Outrage Sunday 38 true blue

Massive excitement whizzing home in the Jizz on Friday when a car behind me, at first blush, looked like the Bento-mobile. The go-faster stripes look like the sort of thing an ageing Maylands rainmaker hipster would stick on his wheels. But when it passed I saw the plate was not quite right. And the driver was hatless. It’s a cruel, cruel world.

This Shenton Park fence struck terror into me again. And in the week McGowan fixed the taps. Coincidence? As Martin Agrippa said, “Show me a coincidence and I’ll buy you a pasty”.

As I said, it’s a cruel, cruel world. What better evidence of world worstness than this near-new Mastermind set beside one of my favourite charity bins? It is mainly, of course, anti-Semitism. I always thought the bloke with the beard was too cool for Brentwood PS. But kids these days are all about COD and Farmville.

Ah well. Just get to the shops and shell out $2 bucks for your tatts, and stay on message.

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23 Responses to Outrage Sunday 38 true blue

  1. Rolly says:

    As some one who came to Australia at the behest of the Commonwealth government, I love this country and the majority of people.
    However, all this jingoistic bullshit, driven mainly by political spin, and the bogan fuckwits who make a week long show of it, generally using it as as an excuse for larrikanism of the worst kind, gives me cause to again reach for the Imodium in order to reduce the strain on my sphincter.


  2. shazza says:

    You may or may not have noticed a lot of cars about Perth with red dragon stickers on the back Rolly? There’s one parked on my street right now, yet not an aussie flag in sight.


  3. shazza says:

    I want that Mastermind game.


  4. Two bucks? What do gay deers have to do with Australia Day?


  5. Bento says:

    Please. As if the Bugaboo Donkey Duo is going to fit into a dinky toy like that.


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