.


  6. anonymous perthon says:

    Those ducks (huey, Luey and Duey I believe) were there when I was a kid and I’m pretty old now. I was quite sad the first time I saw some nut had graffitied (how the hell do you spell that?) over them


  7. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    “Sinagra”… a new one on me


  8. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    A haunting paean
    To lost innocence, or just
    Some hipster drivel?


  9. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    OT, but for some reason reminiscing today about the school-holiday production of Peter and the Wolf I saw at WAAPA a few years back, with Tod Johnson as narrator. Tod simultaneously kept the parents entertained by dropping in plenty of risqué jokes.


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