Weekend Worstoff 92

A poignant worst from Vic Demised seen at St John o’ God Murdoch. And whoops I’ve lost who sent me this. Bento? No was Stu. Thanks.And a Melbourne worst from CB One. He collects ceramic cafes.And Dave T thinks this is a welcome alternative to bogan flag cars. Worst well.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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88 Responses to Weekend Worstoff 92

  1. shazza says:

    The great circle of life.
    Start from the bottom working your way up. You’re fkn lovin pink, and life. You meet a guy, fall in love, have a baby. Become a yummy mummy, turning your hand to the joy of arts and crafts. Kid leaves home, you drop the domestic facade. Move to cougar whore mode.
    Then you die.


    • Snuff says:

      That’s real Aussie Bush Poetry, shaz. Some nice trees in today’s post too, TLA, and I wish we heard from Vic more often.



      • shazza says:

        Why thanks Snuff. I like to fancy I found a good life balance between mother and whore.
        Eat your heart out Freud.


        • Snuff says:

          Always a pleasure, shaz. Watch out for that bad literature.


          • Richarbl says:

            So snuff, how did we go with the truce thing?
            A simple yes or no.
            I will even settle for some justification for avoiding my question.

            Comn snuff just a few withering phrases can end this bullshit and I don’t mind the truth, I fact I welcome it.

            Just get angry and let me have it, you might as well because I can keep this up all day


          • shazza says:

            Absolute gold. I don’t which I laughed harder at.


            • Richarbl says:

              Good to see you getting into the spirit of things shazza.


              • shazza says:

                Oh Richarbl, I wish I could ignore you but I can’t help feel very sorry for the predicament you’ve landed yourself in. Can’t you see persisting with this truce quest is a no win situation for you?

                You have become so one-eyed in your crusade you no longer seem able to make a sensible judgement about it all. Just take a step back, get things into perspective.


                • Richarbl says:

                  Thank you for your concern shazza but there no options left.
                  I would like to continue submitting worsts to TWOP but consider my situation.
                  I am not going to take snuff’s abuse any longer, not one fucking word, end of story.

                  This campaign will continue until there is some sort of resolution or I get banned by TLA.
                  So in reality I can’t lose.


                  • Richarbl says:

                    And here is something else to wonder about shazza.

                    Where is snuff?

                    Shouldn’t he be defending himself against these outlandish allegations?

                    Why is he avoiding answering the question, any question?


                    • shazza says:

                      I have considered your situation Richard. I stand by my suggestion.
                      Let. It. Go.


                    • Mez says:

                      what was the question?


                    • shazza says:

                      How about that thunderstorm that just went over Mez?


                    • Mez says:

                      very cool Shazza
                      I’ve got Paul Kelly’s “Summer Rain” on repeat


                    • shazza says:

                      I thought, in honour of insightless, I would play Supertramp’s ‘Crisis, What Crisis”?.


                    • shazza says:



                    • Richarbl says:

                      So shazza have you given some consideration to the obvious reality that snuff doesn’t have the balls to answer for himself?
                      Have you?


                    • shazza says:

                      Ha, ha Rich, you funny bastard.
                      Snuff’s got the kahuna’s.


                    • Richarbl says:

                      Does he?

                      His silence would suggest otherwise


                    • ronggly says:

                      I saw that baby out of my left window as I was heading north on the Mitchell Fwy near Lake Monger when the fuel line in my Honda Jazz broke, causing me to coast to a halt in the breakdown lane just before Powis St Exit. Kids were seriously bored waiting for backup. I sternly told them to squat underneath the grevillea that adorns the banks, to avoid being killed by motorists using the breakdown lane as a shortcut. Couldn’t believe that the breakdown guy made a comment about my footwear “Bright Colours !” he introduced himself as, looking at my lime-greeen Crocs. So I missed the passage of that heavy cloud base, that looked liek something was trying to punch a hole in.


      • Richarbl says:

        Trust me, I can do this all day if you want, hell I might even make a template and cut and paste, saves time that way.

        I hope you are having a good weekend because I am.


        • monkeypants says:

          dear richarbl,
          as you know, i have a particular fondness for your manic drink and post moments.

          in this case though i think you are fighting an invisible war.

          as fabulous as snuff is, who cares what he thinks? he doesn’t have to like you and nor you him. it’s completely irrelevant. he’s a guy on a blog on the other side of the fucking world.

          people who read my comments on here more than likely assess within seconds that i am that kid always at the back of the bus licking the windows, but do i give a shit? no. not at all and nor do they.

          be here for the humour, the sarcasm, the slagging, the irony, the haikus, the mental stimulation and the total tongue in cheek but not to take umbrage.

          get pissed off somewhere else at someone else.

          it’s cyberspace where we can all live happily in denial.

          from the bottom of my tiny monkey heart, mp.

          The fellow who says he’ll meet you
          halfway usually thinks he’s
          standing on the dividing line.

          Orlando A. Battista


  2. Slanderer says:

    And speaking of juxtapositions, some kwality reporting in Teh West today:

    On page 13, we learn that quintuplets share the same birthday. Who would have guessed?

    Highlight for me though is page nine headline: “Dogfights for Skyworks”. We’ve been training up the Jack Russell to take on Pit Bulls, but the article doesn’t say if we should go to the Foreshore or to Armadale?


  3. monkeypants says:

    Ta mere la pute: always much more amusing than the rove mcmanus insincere, “say hi to your mum for me”.


  4. deore says:

    so worst it’s good
    nice white wheels too, really sets off the pink


  5. stu says:

    Bento? Bento? Nay, twas I good sir. Thus I lay claim to “your mums a whore sunshine”. Located at the corner of Lake and Bulwer st’s. :)


  6. stu says:

    no, I was calling TLA sunshine ;)

    I don’t know Lisa I think it’s an as yet unknown third party that’s relaying the message here as in “Hey Sparkles, Sunshine says your mum’s a whore”

    either way Sunshines’ mum has a reputation


  7. flynn says:

    best way to stop teenage sons borrowing the car.


  8. Bento says:

    No mention of Nurry’s astounding scoop on the front page of today’s Worst?

    Get this. There was a guy, who MURDERED someone. In the 1980s. In another country. And he was living RIGHT HERE IN PERTH! But he’s dead now. Hold the front page.

    Shazza’s discussion with Mez about the weather in South Freo was more interesting.


  9. ronggly says:

    My kids love “life in the fast lane” by The Eagles, go figure, im goin 2 bed.


  10. Mez says:

    oh yeh, it started when Sunshine said that your mother was a speedbump


  11. Mez says:

    what boudaries?


  12. Associate says:

    I know the owner of the NISS14N…

    How awkward. I wonder if I should tell her.


  13. Pingback: idontfknlovepink « The Worst of Perth

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