Blank Verse

TWOP’s New York correspondent The Bartenders Skills with a Manhattan may well bleat about 1700s taverns being painted purple in the Hudson River Valley, but this is Perth baby. Thornlie and Embleton. Seriously, is this all there is? How do such things get built? And while lockable shutters including on the breadbin might be necessary in Thornlie, I just can’t imaging the circumstances where someone would sign off on the Embleton house recently finished. “Now we are facing due West into the roasting Perth afternon sun, so make sure we have no eaves or anything shading the windows. Insanity. Surely it could qualify for Perth’s ugliest affordable house?

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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45 Responses to Blank Verse

  1. Has there been a problem commenting? Seems ok now.


  2. rottobloggo says:

    You dum-dum.

    Why does the top one have no letterbox, but the other has two? What does it mean?


  3. capwatch says:

    Share croppers


  4. Russell Wolfe's Lovechild says:

    That is a particularly offensive Buckeridge Box.


  5. vegan says:

    what i particularly like about the embleton house is that small window which has a pier around it and which i am fairly certain is a bathroom. i don’t think i have ever seen a detail quite like it.


  6. poor lisa says:

    Both gardens much much nicer than mine.


  7. Pete says:

    Now I look at it a little longer, imagine you have a basic 2d drafting package & perhaps no depth perception. The Embleton hut wouldn’t look so bad on the screen or in elevation on paper.
    Not an excuse, just a hypothesis as to reason.


  8. Rolly says:

    Airconditioner condensor in full afternoon sun indicates the depth of ignorance.


    • It will get its first summer roasting soon. Also looks out at Bayswater Council building. That can’t be good.


      • orbea says:

        Latest nearmap image
        Google maps
        And City of Bayswater approved this building design, roller shutters soon to come.


        • Bag O'Turnips says:

          And be damned any consideration to climate, of which Perth just happens to be on of the sunniest places in the world…anyone who’d abide by buying an ugly-box of this type, especially here, should be slugged with a dickhead tax for excessive energy use that a house like this would entail. As for those cretins who designed it, what more can I say than that they’re spec-home spivs who do nothing to promote sustainable and responsible urban infill…it can be done well and not too expensively too.


  9. BrownBook says:

    Thornlie and Embleton have thoroughly uninspiring name origins. Someone at Landgate needs to have some fun with this:

    New suburb names to suggest: Chong, Wintoning, Rurotardia. I’m sure we could write some nice origin paragraphs.


  10. Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

    I promise never to complain about purple 1700s taverns, or, indeed, pretty much anything local, ever again.

    Although in honesty minus the shutters the top house would seem normal for San Diego or Pheonix and really isn’t that horrible considered as a house.

    The bottom house–oy. Aren’t there building codes in Perth? Do they vary from suburb to suburb?

    I can’t even tell what it’s made of.


  11. The Legend 101 says:

    Finally this page started working, Also your right there very ugly houses but please if intrested check out the new house in Dianella, Pimlott St 4 Houses from the corner on the left, From the park. Its a little grey box with tiny windows!.


  12. The Legend 101 says:

    I did at 6:40am, Hope it gets here soon!.


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