Town of Vincent Votes

For those interested in the fortunes of The Worst of Perth featured candidate Mat “The Nucular” Buckels for the local elections in The Town of Vincent, you can see the numbers here.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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182 Responses to Town of Vincent Votes

  1. And he seems to have got in.


  2. But no numbers are displayed on Elec commission pages.


  3. Matt b says:

    Indeed I did, and I couldn’t have done it without TWOP.


  4. I’m going to be pacing out potential nuclear reactor locations from tomorrow. There’s that park behind Mt Lawley Tafe. Not Dick Piercey Park, what’s it called?


  5. If you had been featured a week earlier, I’m sure that handful needed for number 1 spot could have been acheived.
    Numbers are now up on the WAEC site.


  6. Matt b says:

    I only said that to snag a few pro-nuke votes from the cranks. I remember falling asleep in that park once – about half way between the Queens and what I then called home in Mt Lawley.


  7. Frank Calabrese says:

    And there are no results in from the Cities of Swan & Joondalup.

    Oh and according to a very reliable source, Catania the Elder has lost his majority.


  8. curious says:

    does nobody here have a life? posting on a saturday night?


  9. BDD says:

    Congratulations Matt, give the Voice a call if you ever want to talk about this nuclear thing :P

    Kind of ironic that the council was just about to finally ditch the “nuclear free zone” signs just before the time of your election.


    • WAtching says:

      But you’re missing the point BDD…
      Big Issues.
      Concrete Swans? White? Bllack? Definestration? Rural Suicide?
      FOWF. Of sincerity


  10. David Cohen says:

    If we can’t watch our dugongs swimming in The Tim Winton Lake in Hyde Park then the terrorists have won…


    • Snuff says:

      … and don’t forget that water feature in the north west corner.


      • They used to have dinosaurs where the water thingy is/was.


      • skink says:

        here here, it was bloody hot yesterday and I fancied a bash through the fountain myself

        please get it working again

        strangely, I was out in Leederville last night, and there was no shortage of vibrancy. Big groups of drunk girls coming from Ascot with short dresses, fat legs and fascinators, and at least five hen parties. A disconcerting number of wonem wearing tyrolean wench outfits though – octoberfest I am guessing

        my review after a crawl of the Leederville facilities:

        Duende is xxxxxx
        Niche is xxxxx
        Double Lucky is a shed with curtains
        The Leedervile Hotel resembles some sort of veal fattening facility with doof-doof
        burgers at Jus are outstanding
        Greens and Co great for a chillout

        well done Matt, you’ll have a hard time keeping the Catanias honest

        it was Twop what won it

        like Sicily with electricity


  11. And the TWOP twitter feed saw it first,

    “Communists take early lead in Town of Vincent elections. A loose band of Trotskyites and Grampskyists look set to unseat pro development Co…”


  12. WAtching says:

    And two poles on every corner…
    And a mascot… who is not a penguin.


  13. skink says:

    and no word from richarbl?

    I will not be happy until Matt does a big ‘ner, ner na ner ner’ in his face

    perhaps richarbl got lucky and is having unexpected sex with his Danish architect


  14. ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

    Oh well Matty Boy… the fun begins.

    Hope you’ve got a rain-coat cos there’s no more standing outside the circle pissing in on the elected representatives….you better get used to the mal-contents raining it down on you……have fun :))))))


  15. stu says:

    The best news is that Herr Dictator Catania has lost his balance of power. Maybe the canals that are about to be placed around the Hyde Park lake islands can now be scrapped.

    Surely the decision to turn the lakes into thin canals is a WOP. Perhaps a bridge of sighs across each?


  16. ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

    according to Matty Boy the lakes will be used for cooling the reactor….so dont get too excited Stu.


  17. ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

    Cant wait for the next Town of Vincent elections!!

    With the Maier/Buckels “dirt-sheet” strategy having been so successful, our letter-boxes are sure to be over-flowing with juicies on candidates personal lives…..bring it on!


  18. Big Ramifications says:

    Jesus Christ. In Maier’s long, rambling he-said-she-said letter to the editor in today’s The Voice he admits checking Caddy’s Facebook friend’s page as well as going to the Batte Library to try and find out where he lives.

    And yet he takes umbrage to the term “dirt” sheet.

    And it turns out Caddy doesn’t live in Vincent. Or he’s not enrolled to vote there. Or something.

    They’ll be going thru each others’ bins soon, checking for plastic.

    Ah, politics.


    • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

      and this guy Maier professes to represent us (in an ethical and honest way apparently)?!?!

      the scarey thing is he only represents the looney fringe who bothered to vote in a council election, and then vote for someone as upstanding as him….all 1419 of them!

      glad to see my rates are going to a good cause…Heaven help us!!


      • Snuff says:

        If it’s only the looney fringe who bother to vote, CVC, what does that make those who don’t ?


        • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

          sorry, I should have said “looney, MALCONTENT fringe”…….surely you’d have to be to vote for someone like Maier who’s done nothing in his first four years but take the opposite view to the rest of the council.

          too busy saving us from Herr Catania to actually get on with it and do something.

          lets be honest 1419 (approx 14% of electors) votes aint representative…or is it Snuff??

          bring on compulsory elections!


          • Well it was 30% wasn’t it? Not tooo bad for this sort of event surely?


          • Snuff says:

            Whose fault is it that there wasn’t a 100% turnout, compulsory or not ?


          • oldfart says:

            As they say, never let the facts get in the way of a good old-fashioned winge.

            1419 votes ain’t a big number but its more than any other candidate in the ward.

            Poor ol Dan Caddy must be spewin – a Perth Voice front page dirt job on Maier & Buckels which would have lost them votes, but he still couldn’t (for the second time!) get enough ticks to make the grade – probably because the same article outed him as the Mayor’s man. Oops!).

            As for CVC’s claims on Maier doing nothing in four years, CVC clearly relies on Team Catania propaganda not facts. The thing CVC & TC can’t stand is that Maier is a genuine community candidate who gets up because he talks and listens to the community and doesn’t sit on his bum waiting for the loyalty votes to come in from Nick’s Labour Party and Italian community supporters to get elected.

            Prediction: Steed won’t survive the next election. If he’s smart, he won’t even stand.


            • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

              Sounds like oldfart is well and truely buried up the date of the Mire (sorry Maier)/Lake/Greens camp……

              “genuine community candidate”?!?!? in the words of a great Australian – “pigs-arse”! Surely someone as transparent as yourself should know that there’s no such thing in politics Dudley….. sorry old fart.

              Prediction 1: Perth and Stirling will swallow up Vincent and there wont be another election

              Prediction 2: Dudley will use the hallowed pages of WOP to continue the “dirt sheet” on anyone who doesnt agreed with his mantra….

              I cant wait for the next installment ;)


              • oldfart says:

                Oh dear. Touched some raw nerves have we?? As to identity: Wrong on this too! More than you can imagine (but think Primary School parent).


                • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

                  so oldfart, you gonna put your sticky finger up to run for council….sounds like your made of the right stuff.

                  two years worth of campaigning on WOP (plus and handful of votes) and you’ll be sure to get in. It worked for Matty Boy…..

                  come on I dare you….i might even vote for you.


      • shazza says:

        Did you vote ConcernedVincentCitizen?


        • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

          it was a secret ballot Shazza… I cant say.


          • oldfart says:

            In other words, you didn’t vote. Wonder why? Oh yes, because only lunatic fringe votes in local elections. Self-outed (but honest?).


            • shazza says:

              So you get where I was going oldfart.


            • G'day from WA says:

              Why do you think CVC didn’t vote? I like the idea of secret ballot meaning you can’t say if you voted or not.


              • oldfart says:

                G’day G’dayfWA

                Yes I thought that definition was a nice take on the the idea of secret ballot. Might even fly with some but in the good old days this was known as dissembling.

                Maybe CVC didn’t vote ‘coz she’s like a friend of mine whose postal address is different to where she actually lives most of the time and which is different again from what is shown on the electroral rolls. In other words: Not eligible to vote (but still entitled for a good ol’ dummy spit).


                • Snuff says:

                  Not voting is virtually essential for whingers, oldfart. It just makes it too difficult if the person they vote for gets in.


                  • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

                    Kinda interesting that oldfart was absent from the debate prior to the election……..sounds like a case of “told you so’s, after the event”. Some would describe that as political genius.

                    At least I was whinging before the election!

                    But more than happy to partake of oldfarts pearls of wisdom. So I gather this Steed (who ever he is), will be the target of Dudley’s, sorry oldfarts, “dirt-sheets” from now on? What about Herr Catania? Is he off the meat-hook?


                    • oldfart says:

                      CVC is clearly a calm, balanced and insightful person. Perhaps she should stand for Council next time round. Mayor perhaps? Better get on that electroral roll comrade.


                    • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

                      oldfart…As to identity: Wrong on mine too. (think primary school parent too)……

                      must be hard not being able to go the distance…….best stick to making coffee (and being a kept man) oldfart….of the bitter and twisted kind that is ;)


                    • oldfart says:

                      Ooooooh! Almost sounds like an invitation to have it out down behind the toilet block. But let’s not go there. Will say g’day next time I see you at the school. ;)


                    • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

                      come on now, no need for the toilet humour……in all seriousness tho, you gonna run for council next time?

                      cos like i said, i reckon you’re maid of the right stuff! Vincent council needs back street brawlers like you……plus you’ll get my vote!


                    • oldfart says:

                      Aw shucks CVC. We might even become friends yet.

                      Thanks for the compliments and the vote promise.

                      When I know Old Nick is definitely going and the current CEO is on the way, and if I am not tooooo old a fart, I will think about it. Unlikely before then. Life’s too short as it is.

                      Will keep you posted.


                  • G'day from WA says:

                    Not for me Snuff: I whinge AND I vote!


  19. Big Ramifications says:

    Sorry: “friends” page.


  20. Orbea says:

    I have disassembled the UPright piano, and am now walking down Oxford Street looking for a balcony for to hang Il Duce and his mistresses.

    Little Matty B and his habit of habituatingaround grotty little websites

    and to think Peter Newman STILL wears a syrup of fig


  21. Big Ramifications says:

    I kinda liked Duds before all this.

    eg. Keeping an eye on Beatty Park running costs, Hassling Catana the megalomaniac.

    I met Nick Catana and his son once where I was working. Mate, they were fair dinkum robots. Scary.

    I called him the “Big Cheese” and he seemed rather off put. In a robotic kind of way.

    But now when I think of Duds I think: Grubby politics. The whole farking lot of them.


    • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

      BR…..”Grubby politics. The whole farking lot of them.” My point/s exactly (however nowhere near as concise).

      At least Matty Boy didnt make any attempts at moral high ground………whereas that Dudles Maier has built a so-called career from those giddy heights, and even after his campaign high jinks were splashed over the front page, acolytes like oldfart continue to delude themselves.

      Well said BR!!


    • oldfart says:

      Oh Behave BR!

      Too easy to damn the lot of ’em. Get a grip, man. I reckon Duds was silly to expect young Matt B to be careful; not Matt’s style at all.

      [It’s gunna be interestin’ to see how the lad handles the strictures of being a Councillor. Might be enough for Il Duce to call it a day and go early to ‘spend more time with his family’.]

      My reading of the Voice front page, Duds’ letter and the Voice response to it is that a key question remains to be answered:

      He’s well-known at school sports events, has known Town activism history, property and personal connection, but does Dan Caddy usually reside in the Town?

      His election material implies (but carefully, does not explicitly state) he does. I voted early (for Duds, Matt, and Dan for some balance) before the Voice story broke. If I had known DC didn’t live here, I would have voted for candidates who I know shop and live locally – the mum or the copper.

      So I reckon Duds attempts to learn the truth weren’t dirty but entirely legitimate. If DC doesn’t normally live in the town, his advertising material was, to this voter at least, misleading.

      Perhaps CVC can take a cold shower and help us all with the answer to this question.


      • Big Ramifications says:

        Yeah, kinda strange. His kid goes to school in Vincent. And didn’t grubby Duddy say in his letter that there were numerous possible addresses for Caddy floating around? What’s up with that?

        FWIW: For state and federal I was enrolled at my Mum+Dad’s address for farking YONKS after I moved outa home. I simply couldn’t be fagged filling out the forms.

        Then one day a booth person asked me about it and they were all “AH HA! You can’t vote!”

        [They were a bit crestfallen when they realised I didn’t give a shit. She was fixin’ for an argument. Now the AEC fakirs are sending me forms and I don’t even open them. Fark ’em.]

        Er… my point? Enrolment details might have nothing to do with place of residence.

        [But in Caddy’s case, it probably does. Or should. If he wants to appear legit. I’m rambling. [I’m a ramblin’ man.]]


      • Big Ramifications says:

        “He’s well-known at school sports events, has known Town activism history, property and personal connection, but does Dan Caddy usually reside in the Town? ”

        Crikey. I thought you meant Duds. How do you know all this? I’d never heard of him until recently.

        Has anyone seen oldfart and Maier in a room at the same time? I thought not. ;)


  22. oldfart says:

    Hi BR

    Answer is simple.

    The reference to schools sports events was a kind of in-joke amongst some of us Mt Hawthorn primary school parents. A bit naughty, I admit, and now wish I hadn’t included it.

    The rest is taken from Dan’s electoral advertising material.

    Have I ever been in the same room as Dudley Maier? Yep – on the few occasions over the past few years I have been in public question time at Council and once when he visited my house to discuss a local development issue. And he was on my front verandah once while doorknocking for his original election to Council in 2005.

    I voted for him this time because I know enough about him from my personal experience and more Council-active friends that he is more assiduous than most in his work as a councillor. I often see him treadling around Mt Hawthorn on the weekend – at least some of which I know now to be visiting people proposing or being affected by development or other Town planning issues. It’s virtually impossible to even get an acknowledgement of contact from some of the Mayor’s acolytes, let alone a home visit.

    So yes – no secret that I support Duds on Council. Do I think he’s perfect? Far from it. Do I agree with every position he takes? Far from it. But I reckon the CVC and other snarly stuff on him on TWOP is well wide of the mark.

    BTW: I seem to remember there was a question mark over Dan C’s residential status last time he stood for Council. Anyone know anything about this?


    • Big Ramifications says:



    • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

      Jeez oldfart you know a hell of a lot about this Dudles character (and Dan Caddy for that matter)….well informed you are!

      And dont be shy, I’m sure a local, Mt Hawthorn warrior like you could give the old guard (Mayor and CEO) a good old shake up….see you in two years!


      • Exactly, especially when you only seem to need a few votes!


      • oldfart says:

        Shyly: I thought I knew about as much ordinary info as any non-donkey-voting ‘concerned Vincent citizen’ ought to know about their council candidates. Plenty of casual discussion about this among neighbours and kids friends parents (including ALP types and Go! Nick mediterraneans).

        But still don’t know whether our man Dan actually lives in the Town. Someone must know.

        Waiting……….. . ;)


        • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

          why dont you ask him yourself…..its obvious you’ve read his material (at least several times) and i’m sure it contained a contact number/email.

          time for oldfart to step up and ask the tough questions of the person himself. While your at it give Dudles a call and see if he lives in the ward he professes to represent.

          I await the cold-hard facts with baited breath ;)


          • I wish I knew who any of these people referred to were.


            • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

              I’m sure oldfart can fill you in on all the sordid details….he seems very well informed (almost)!

              Sorry did I say sordid…..i meant to say fine upstanding, community-minded.


            • WAtching says:

              Freemasons. The lot of them…


            • Big Ramifications says:

              In your link to the vote count:

              **Dudley “Duds” Maier got in. Very famous grass roots activist in these parts. [Him and John “Hide the Salami” Hyde are always popping up in the two local rags.]
              **Dan “DC” Caddy came 4th.
              **Matt Buckels got in as you know.

              I sorta refer to it in my first[?] post, but to summarise: Buckels reckons Caddy doesn’t live in Vincent, but his kiddie goes to school here, and his election flyer implied that he lived here.

              Duds did some research on this because “a number of people approached him” and he passed this “dirt” on to Buckels so he could write a letter to The Voice.

              Buckels wrote an email letter to The Voice editor but failed to remove the email chain where Duds tells him to “be careful” and where they “joke about Caddy’s private life” whatever the hell that means.

              This made front page news in The Voice with Caddy suggesting this is a clear sign of party politics despite Buckels claiming to be independent. AFAICT, Buckels still denies there is an alignment.

              Duds writes a huge letter next week claiming The Voice over reacted and “dirt sheet” was too strong a term. He also said he checked the Facebook friends pages of Caddy and The Voice journo and noted that they were friends and that there was obvious bias and it was unethical for The Voice journo not to note this fact in print… but then the editor replied that they only friended each other after the story went to print.


              /Only ~200 votes between 1st and 4th. What a close one, eh?
              //I’m hardly an local activist. Would like to be more active but this sort of carry on scares me. However, I do devour The Voice, indeed I look forward to reading it each week. Hence my intimate knowledge of the above, further fueled by the TWoP blog. The other [Murdoch owned] local rag. Meh. Bird cage liner.
              ///I voted for the copper. He came 5th!


          • oldfart says:

            Good try comrade CVC.

            Here’s the facts:

            No point in me asking Dan because he has no choice but to say ‘Yes’. But how will I know it is true?

            So I need an independent source of information. I could ask the kids but that’d be sordid (and I won’t do it). Can you help?

            I know Duds doesn’t live in my Ward and that IS a concern to me but he is entirely open about where he lives and doesn’t play funny buggers with it.

            Now I gotta get back to work before I get the sack. So long fellas. Its been an entertaining distraction. Might see y’all again tomorrow. Or in two years time. :)


            • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

              I get it now (ie, the constant references to comrade)….you think I’m the man himself (DC). Sadly mistaken oldfart. hahaha!

              couldnt be further from the truth….thats funny tho…still grinning


  23. ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

    p.s… least it gives bored old farts and CVC’s something to dribble about.


  24. skink says:

    I see from Inside Cover today that the City of Stirling has voted to rename the Terry Tyzack Pool as a ‘fuck you’ to the former mayor.

    clearly they have been reading this thread



    • orbea says:

      Paul Collins (real estate agency director) has already foreshadowed a recission motion.

      I still refer to the bandaid and scab collector as inglewood Pool.

      Either Tezza Tyzack has to step up and die, or the pool gets renamed to Leisure Suit Larry Inglewood


      • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

        Can we start a new thread on Stirling Council?

        I’ll even consider changing my name to “PissedoffStirlingPerson”.


        • PissedoffStirlingPerson says:

          already done

          What Stirling worsts are out there?

          How about the single bin recycling? Fuckers!


          • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

            Stirling…..its like a bloody retirement village for failed Liberal candidates.

            14 councillors….14 different factions!! What a laugh eh.

            If you want a good giggle you should check out a council meeting live, they really go off.


    • Big Ramifications says:

      Tell me Terry hasn’t got power issues. Having a freakin’ sporting complex named after himself???!

      Or – if I recall correctly – having the good grace to allow his fellow councillors to name it after him despite his acute embarrassment and protestations. Yeah, right. Someone pass me a bucket.

      Which leads me to the point I want to make. Anyone notice that the “thou shalt play safely or else!” signs on playgrounds in the Town of Vincent are signed by the CEO John Giorgi?




      What a grade-A tosser. I can’t wait to see what the next CEO does… keep the signs or alter them all… and how much rate payer $$$ he/she is prepared to spend for their 15 minutes of bully pulpit glory.


      • Here is one of mr Giorgi’s signs that has een featured before.

        Without Notice


      • oldfart says:

        Breaking News on Vincent:

        Il Duce’s enemy on the Council, Sally Lake, got elected Deputy Mayor. That ought to be interesting. Can they kiss and make up? Wonder if she’ll now get invites to sit with Old Nick and Giorgi Boy in the Town’s corporate box at Members Equity Stadium to watch the futball and enjoy the canapes.

        I have just learned Old Nick graciously allowed Giorgi Boy to do the honours to induct the new councillors. Something the mayor usually does but maybe he couldn’t stand the idea of having to shake the hands of those who knocked his acolytes for six last weekend.

        You saw it first on TWOP.


        • ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

          Like I said oldfart, you’re very well informed….The Voice hasnt even hit the streets as yet! Must be the regular updates you get from Cr Dudles?

          Ah yes, that will interesting…..the history between those two makes for a good working relationship, NOT! LOL

          Cant wait for the fireworks that cosy arrangement is likely to deliver, plenty of fodder for the Voice no doubt.

          Never a dull moment in down-town South Stirling/up-town North CBD.


          • Matt B says:

            Now I’m sworn in I can’t be seen to be hanging round such blogs of ill-repute… however in a turn of events that may be dissapointing to some last night’s council meeting was run in great spirits and I think everyone will get along just fine.


          • Bento says:

            You two are starting to shit me to tears.

            Please limit all future Local Government commentary to issues pertaining to haircuts, dugongs, and nuclear reactors.


            • shazza says:

              Oh thank fuckin god someone said that. I thought it was just me so in an attempt to be diplomatic kept quiet. But now I say hear hear Bento.

              You two can include the words, boozies, cunts, Winton, Chong, A list and comic sans in your comments from now on please.

              Matt b I think you will find this blog is considered in many circles as being of high repute.


              • WAtching says:

                and the ayes have it
                hear hear…


                • oldfart says:


                  Its unanimous.

                  No more from me until next time TLA plonks a new Vincent story on TWOP.

                  Then I reserve my right to bore you boozie, anti-Winton, dugong-hating, sans serif, short-attention-span young cunts shitless again.

                  Until then I gotta get back to work. Some of us have to work for a living.

                  Tooroo for now.



          • oldfart says:

            Yep, sure will be interesting…….. I agree with your “…NOT! LOL”.

            But alas not quite on the money about sources – though one was in the same room as Cr Duds yesterday.

            One of my vast network of spies was in the public gallery last night and tells me the whole show went pretty smoothly. No classic dummy spits from Il Duce apparently; very well behaved he was! Could be the start of a new era!

            As for the quip about Members Equity: Created from an older story from a former Councillor about who did and didn’t get invites to use the box in his/her time. But I can’t verify this one now. Naughty of me perhaps, but heck, I couldn’t resist the image of the three of them chatting amicably and crunching on samboys and caviar.

            BTW: You don’t sound like a very patriotic CVC with all these refs to a Stirling/Perth takeover. I expect you to join us all at the barricades.


  25. ConcernedVincentCitizen says:

    Had my first laugh for the day reading that IC snippet.

    Had a thort….lets rename Hyde Park to “Buckels Bog”!


  26. Bento says:

    It’s that time of year again! Let’s get behind TWOP hero Duke Nukem Buckels. Even though he hasn’t delivered on his promises for an all-nuclear Christmas light show, or Hyde Park dugong sanctuary.


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