OK, you’re freaking me out now

I’m really going to visit this place myself. If I ever go missing, look for my remains at this spot in Nedlands already featured twice in the past two weeks. Maybe I should set up a stall? This reader submission is a little bit scary.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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66 Responses to OK, you’re freaking me out now

  1. Ljuke says:

    Was the submitter Wayne?


  2. Shreiking Wombat says:

    I think there must be a hole in the space-time fabric.


  3. Pfortner says:

    $5 says it was Tim.


  4. skink says:

    I think these are being staged now

    next I want to see a copy of The West Australian folded so that Paul Nurry’s column is showing.

    that is bound to be a conversation started


  5. Onanist says:

    Can I please see Max Kay pashing Patty Chong while Edwina Nattrass looks on, eating a pie.



  6. Shreiking Wombat says:



  7. Onanist says:

    Bogus worsts notwithstanding, your recent tweets LA, are pretty fucking funny.


  8. orbea says:

    Lazy Aussie, dont you have a record of who has purchased your garments?


  9. Shreiking Wombat says:

    They should be fitted with tracking-devices.


  10. Mez says:

    These shirts really are for sale??!! I thought it was all part of the joke – I’ll take a dozen or two of the Bunbury of the North for my two headed mates of the south


  11. Freocookster says:

    Here’s the challenge – a photo of Nurry, Barra or Sattler in the same location.


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