Cock Burn Split Sister

Hey split sister who’s the one you want?
Hey split sister COCK BURN!
It’s a nice day to start again… Billy Idol

Some nice South of River worsting from Gregg who wonders (not out loud) whether cock, burn, split and sister should ever be used in the same sentence. What Split City Councillor was dumb enough to hitch their wagon to the Cockburning community? Didn’t they visit? Or was a photo of a sign assuring them it was the “fun coast” enough? Is this also on Mark “The Damp Teatowel” McGowan’s patch?

Gregg Says… Oh and just to top it all off those naming geniuses have just called our new shopping precinct South Central. Sounds about right for the demographic, here’s what Wikipedia say: The name “South Central” had become almost synonymous with urban decay and street crime, and is considered the forefront for gang warfare and poverty.”
Awesome. Wonder if those dozens of cops always parked at BP Success (another great name) are going to start meting out justice Rodney King style? I’m all for it after spending a day at Gateway shops…

And to top it all off, WAtching chimes in with another cock sans burn, an image which featured in the live show.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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21 Responses to Cock Burn Split Sister

  1. skink says:

    congrats to WAtching – the Cock pic was the highlight of the show (the best highlight among many, I should say)

    is it available in higher rez so I can get a print?

    I now have a mental image of WAtching kerb-crawling around the southern suburbs on the lookout for Cock.


    • WAtching says:

      I don’t restrict myself to the southern suburbs. I’m not fussy about where i get my cock shots from. I am, however on the lookout for a defunct “cuntburn hire.”

      That particular cock has river views- which in my opinion makes it not south of the river.


    • WAtching says:

      Print your heart out skinkster.


      • skink says:


        I tried rotating it, figuring the road was sloping and the roof flat, but it turns out to be all on the piss, even the trees


  2. rolly says:

    …….as a change from looking out for cunt?


  3. monkeypants says:

    Well i hope you all know how important it is to “respect the cock”!


  4. gregg says:

    good call skink, trying to work out the angles on WAtching’s photo got me all upset – is the building sinking? And are the trees or the pole leaning? not to take away from that magnificent cock-work… cockburn council like to put their name on every sign at least 3 times (as you would see in the second photo if not for my dodgy phone camera)so I’m thinking some great work could be done in our area with a bit of white paint… city of cock anyone?


  5. B.T. says:

    It’s cock-eyed.


  6. Snuff says:

    I’m deadset metagrobolised by the angles on WAtching’s photo.



    • WAtching says:

      Sorry guys. Should’ve mentiioned that i had a little photographic help from my old friend Escher.

      I can confirm that the road is sloping, the roof is slanting and the trees are askew (freo doctor).

      What does that make you?


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