Lucy in the Ute with STD’s

Get your cunt out? What happened to show us your tits? Was a simple “Clean Me” not out there enough to write in this genuine Cunderdin dust? Or maybe it’s  dust from cutting up the Lathlain Park carpark over the road. Presumably Bradzy has inflicted this irony soaked message on his mate’s car who unwittingly drove all the way from Cunderdin unaware at this supreme wittiness. Oh how he’ll laugh when he finds out that Lucy’s bedroom expertise is now known to everyone who followed his crapwagon down Great eastern Highway to the smoke.  Jesper, please note. THIS is irony in its purest form.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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11 Responses to Lucy in the Ute with STD’s

  1. jallenha says:

    Bit of a recurring theme already this week TLA?


  2. Snuff says:

    $648 ? That is awesome.


  3. Bill O'Slatter says:

    I’ve been everywhere , man. Doodlakine ? Koolyanobbing at the Wyalcatchem Cunderdin.


  4. Bento says:

    Speaking of Jesper, it seems he’s a glutton for punishment.

    Not content with offending Murdoch students and faculty, Rotto-lovers, Svenkage-exponents, and anyone else with a deep sense of irony, he’s only gone and poked the handclappers with a stick.

    Once again, it seems to be the presence of music which most aroused his indignation.


  5. Ben says:

    Spotted this one yesterday at Curtin Guild Day. Maybe it’s Hackett’s?


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