
Remember the lizard cunnilingus sign at Rainbow Lodge? Look at the mound in the background. It looks remarkably like the Neo Aztec pyramid being constructed by the Bayswater Bassendean(?) Council on Collier Rd. Seems to be part of a business park. I hope that like its Aztec counterparts, 10 000 hearts will be ripped out on opening day. Although it looks bad now, it is a vast improvement on the massive wrecked car dump that used to be there. Cimbali submitted this months ago, but have only just got around to it. Someone told me that the mound is toxic waste from the massive fire that destroyed the site a year or two back, but I don’t know if that’s true. Thanks for the archive shot Cimbali. Another entry for vanished worst. The two shots are taken from almost exactly the same spot.


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About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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12 Responses to Teotihuacan

  1. Wortho says:

    Cars. What a shame. I was living in Bassendean at the time of that fire. The toxic smoke drifted over my nearby workplace. Lucky for me I chucked a sickie that day. Turns out I was sickened in the end!


  2. Perhaps the dead are buried in that mound?


  3. Actually it may be the Bassendean Council. Mentioned here.


  4. Bento says:

    Pretty sure it’s actually within the Bayswater municipal area. But I’m not so certain that I would go to the wall on it…

    I worked at the City of Bayswater when the fire happened, and seem to recall everyone in the planning department being relieved that the planning approval preceded their arrival at the City.


  5. It was a massive fire. 2 minutes Drive from The Wolf’s Lair (TWOP Headquarters).


  6. Rolly says:

    The Bayswater Burial Barrow?


  7. The Intellectual Bogan says:

    And look at all that lovely, flat, contaminated sand! The perfect spot for the erection of another Instant Suburb Kit.

    Given the history of the site, I predict the development of some of the “affordable” housing that has become necessary.

    Can’t have rich people growing extra heads after all.


  8. But you’d have to be able to flog of “The Heights” for more money.


  9. Mez says:

    That one was near Midland Bill. No less spectacular or toxic than the Bayswater one but I believe the issue with the car fire was all them burning plastic carseats and dashboards so close to upwardly mobile ratepayers. No such controversy in Midland – they just squirted it with water and fenced it off for 7 years

    good old greenpeace though – keepin it real


  10. cimbali says:

    Not sure what point you are making here Mez – should the City of Swan have piled up all the toxic dirt into a scale model of Uluru like basso council did? Does that somehow make it all alright?
    Anyway, I have a feeling that the mountain was not entirely in response to the car wrecker fire – there was already a toxic site in the industrial area of Basso where the old Vickers Hadwa building was. A neighbour of mine who worked there all his (short) life, blamed that company for sending him and many of his mates to an early grave.


  11. Téa B says:

    I remember having photos of the smoke cloud — the EPA were all over the streets for 2 days after that fire – our house was blanketed in all sorts of crap.

    Ahh the memories, although I am wondering who the “lucky” people to own or develop that land will be…


We can handle the worst