House and Car Package

Months ago Bento sent me this picture of a mauve house in Highgate. (See I do get there eventually.) Yes, Bento I can dig it, but frankly I’m more concerned with the gold Kingswood parked outside. A slight pan to the right would have really nailed this worst Bento! Another couple of shots that show how a couple of old Holdens or even a Hillman Hunter can really enhance a property. (I only include the Hillman formerly of Embleton, because it has now gone to the growing ghost world of vanished worsts.)

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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8 Responses to House and Car Package

  1. skink says:

    I’m disappointed – by the title of this thread I expected there to be a car that matched the house.

    what this house really needs is a pimped up Nissan Skyline in the same mauve as the house, with mauve seats


  2. squib says:

    Could it be the new Eden Hill Family Church?


  3. There is always the gemini (isuzu).

    Holden Off

    The kingswood may even match next door.


  4. Blandwagon says:

    You know you’ve painted your house the wrong colour when people look at it, like I did, and think, “Gee, that’s a pretty terrible photoshop job…”


  5. Bento says:

    LA – thanks for the tip. I guess the main reason the Kingswood station wagon at the right of frame didn’t strike me as being of particular note, is because my own Kingswood station wagon was parked just outside the left frame of the shot.


  6. Bento says:

    Skink – the 3rd car appears to match the house pretty well, as far as I can tell.


  7. Joe says:

    What are those things on the roof? They appear to be dome security cameras, perhaps protecting the Kinga?


  8. skink says:


    I was imagining those pink garage doors opening and something like this rumbling out:

    pure CUB class


We can handle the worst