Wrist Cramp

You had me until “elderly respect”. Apart from that, it sounds like Rolly. Unfortunately much of the ranting is not clear. I do see “Those two fugly pricks…Buswell… ” Click for the larger view. Thanks to Vook. At the Causeway.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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58 Responses to Wrist Cramp

  1. Caribou Bob says:

    Corporate Demonic Practices!

    Best worst in a while. It’s just… it’s simply wonderful, in the worst possible way. I suppose it could be worse. They could have used fucking papyrus.


  2. skink says:

    this is what happens when people take the piss out of wingnuts in the internet, or moderate their comments. Starved of free expression, and frustrated by politically correct moderators, they find another way to get their message across. They will not be silenced.

    this bloke is one step away from having ‘stop the boats’ tattooed on his forehead


  3. rolly says:

    Well, at least the scribe has got so much so correct.
    Elderly respect!


  4. vegan says:



  5. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    “If you think I’m nuts, have you heard those two fugly pricks….”
    Wish I could see the rest of this statement.


  6. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:



  7. shazza says:

    I hope the driver comes on to TWoP. Greggo is starting to make sense to me. We need a new nutter.


  8. Onanist says:

    I wonder if the driver has seen a yucky lady in the bath


  9. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    I’m imagining an event like this, but for crackpot socialist or conspiracy obsessed car scribblers and adorners. What would it be called, where held, and what categories?


    • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

      Let’s C’ANGER, outside PICA, categories to include Largest Font in a Vanity Publication and Best Shorts Above the Knee


      • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

        Pithiest Badge, Most Placards with the Same Slogan, Most Consistent Use of ‘Impact’, the ‘Hey Hey, Ho Ho’ Trophy for Excellence in Shouting


        • vegan says:

          inappropriate use of apostrophe’s’

          over use of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          and general grammar and spelling crimes on placards


  10. alexei gregorov says:

    All it needs now is a bonnet scoop, twin turbo intercooler, big bore muffler, big arse rear and front spoilers, and a big arse big bore muffler.


  11. greggo says:

    The home birthing version of vanity publishing. UWA Press has a whole pile of these cars they rent out to people who want to feel like a famous author with people staring at them all the time but only have a couple of sentences in them. Later they become film producers.


  12. skink says:



  13. hectic says:

    Aaaawww, bless………I think he needs a hug.


  14. Daniel says:

    hahha i took a shite load of photos of that car in cannington hhahhhah


  15. Vook says:

    I’m going to try find the car again this weekend, I haven’t seen it since!


    • ronggly says:

      I’ll wager you’ll find it in the long-term parking at the domestic airport, looks like he’s heading that way. Back to his FIFO job in Karratha, fulminating over the leftist totalitarian government that we’ve got now.


  16. skink says:

    I overheard a bloke today saying that in addition to ten billion dollars of rorts for the regions, the independents had negotiated a special ceremony at each opening of Parliament. After the Lord’s Prayer, the House will give a special vote of thanks to rural voters.
    I think he misunderstood the concept of ‘Welcome to Country’


  17. Pete says:

    Another tale from the Canning Hwy,
    Shitty old Magna
    Sigma in a suit
    Welcome to our Country
    Overlaid on the Aboriginal Flag
    Fuck you FWOFers
    A little dignity in motion.


  18. Bag O'Turnips says:

    They do say that most Toyotas (AE86 Corolla Levins/Truenos, MR2s and Supras notwithstanding) are whitegoods on wheels and this must be the kitchen fridge, with notes scrawled upon it with a whiteboard marker.

    I think this person must have mistaken it for a permanent marker.


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