David Bowie Fails At Sex

That’s all. He fails at sex. The secret is out. I suppose at his age, it’s natural to shoot a few duds now and then. I suppose rooting Mick Jagger would have to go into the failures pile?

Thanks Brad. Train Station overpass.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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10 Responses to David Bowie Fails At Sex

  1. Tony T says:

    Davis is innocent!


  2. skink says:

    Davis Bowie?

    is he the guy who sang that duet ‘Under Pessary’ with Fanny Mercury?


  3. shazza says:

    Mmm I think we have the original fan graff – David Bowie. And then the hater – FAILS AT SEX.

    I’m no hand writing expert but this is a declaration of admiration turned into an exclamation of denigration.

    Clearly the latter is too young to know who David Bowie is. Any man who includes a Mars Bar in his sexual repetoire gets the thumbs up from me.


  4. jallenha says:

    “Rooting Mick Jagger”.
    TLA you are the love poet of our generation.
    beautiful, just beautiful……


  5. Snuff says:

    He’s no Coltrane, but he can play.


  6. WAtching says:

    This is just a test.
    But i thought i would do it here because i love this post.
    I hope that one day, David Bowie himself will come here and defend his prowess. And i hope this is #1 at google for Davis Bowie.
    and David Koch is a cunt.


We can handle the worst