
Some superb worsts are to be found at Todd’s Auctions in I think Maida Vale. Perhaps Forrestfield. These elephant chairs transcend hideous. They were also at the height of milking stols, so I’m not sure why you’d sit on them unless you and a couple of friends wanted to simultaneously milk a cow. Or goat. There was also the ugliest bed I have seen in some time. An interesting establishment. I remember being dragged there by the parents in probably 1972 or 3. I like it. I’ll be back again.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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60 Responses to Elephantitightarse

  1. Mr Telethon says:

    Long time listener, first time caller. Yes Todd’s. My old hood. Think it is under the locality of “Forry”, for the time being. Unless I am mistaken there was a murder on the auction grounds, being of a domestic nature. Within that same calendrical year i am pretty sure that there was another murder a couple of cyclone fences away (Hawtin Road) Yes THE home of car on bricks


  2. shakey says:

    that bed is badass.


  3. WAtching says:

    So you were trawling through Todds on the weekend.

    “Happy Mothers Day Mum. Sorry I didn’t wrap it, but the tusks kept ripping the paper.”

    “Wow. Thanks…. Did you keep the reciept?”


  4. munkipants says:

    hmmm, those elephant chairs reminded me of these nut sack chairs – dual purpose maybe?


  5. Bag O'Turnips says:

    Perhaps an elephant stool might make it easier for these guys.


  6. David Cohen says:

    Is that Mrs TWOP incognito by the bed?


  7. vegan says:

    i do like the tape in arse crack detail.

    i have spent many an hour in todds marvelling at the junk when i lived in the hills.


  8. Bento says:

    Incorporating palmery into an interior shot is magnificent. Bravo.


  9. Bonnie says:

    I shamefully admit I haven’t been keeping up to date with TWOP recently – have these dolphins featured yet?



  10. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    You kind of have to wonder about the manufacturer’s state of mind when this sort of thing turns up. RESIN stools in the form of musting elephants ready to trunk-gouge the sitter’s vertebrae. Durable, comfortable RESIN stools hand-lacquered in a delightful caramel shade of guano.


  11. Bento says:

    Sweet Buff Jesus. A Smith bronze, of dolphins, in Albert Jacobs’s electorate, that’s about 10 years past relevance, and ROTATES WHEN YOU PUT A COIN IN. If there’s a cocos palm, or drawing of a cock, anywhere near this, you won’t be able to convince me it’s not an elaborate joke at our expense.


  12. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    Love your new background art, very nauseating indeed. I’m assuming that’s institutional bad taste at work?


  13. bartek klimczak says:

    I actually think those elephant chairs are bad-ass and despite the height issues i think ill go for a drive and buy me some elephant chairs after all the trunks are raised and so its good luck
    may have to get them 2 pak coloured in white so it matches my cliched architect minimalism


  14. Pingback: Dad’s dead, sell the chair. | The Worst of Perth

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