
Shut up, just shut up you cows. Yeah shut up. Bitches…Cows.

Dorothy Parker (1893 – 1967)
US author, humorist, poet, & wit

Rachael snapped this excellent shot in Queen Street. For this amount you’d want two bays. However I believe this price does include corkage. I’m not sure the coin option is going to cut it somehow. Thanks Ms R. Great Worst.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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10 Responses to Parker

  1. Grrr says:

    I wonder how long the car had been left there?
    If we assume a cap of $12 per day (which I guess is a little low) it works out at 91 days.

    Most likely it’s another cheap Chinese software glitch, I expect.

    Still, The West today has a better Worst…. I’m just not sure if it’s the “cheeky” G-spot sign or Alstons abysmal cartoon to illustrate the “racy” point.


    • Isn’t Inside Cover going, or page 2 changing, with Broadfield to “create a new space”? There’s no point in having inside cover now. TWOP and several others do it much better online anyway. I was looking at it this morning and wondering why they bother. Lame, limp and yawnworthy.


      • Grrr says:

        I don’t know.
        Some girl I have never heard of is doing it now.

        And, as exclusively revealed in a TWOP comment somewhere, Neale Prior has been shunted from business to TV (Via IC).

        I can only think that’s a demotion.


  2. Grrr says:

    I see from Today’s West that Barny and “senior Government ministers” are heading into Northbridge some night soon for a pub crawl… if anyone wants to joint them to discuss the finer points of law and order, health, education or resources policy.

    Or, you know, wind up Buswell and watch him get into a fist fight…


  3. Pingback: Weekend Worstoff 51 « The Worst of Perth

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