Eaves Thieves

Is there a type of house less suited to the Perth climate than these eaveless wonders popping up every day? Forces you to have the aircon on all the time, as well as being ugly. Saint James.


There are some upmarket versions in the Subiaco redevelopment as below. What a disappointment that tuned out to be. Apparently the massed airconditioners create a microclimate of hot air in the area. Who’s idea was it to have unshaded west facing windows? Now the markets are going, to really help kill off that area. What a waste of opportunity.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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15 Responses to Eaves Thieves

  1. livingisdetail says:

    Hi Lazy Aussie,

    Couldn’t agree with you more. Its great to see the environmental message is getting through to the developers. Ha, ha.

    I have just recently found your blog. What a fantastic and wicked read it is. I am from Melbourne so if you ever need a foreign correspondent let me know.


  2. lazyaussie says:

    There has been talk of extending worsts around the country and even the world. Will let you know.


  3. Mazarina says:

    Perhaps we should start wearing black arm bands for all the eaves that cruelly never saw the light. Tuscan my arse.


  4. flynn says:

    There are some European cities where airconditioners must be turned off at night. Now that would change some thinking.
    As well as the markets, the cinemas are due to go and I heard that the sports center, Lords, is now becoming to be too valuable a plot to be used for something useful like a rec center. Come to vibrant Subi and…. sit on the side of the road???


  5. lazyaussie says:

    I think the Lords soil is contaminated or something too.


  6. Anna Winter says:

    Apparently it’s because of the rules about how far away from the fence the house must be – no eaves means more house. Ellenbrook is the worst offender.


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  9. Geoff V says:

    I have never been to Italy but a friend tells me houses in Tuscany have foot thick walls, and an atrium.

    Pseudo Tuscan was really just a way of saving builders about three grand a house, while fetching the same sale price.

    Hopefully it has gone out of fashion now.


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  11. The Legend 101 says:

    What suburb is that first house in?, it looks very famillar.


  12. JaneZ says:

    It’s interesting, if that St James place was built today it still wouldnt have eaves but it would have a stupid ugly greyish purple rendered portico. Apparently standard now


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