Wolves Sucked Dry

CB One sends a couple more pertinent shots from the Southbound Festival. I’ll bet they were howling after sucking these dry. I didn’t know Old Howlin’ came in this packaging. Are they wine shooters? You don’t even have to remove the bags from the box these days. How lazy is this society of ours?

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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27 Responses to Wolves Sucked Dry

  1. David Cohen says:

    Howling Wolf, Crouching Upchucker?


  2. skink says:

    I believe these bags allow you to administer the wolves intra-venously.


  3. shazza says:

    I thought these might be to help bogans sneak booze to the foreshore on Oz day. Should fit down the pants fine. Well easier than a 4 litre cask anyway.


  4. skink says:

    this would also work as a douche or an enema

    any way is better than through the mouth, when you might accidentally taste it


  5. Snuff says:

    Perfect for the wine rack !


  6. CB One says:

    Straw through the top was the preferred method that I saw. Red wine, through a straw, in the heat. Let’s just think about how awesome that would be………..


    • Onanist says:

      Having drunk too much red with friends, my wife staggers to the bathroom with her hand to her mouth.

      After several minutes, Mark goes to check on her.
      He is then heard to loudly say “Oh my God, it looks like someone has been stabbed to death in here”.

      Unable to locate the toilet, red wine has been projectile vomited over the bathroom fittings, walls and floor.


  7. I’m wondering why I didn’t colour adjust and unsharp mask these pics. Ahh, when in Rome.


  8. Paracleet says:

    I like this photo very much. A Howling Wolves squeeze pack recumbent and drained lifeless on the ground. Symbolic of general decline in society. Like the bacchanalian lifestyles of the average Roman before the fall of empire.

    It doesn’t change the fact, however, that my pure gold Howling Wolves shots have not been published. Outrage.


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