Cat People

Malcolm McDowell: I didn’t think you were ready, but you are. I knew it when I saw you with IT.
Nastassja Kinski: What? Oliver?
Malcolm McDowell: You want to fuck that leopard cheetah Honda don’t you? You dream about fucking it! Your whole body burns, it burns all along your nerves, in your mouth, your breasts… you go wet between your legs.
Nastassja Kinski: Stop it!
Malcolm McDowell: Honda! Honda! Honda! Every time it happens… you tell yourself it’s love. But it isn’t. It’s blood. And death. And transmission fluid. You can’t escape your nightmare without me, and I can’t escape my nightmare without you. I’ve waited a long time for you. And I tell you what, I’ll throw in the rustproofing for nothing. – Cat People 1982

Nothing like an amateur feral gonzo street art paint job (see comments below for the culprits. Actually some of their stuff is pretty funny) to cut a thousand or two off the price of a car. $999? try $199. DB might be Donnybrook? The value should go up now that Brendon Grylls is in charge.

A good way to disguise rust holes

A good way to disguise rust holes

And here’s the original pair of them (they’re cheetahs) from Harry at Zafari

The pair

The pair

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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31 Responses to Cat People

  1. David Cohen says:

    Indeed LA:
    DN Dandaragan
    DL Dalwallinu
    D Dowerin
    DB Donnybrook
    DUMB Dumbleyung



  2. Groucho says:

    I am feeling “safari-ish” just looking at it…or is it looking at me ?


  3. Snuff says:

    Hello Kitty indeed, TLA. I wish I’d seen this last year when I was working at Honda R & D. The boffins would have been thrilled to see the fruits of their labour turned so ripe, speaking of Donnybrook.

    I thought the rust might have located it from Dunsborough, but DB is indeed Donnybrook, and Donnybrook-Balingup, according to this site.

    Although they were initially doing well at Dumbleyung, DC, apparently they ran out of synapses about half way there, and had to settle for DU.


  4. Well I hope Premier Grylls will use some of his hayseed money to get another auto graphic designer in place down there.


  5. Groucho says:

    Did ja Gidgegannup cause Dalwallinu bout Meekathara’s Quairading


  6. Snuff says:

    Personally, Groucho, I’ll take Bert Kaempfert

    over Henry Mancini every time, but you asked for it.

    [ Comes complete with bonus American, water crossing instructional sequence, and a suggestion that Marion was far less keen on Elsa Martinelli than I. ]


  7. Johnny Nonation says:

    The car that Steve Irwin would have loved. Sigh.


  8. Cookster says:

    You could get top dollar from a jubilant Subi fan right now.


  9. forkboy says:

    The mark of the “beast”….999!!!


  10. forkboy says:

    any one seen “the cars that ate Paris”?……this car SCREAMS out for a sequel!


  11. Bento says:

    Whilst I love the way they’ve even done the windscreen wipers in theme (it’s all about the detail, people), I feel an opportunity has been sadly missed with the interior.


  12. Rolly says:

    A set of seat covers in a tigerskin print would soon fix that, Bento.
    Or, perhaps, as it the interior we’re discussing, impala skins might be more germane.


  13. Snuff says:

    Like an epic acid flashback I’ve just nailed the culprits, TLA. I still have some of their postcards, and yes, there it is about 2/3 of the way down the page entitled Cheetah Front, with its original SA plates.


  14. My god it is! When was this? And why?


  15. Snuff says:

    It was a good quarter of a century ago, TLA. As for why, perhaps only Harry and Michael can answer that. Why not drop them a line at ?


  16. Done. I hope for a comment.


  17. Rolly says:

    Strange happenings; I can get the pics on Safari but not on Firefox. Wassappenin?


  18. Bento says:

    Magnificent stuff.

    Around Kalamunda in my younger days, there was a zebra VW Beetle, and a guy I worked with had an EK station wagon painted as a pink flamingo. I wonder if Harry and Michael had a hand in those, too?

    Rolly – they have a .mac address. Damned Macrocentric twats (TM).


    • Marianne says:

      I painted the flamingo car, an ek wagon, in 1990, I also re-upholstered it internally. I sold it in 1993 to a trio from Perth who called themselves the Pink Revenge who planned to take it on the Bourke to Broome Bash. I wonder if it is still going?


      • Kiddo says:

        yeah…. thanks for teaching me how to drive in that mum…REALLY appreciated driving it to school with my L plates on!!!!! not!


        • Marianne says:

          Ooo you ungrateful wretch, my letting you drive that to school ensured that we would both become legends!!!!!!!!!
          I wish I knew where it was now and if it is still ‘mobile’… I miss that beast.


  19. From Zafari

    Andrew Lazy or is it Andrew Lazy

    Nice to know the cheetah is still purring away. Last I heard Jimmy the Mechanic told me it was trekking to Darwin under the controls of a Japanese backpacker.
    We originally painted it as part of a pair for the opening parade of the 1998 Adelaide Festival Fringe. After that it became my family run around for many years.
    What’s with this “worst of” ? Don’t your compatriots recognise Art when it sneaks up and grabs their parking spots?
    Give me a postal address and I will send you some Zafari Art postcards.

    Harry Photocopy


  20. Snuff says:

    forkboy @ 10

    Sure have, forkboy, and let’s pray nobody ever sullies it with a sequel. Whilst it didn’t exactly set the film world on fire, Weir’s effort has an appeal which many Australians can appreciate, I suspect, and the spiky beetle was certainly a big hit on the streets of Cannes.

    When I was briefly staying here (end room on the right, next to the arch) at Montsalvat, I met the man who built the cars, Marcus Skipper. Growing up there under the tutelage of his father Matcham no doubt gave Marcus the imagination and the innovative skills to manifest his visions, even on Weir’s shoestring budget. Marcus’ own ute, incidentally, was a masterpiece of utilitarian understatement, resplendent in matt red-lead anti-rust from bumper to bumper.


  21. Snuff/ Forkie here’s the latest in mode of vation from Oddner R & D.Proof of concept only : it still has rubber tyres and requires two cranes to get up buildings.


  22. Adam says:

    Thought I recognised this little bugger. I used to see it on the streets of (r)Adelaide all the time.


  23. Snuff says:

    Thanks, Bill. Mighty impressive, but can it do this ?

    p.s. I sure hope not.


  24. Cookster says:

    I just sent TLA a snap of a tiger themed Nissan Patrol in Mt Hawthorn… it’s a craze that’s catching on.


  25. BCF says:

    Love that Zebra Taxi – its a AP5 or 6 Valiant (probably ’64) from the looks.They dont make ’em or paint ’em like that any more! Top Class! I want a postcard of that for my scrap book thanks!!!!


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  28. The Legend 101 says:

    whoever drives that is a bit silly?


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