White Supremacist Goal Finally Achieved

Or, “The House Jack couldn’t burn.” Have had a few posts recently on faded Chinese restaurants, (with more to come), but The Man Lin in Karawara is one of the most interesting. This is one of the restaurants that The Australian Nationalist Movement, a group managing to be hilariously inept and sinister at the same time tried to firebomb in the 1980s, almost setting themselves on fire in the process. Jack van Tongren, the would be WA Fuhrer was jailed for 13 years over this and other attacks. The group even had a sandbagged suburban house as their headquarters and actually managed to murder someone too. (Does anyone have a pic of that hq?). Anyhow the restaurant which I have frequented several times is finally closing some decades after Jack tried the firebomb rather than the prawn fried rice. I notice the Chans (apparently Robbo) didn’t learn to spell (or perhaps Robbo) either in their 22 years. That must really piss jack off.

Lucky Last Customer

Lucky Last Customer

Indefinately Jack

Indefinately Jack.

Free prawn cracker for groups of Nazis (6 or more)

Free prawn cracker for groups of Nazis (6 or more)

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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70 Responses to White Supremacist Goal Finally Achieved

  1. Cookster says:

    Is this the restaurant near Curtin?


  2. poor lisa says:

    The Chans won. Happy retirement!

    The ANM really loved Kensington, Karawara and South Perth – dunno where their HQ was, I thought Gosnells or somewhere. I spent lots of hours as a teenager defacing their propaganda which they always posted on the backs of stop signs around my neighbourhood. I don’t know which Guide to Overthrowing the system they worked from but it wasn’t a very good one.


    • ngali says:

      The ANM HQ was definitely in Gosnells – I know EXACTLY where it was – and even to this day I could crack out Google Earth and give you an address. It wasn’t too far from my place.

      Jack himself could be seen now and then at the local shops – all 5ft nothing in khaki with a swastika pin and hitler do and mo.

      Likewise, I spent a lot of time with a pocket knife scraping off their many posters and actually pulled pranks on the house – leaving ‘treats’ for them in the letterbox and such.

      I was shocked when I heard they’d killed someone – since I hadn’t taken them seriously out of pure naivete – and even more shocked when I heard who’d done it.

      One of the killers was a guy I’d grown up with and gone through school with. He used to get ridiculously upset with me if I was wearing a Midnight Oils t-shirt, and once did his nut over the lyrics of “Kids in America” – “we’re kids in AUSTRALIA!” he’d say.

      We’d been friends – drifted apart during high school – but still friendly, I thought. I know this sounds a bit soppy and stupid, but I still remember him as this kid who played “Scooby Dooby Cat” with these cats they made us knit in 3rd grade. We’d take them and make tunnels out of long grass and just be lost in our little kiddy made up world.

      It’s a fucking crying shame .


  3. Snuff says:

    To be fair, TLA, at least they probably know what it means.


    I wish I had a yen for every time I’ve seen indefinitely, and the bevy of other popular misspellings, misspelt on the net. Of course none can compete with the mother of all ironic net misspellings … “looser”. Every time I see that one I can’t help but visualise the keyboardist as the guy in that ancient Leunig classic at the tattooist with “Born looser” freshly emblazoned across his chest, muttering “Don’t worry about it.”


  4. Bento says:

    A wall near my old house had: “Asians out or rasial war” painted on it.


  5. Snuff says:

    Indeed, Bento. More alarmingly, I have an old photo somewhere of a sign in Northbridge advertising classes of “Migant English”.

    And just on the off chance that you’ve missed this doozy …


    Of course no post on this topic would be complete without the net classic …



  6. DavidM says:

    The people who ran this restaurant were gentle, happy and friendly – and the food was excellent. We will miss them.
    They did not have champagne glasses….we took our own. One night, as we left, a cop questioned me (and breathalysed me) about “probable stealing of glassware from the restaurant” as I tried to take our glasses back home. Ho Ho….the cops loved this restaurant too.


  7. Adam says:

    Aah duct tape. Is there anything you can’t do?

    Rest in Peace, Man Lin Restaurant.


  8. Grazer says:

    Aha! I know another story about this restaurant.
    There was a spate of robberies in Perth involving restaurants and young aboriginal boys. The boys would steal the cash register rather than the cash inside, because if they were caught the charge was supposed to be lesser, because it was property theft as opposed to armed robbery or something. Anyhoo, this restaurant was entertaining the local minister for aboriginal youths when it was robbed. The minister thought it best to stand up and give some advice to the youngsters about the proper way of life, and was given a thwack across the moosh for her troubles. This is a story that was told to me in 1992, so I can’t quote names or dates for the fact checkers.


  9. Tony T says:

    Surely, it is now a public… errr, convenience.


  10. forkboy says:

    they just couldnt complete with the $3.50 chicken rice from the karawara Shops……….which is now called The Waterford Plaza….amazing how a name change can increase the price of my much beloved lunch snack too $4.50!!!!!………..cuntz


  11. vikin says:

    if i’m not mistaken, the restaurant will be demolished to make way for some new developments in this area. anyone who has seen the masterplan will be able to comment more. all i know is the coles refurbishment was only the beginning. they will be heaps of new retail and shops to be built where the carpark is presently and there will be increased pedestrian activities which i think is an excellent plan due to its vicinity to curtin and all the business it will get from students. who knows the bottleshop and TAB beside it might be next on the CLOSED list. the KFC remains though. people need their KFC!


  12. The tavern is supposedly to be closed and replaced with a wine bar, as has been discussed in another post, I can’t remember where.


  13. Bento says:

    I’m sorry, I must have misread you, LA. You appear to be suggesting that someone is going to develop a wine bar in Karawara.


  14. You heard right baby.


  15. Bento says:

    I would love to see their market research.

    Is it to be part of a chain, I wonder? They could set them up in Thornlie, Coolbellup, Kewdale… The possibilities are endless.


    • Mr Aubergine says:

      Maybe they could be the first cask themed chain of wine bars.

      There is probably a ‘No Glass’ stipulation in the licence.


  16. Search says:

    Had a few great boozy lunches & dinners at the Mai Lin over the years – mainly in the 1990’s. I can’t believe that icon of pan-Asian design is going to be destroyed!


  17. Scurrilous says:

    My optometrist had a tomahawk thrown through his front window and glue poured in his front door lock during the ANM years.

    Later when I was teaching at a northern susurbs high school, JVT’s niece was in my english class and I persuaded her to march in a Freedom for East Timor rally.


  18. Vic Demised says:

    The long march of time
    succeeds where the racists failed;
    Chinese walls crumble


  19. The Intellectual Bogan says:

    I’ve always firmly believed that the best way to gain revenge on your enemies is to outlast them.

    As for a wine bar in Karawara, would this be the variety where the wine comes in casks and the “glasses” are plastic cups?


  20. Groucho says:

    I heard through a reliable source that the name for the wine bar is going to be “The Metho”


  21. Johnny Nonation says:

    It was a resturant? I thought it was an opium den – then again. Reckon Jack owns a copy of Monty Python’s “I like Chinese?”


  22. Robbo the ABC says:

    Shit, I typed up that sign on the door. Serves me right for not using spellcheck. So don’t blame the Chan family, just me.


  23. This place has been demolished in the last few days. The image saved for posterity by TWOP.


  24. Pingback: The Cars Karawara Ate | The Worst of Perth

  25. The Legend 101 says:

    Who’s the Chan family and when it was open when is a nice resturant?


    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

      Exactly: not what, but when (is a nice restaurant)? Change in question shifts fore-delimitation of answer from the static to the processual – nice.


    • The question is a little difficult to understand, but yes it was nice. Jack Van Tongeren trying to set it on fire is not I agree a glowing review, but it was based more on a hatred of Asians than the quality of the spring rolls.


      • WAtching says:

        I’d like to see Jack review the Indiana. He’d probably have a ‘Downfall’ moment on discovery of the burnt chop.


        • A molotov cocktail in those toilets would do thousands of dollars of improvements.


          • WAtching says:

            Remember the posters? They were everywhere. Scary times.


            • I also remember some graffiti over a deep hole to a ventilation shaft at Rottnest guns saying “Asians In”.


            • JaneZ says:

              I remember them. There was one that said “Asians Out or Racial War” that could be defaced to “Raisin Trout or Facial Warts”
              if you had the time anyway


              • RubyRuby says:

                Nice to see that graffiti editing happens everywhere. We had a small park in Collingwood with “Asians Out” spray painted at intervals along the bike paths. Amended to “Take Asians Out For Lunch” – took photos as part of a school geography project, one day they may surface and I’ll see if they scan okay.


                • JaneZ says:

                  These weren’t graffiti, Ruby – they were evil, insidious, ubiquitous, shittily designed posters that were stuck up all over the place in the late ’80s. They would have been funny if they weren’t so awful.
                  I wonder if anyone has a picture?


                  • RubyRuby says:

                    Oh. The poster equivalent of the people who threw things at our family for walking down the street together. And so on and so forth. I remember the 80s. Not an easy time to be not-white but not-anything else either.


                  • Fiona of Mount Lawley says:

                    I do, sort of. I generally tried to remove them entirely, rather than simply deface them. During A.N.M. Parte Deux, in the period after the principals had been released from prison, the visual pollution appeared again. There was even an attempt to stand for Parliament, or claims that this would happen. I think the Electoral Commission may have nipped that in the bud.

                    I resumed the poster removal, and I still have one (a handbill rather than a full sized posters) which I was able to remove intact. I will arrange to scan and upload same.


  26. The Legend 101 says:

    are the related to Jackie Chan?


  27. Pingback: Chinatown | The Worst of Perth

  28. vanessa says:

    I can’t understand why white Aussies hate themselves so much that they hate and despise a movement that promotes their solidarity and unity. But you go ahead with your utopian Mandela-esque pipe dreams and. Go ahead and let in more immigrants until you are displaced out of the land your parents bequeathed you. Squander all that you have and give it away and then end up like the shit-hole cities we have here in America. It’s gonna happen to you next, I guarantee. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Sure, it sounds like a nearly impossible prospect now, we said the same thing here in the 80s and even in the 90s when we started noticing the subtle changes. Now we got rapes, murder, robbery and crackheads everywhere in every city and town, like an endemic swallowing us up and it is going to ultimately consume us and we will be left destitute. You aussies need to come to America and see how your white brothers and sisters gave up all they had to assuage their “white-guilt” and see what it got them. Neither recognition, nor praise, nor gratitude from the brown-skin peoples living among us, as you all so naively assume, but in fact the actual real OPPRESSION of our white, goyim people.

    Don’t believe everything you see on tv, American cities are like walking into the Terror-Dome and white people can’t even walk outside at night unless they feel like gambling with their life and/or virginity (yes, this includes men. Just a few days ago a 72 year old man was robbed, then tossed into a van and raped by black gangbangers, I know you don’t believe me since it doesn’t fit your “white-guilt” world-view so here is the article you can read for yourself http://www.maggiesnotebook.com/2011/11/el-paso-county-70-yr-old-man-raped-by-4-men-soccoro-texas/ ), and Perth will soon follow because of your cock-eyed, polly-anna view of reality. I am not a white supremacist, simply someone who loves my people. I love white people, you all are my brothers and sisters, I love our culture, our shared history and values and I love myself and am not ashamed. Maybe you would feel the same after living here in America and seeing what we are experiencing. You could learn from our mistakes but instead you chose to foolishly run hastily to your own destruction like a rebellious teenager who doesn’t listen to reason.


  29. The Legend 101 says:

    I love Chinese Food!


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  32. Jean Capdouze says:

    Was a lovely restaurant, a damn shame it’s now gone…..


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