Bad Gin 2

I should have had more faith in TWOP readers. Discussing an idiotic exchange between Troy Buswell and The National’s Grant Woodhams in Parliament, I began musing on what could have happened to the seemingly slightly lefty Mr Woodhams to turn him down the path to being a National Party member. I vaguely remembered that I saw a photo of him wearing a shirt with a Bundy bottle bong on it, but despaired of finding it. Minutes later David “Rottobloggo, & Fucking Outrage” Cohen found the shot from the West in 1988.

Now we know what rotted Grants brain to the extent of becoming a member of Teh Nationals. Bundy and Bongs. Extreme kudos to DC.

Grant Woodhams

grant wodhamsMr Woodhams now.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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15 Responses to Bad Gin 2

  1. Frank Calabrese says:

    My lasting image of Woodhams is on Telethon in 1989 where a group of seven Identites were miming the Top 10 hits of 1959 as iy was Seven’s 30th Birthday and his bit was Ivo Robic’s ballad “Morgen”

    And here is the song in question (though no Grant.)


  2. His favourite song ” Shine on you crazy diamond”


  3. Bento says:

    Dammit Cohen – you cost me $5. Another 10 minutes, and Frank would’ve found it for sure.


  4. David Cohen says:

    sorry Bento. couldn’t help myself.


  5. I think it’s pretty good I remembered this photo for 20 years. I didn’t even know there would be an internet to post it on.


  6. poor lisa says:

    You must’ve known, deep down. All your life & everything you’ve read, seen and learned has been just a dress rehearsal for TWOP I think.


  7. Juffy says:

    Lisa – what a horrifying summary of a life’s purpose. :)


  8. Mat B says:

    He doesn’t seem to have changed much in the intervening years. Slightly less hair?


  9. Bento says:

    Less hair, granted. But, judging by his speech content, still taking bong hits before Parliamentary sessions.


  10. #7 Juffy. It’s not THAT bad. If it paid I would be drinking the Kool-aid something chronic.


  11. Mez says:

    there seems to be an unfortunate stain on his front bottom which I’m hoping is bong water or bundy and nothing more sinister


  12. James says:

    Woodhams likes to filk songs, including his seminal Budget Pie, to the tune of America Pie. There’s lots more at Houses and Motions, except their wordpress install is a bit fucked so I’ve linked to the older Blogspot version.


  13. Cameron says:

    Houses and Motions is back up (bad timing of an operating system upgrade left wordpress broken … fiddling around aimlessly with things that shouldn’t have made any difference at all fixed it. *sigh*). The main contributor now lives in Brisbane and I live in Melbourne so recent and future entries are likely to be non-WA parliament. But the archives most certainly contain some of the worst (best?) exchanges we’ve found in WA parliament

    Houses and Motions front page

    here’s the archive page for good ol’ Grant Woodhams


  14. American Pie is a moronic song to start with. ” Lennon read a book on Marx ” Grant tries to filibuster with his version but falls short of the record by only a few hours. His technique is to repeat the same idea ad nauseum. ” The train goes to Mandurah , wouldn’t it be good for Lannie to get on it and not return , ( we all agree with this but it only needs to be said once ) blah titty blah.


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