Burnt Spoon

Vegan can’t seem to take anything from this Gosnells shopping centre sculpture other than it represents a burnt spoon. As a tribute to hash and heroin roasters of the Gosnells area it works well. Wait is it a burnt sperm? Somewhat insane, but has a certain compelling effect. Why it is in the Coles carpark is another matter. Didn’t stop to check if you could see up the dress Vegan? No matter. Excellent worsting anyway.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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163 Responses to Burnt Spoon

  1. Mez says:

    Jon Tarry-esque


  2. orbea says:




    I have wished to live in Australia, particularly in Perth, but now I don’t want to live in Perth… Now I know the truth about this so-called nice city.


  4. Caribou Bob says:

    Good Lord!

    I automatically though of this as looking like a primative Terminator, a sort of stainless-steal killbot armed with it’s clubbing disc and spearing prong.

    Or perhaps it is a warning sent back from ground zero warning us about the Machines’ plans to burn all our sperms…


  5. Barry says:

    The scientologists use this to transmit messages into space…………to the OTHERS


    • shazza says:

      Nice work vegan. Very odd indeed.

      I had considered this was inspired by Queens ‘News Of The World’ album cover Barry. But I am partial to a Scientology bashing angle.


  6. Shreiking Wombat says:

    “Gosnells shopping centre sculpture.” Says it all really. Total fucking worst.


  7. rolly says:

    Oh, Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear!

    Prolly was, too.

    Done in stainless, and all that.


  8. Shreiking Wombat says:

    Oh, Godzilla. You’re such a scamp:

    I plaintivelly ask,
    Why, why is there no haiku
    For great Gamera?



  9. WAtching says:

    No arse shot? You’re better than that Vegan.

    You used to be curious.


  10. WAtching says:

    You’re all miles off.

    It is a representation of the winner of last years feature event at the Gosnells Games.

    The 100m Bag Snatch.



  11. Pfortner says:

    Spider-god of Gain
    Relinquish this place; Outland
    Smackhead habitat


  12. BrownBook says:

    Gosnells end years of negative stereotyping by ripping the silver spoon from her mouth.


  13. monkeypants says:

    my immediate reaction is it looks like a transformer:

    however, i think it is a symbol of mother love and nurturing her self and her family…. you bunch of cynics!


  14. Pfortner says:

    So what were you doing in Gossie, eh vegan?


  15. skink says:

    the statue is clearly some sort of Indiana Jones style clue to a lost relic

    at midday on the vernal equinox, the sun strikes the reflecting dish at the top of the sculpture and a focused beam of light shoots out and illuminates the exact spot where the City of Gosnells buried its dignity


  16. Shreiking Wombat says:

    Just an observation, but there doesn’t seem to be nearly enough cunting going on today.


  17. Matt B says:

    Gosnells is so proud of her she makes the key photo on the website front page! http://www.gosnells.wa.gov.au/default-gosnells.asp

    And forgive my retentiveness but it appears she celebrates pioneer families who hand watered citrus orchards on a daily basis. Centenary of Federation project no less.

    I had no idea we were settled by Spartans.

    Not to harp on with sensible comments totally out of place – but indeed this scupltor Jon Tarry has some serious street cred. http://jontarry.com/

    I guess it begs the question, what could you put in the corner of Gosnells Shopping Centre that could not be considered a worst?


  18. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    Henry Moore turns in
    His grave as talentless bums
    Rape his legacy


  19. nataliafan1 says:

    Henry Moore turns in
    His grave as talentless bums
    Rape his legacy


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