Team America

A couple of different approaches to dealing with old vans. Which do you prefer? Fitting a weapons system, or letting them return to the soil naturally? Yes those are rocket launchers – and machine guns. The only extra it doesn’t seem to have is a yellow sticker.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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21 Responses to Team America

  1. The Intellectual Bogan says:

    Could this be the mythical HiAce Graveyard, long sought by hunters of these majestic beasts?


  2. Those are the bitches of Team America


  3. Squib says:

    That van at the bottom looks like it’s skulking. It’s a bit sinister almost, like a Decepticon


  4. Rolly says:

    A very direct statement of opinion re. aggro amero-attitudes.
    Just best not be in it when the next USS R&R hits town.
    I think that the graveyard is of Mazda’s the transcendental god of Zoroastrianism.
    OH! How are the mighty fallen!


  5. Rage says:

    The Team America van could only be better if it had flame throwers instead of headlights and pop-out wings.


  6. skink says:


    the USS Tarawa is docked in Freo right now. Two sailors were attacked and mugged over the weekend. No reports as to whether the perps escaped in this van. Don’t think it woudl stand much of a chance against a Cobra


  7. Levon says:

    I think you may have actually stumbled across a secret organisation’s back-up vehicle.

    In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem…if no one else can help…and if you can find them…maybe you can hire…The A- Team


  8. Frank Calabrese says:

    How about a post on the Captain Cleanup Mobile which is a HQ Ute modified to look like a super hero’s mode of Transport, and was done some 20 odd years ago by TAFE Students.


  9. Frank Calabrese says:

    [the USS Tarawa is docked in Freo right now. Two sailors were attacked and mugged over the weekend. No reports as to whether the perps escaped in this van. Don’t think it woudl stand much of a chance against a Cobra]

    Actually they escaped by Train and were caught at Cannington Railway Station.


  10. Mat B says:

    “Actually they escaped by Train and were caught at Cannington Railway Station.”

    And thus proved that public transport is not always the best option – if you’re planning violent crime, best to have an independent means of getaway!


  11. @10 , Martial Hints #1 : camouflage can be very effective.
    Re: Mazda , so that’s where the Coffin Cheater’s rocket launcher got to.
    Commander of Mazda : Oh no they got us in the petrol tank.
    Mazda : Kaboom.


  12. Birkette says:

    Did I tell you about the borewater beige vans, or was I just thinking about writing it???

    I know of a pond you may be interested in.


  13. Anonymous Perthon says:

    There is a towing service around town I’ve been unable to catch to get a photo of for WOP called “Camel Tow”


  14. Rolly says:

    Well, AP, that’s one way to get a foot in the door.


  15. Anonymous Perthon says:

    Very good Rolly, very very good


  16. Mango says:

    Don’t forget the Jesus van in the city!!!!


  17. B. Texan says:

    My hat must be too tight. I completely fail to understand why anyone would paint old glory on a piece of jap crap.

    It should be on a Chevy pick up, include a majestic eagle soaring over majestic mountains, and have patriotic slogans like “support our troops” stenciled on the hood.


  18. Rolly says:

    Perhaps the perpetrator of this obscenity had a rather more jaded and maybe more realistic perspective of the US of A in general.
    Certainly the American economy was carried along on the back of Japanese innovation and industrial enterprise for a long whiles. Crap or no crap.
    It is now the Chinese who are providing the means for the pentagon/Bush administration to send its young and healthy to Iraq to be physically, mentally and emotionally destroyed.
    If ever China calls in the debt at short notice one might well cry “God save America”.
    Australia is, as usual, just a few steps to the rear.


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