Bad House, Bad Brothel

Guest: Kahuna. Area: Town of Cambridge. In further correspondence, Kahuna goes on to condemn virtually the whole Town of Cambridge and the council. But I want to know, why you would change “The Boulevard” to “Veryward Terrace”? Kahuna says…

Here’s a nic pic of a stunning beauty in Veryward Terrace (formerly The Boulevard) Wembley. Notice the magnificent architectual detail to enhance the streetscape and the use of building materials in a design which responds to Perth’s weather conditions to keep the house pleasantly cool in summer and wonderfully warm in winter. To top it off extensive landscaping has been done to contribute to the sense of place. It’s amazing what you can build on a 255 sqm block. Even more amazing is that the Town of Cambridge approved this shocker and that it was built in only the past 12 months. So much for good building design and environmental awareness. This will hopefully be the first of a number of contributions around the Town of Cambridge where there are many worthy worst of Perth nominations.


At the risk of search engines pouring thousands more brothel searches TWOP’s way, (you should see the stats page), here is another building that comes under the Town of Cambridge’s control. Another ugly brothel, although they do have a reasonable, er, stab at a swan logo, which, as we have discussed before can be problematic for many Perth designers.


city west brothel



About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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36 Responses to Bad House, Bad Brothel

  1. empirejess says:

    that first house just needs bars on the windows to complete the grim picture. how bloody depressing, this is what happens when dale alcock is depressed.


  2. lazyaussie says:

    Dale Alcock stands behind every house he sells, or is that John Hughes? That small window is just so horrible. As well as bars, perhaps some aluminium foil would complete the picture.


  3. CK says:

    What happened to the romance?


  4. meccano101 says:

    The pencil pines at the entrance are appropriate for a brothel.


  5. Anonymous Perthon says:

    That house is a shocker, like empirejess says its just depressing. Lazyaussie if you have an Absolutely Worst of Perth section I vote for the house.


  6. nodramas says:

    How naive am I, I see that City West one every day and I always thought it was a massage place.

    That you for educating me LazyAussie, my innocence is is gone :)

    And the resale value on that house is not very good…


  7. First one : you can jump in the Hummer and make a quick escape when the Feds have bashed in the front door.
    Second one : are those ventilation slats ?


  8. lazyaussie says:

    you said slats right?


  9. Greg Tangey says:

    i used to work around the corner from the brothel, i’d say the slats ;P are covering some windows. I’m soooo glad the windows are covered otherwise my eyes no doubt would’ve been punished more so each day i went to work.

    I always wondered if some of my work ‘colleagues’ ever ventured down for a super-special-finish-massage during their lunch breaks.


  10. spex says:

    nodramas: You need to drive past at night to get the full picture. After dark there are pretty lights and a bouncer to go with the red carpet/path.


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  13. owner of citywest says:

    Hi folks

    First of all thanks for the free advertising, albeit on a worst house/ugly brothel type post. I do agree the building does look a bit worse for wear, though we have painted it and try to keep the gardens in good order. At the end of the day the landlord is tight as a ducks bottom and we would dearly like to upgrade the premises a bit more.

    As for the slats I have no idea why they are there. Behind them is just a lounge room where the girls watch tv between customers.

    Spex I think you have been watching too many cops and robber programs, agreed at night there are some pretty lights but there are no bouncers standing out the front. If you saw anyone it would have only been customers coming and going.


  14. Heh, heh. Comment of the week. Nice to have you on worst of Perth. So many, many hundreds (actually thousands) of stats coming through for brothel searches, you wouldn’t believe the search terms I get… No wait, of course you would. It frankly doesn’t look any worse than Theos across the road. Is the lounge behind the slats worthy of a pic?


  15. Rewey says:

    Isn’t that the whole point of those places? Coming and going?


  16. Kill Teen Angst Fan Boi says:



  17. britpop says:

    I am british and our houses are not that great to look at compared to aussie houses, but I have to say that one is a friggin beauty. I got depressed just looking at it.


  18. hedonista says:

    Hi, just stumbled across this site as i was trying to view the citywest website and made me chuckle.
    I have worked in a couple of brothels and although this doesnt look like much from the outside, there has recently been a refurb on the inside and the rooms are the nicest, most tastefully decorated and cleanest rooms i’ve seen in a brothel. The exterior of this house is completely deceptive!


  19. vanessa says:

    ur opinion of the building is irrelevant its whats inside that counts..6star..and if u wernt so narrow minded ud know.


  20. vanessa says:

    clients intoxication+girl shapes ur opinion. see vanessa and ill blow ur..mind. wont ever look back nor want to leave. x


  21. orbea says:

    ur opinion of the building is irrelevant its whats inside that counts..6star..and if u wernt so narrow minded ud know.

    vanessa – six star hand shandies!!!!! please explain


  22. The Legend 101 says:

    Looks like a normal house to me. Im not to sure about how good Cambridge is


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