Wall Breaking News!

Was it something I said? Worst Wall Ramming

Only 2 weeks ago, The Worst of Perth covered The Great Wall of Maylands. Today in breaking news, the wall has been rammed and is partly smashed! The Worst of Perth editor had a bit of explaining to do to police, with the dent in the front of the Camry and all, but the the wheelbase did not match. Please guys, it’s not worth risking your life to rid Perth of its design crimes. I just hope Paul Murray, Perth’s worst journalist takes care when walking his dog in light of this development.

This has illustrated sooner than expected one of the more serious aspects of The Worst of Perth, that is for preserving a record of the trivial and the ugly that will otherwise be lost. A time capsule of small things. Goodbye great wall.



I would love to have seen the car!

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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27 Responses to Wall Breaking News!

  1. meccano101 says:

    Oh my god. By the width of the tracks it looks like it was hit by a truck.


  2. lazyaussie says:

    If so, the truck lost.


  3. hokusan says:

    i always thought of it as the Rion-Antirion of the west with cocos.
    i guess not.


  4. meccano101 says:

    I thought I had seen this on Mega-Structures


  5. lazyaussie says:

    No, it was on, “When Walls Go Bad”.


  6. Robotnik says:

    Most violence is perpetrated by someone known to the victim. The owner of the wall, harried by the relentless investigative journalism that is “Worst of Perth” has clealry tried to make it look like an accident. Expect more of this caper as your blog’s fame spreads.


  7. lazyaussie says:

    As I say. Paul Murray, Stephen Scourfield, Pam casellas should walk their dogs in their minds rather than on the street to be safe.
    I hope someone doesn’t ram the kransky shop.


  8. meccano101 says:

    This wall coming down is clearly a symbol. An invitation for us all to demolish the ugly concrete barriers within us- You also might be able to make a little cash on the side selling fragments of it on ebay.


  9. Golden1 says:

    Maybe they should get the worst bands in perth to do a concert there – V Capri springs to mind but I guess I am just showing my age.


  10. Cimbali says:

    They weren’t called V crapi for nothing. Actually if we are going to talk culture then I think we need a category for worst play. My nomination would be for “Death Warmed Up” by KADS which I saw in August 2007. It is far and away the worst piece of play writing, play directing and play acting I have ever had the misfortune to witness in all my long days of avoiding Amateur Dramatics. Two hours in I seriously started to worry that I would never be allowed to go home. Thank God for the glass of sherry to start, I only wish I could have got hold of the rest of the flagon during the interval.
    Ed if you create a category I will give you a synopsis.


  11. lazyaussie says:

    I’m restricting it to current crimes I think.


  12. Cimbali says:

    Good call – except there was talk of reviving it for another season! If they do then I will be ready.


  13. lazyaussie says:

    If so, some sort of pic, if not of the cast, then the program. Do they still act out of that ex churchy sort of building up there?


  14. Anonymous Perthon says:

    I remember when this classy little wall was a lovely gray colour and decorated with shells – and then someone “modernized” it


  15. lazyaussie says:

    The shells are still there. I thought they were cockroaches. I thought it might get demolished, but I was optomistic. probably sit there broken for another few decades.


  16. Mr C says:

    Was probably hit by an out of control Gemini.


  17. lazyaussie says:

    It needs another gemini (or perhaps a camira wagon) to finish the job Mr C.


  18. Grrr says:

    And you know… all this time down the track the wall is still not repaired.

    It’s a Perth tragedy.


  19. You’re really going back to the classics Grrr! OK so you’re not Mark McGowan, too far from his beat. Reece Whitby?
    The nature of TWOP has shifted a little since those days. I wasn’t the cultural powerhouse, lord of content creation, and the future of journalism that I am now. This is back in the days I was impressed with having 5000 total views.


  20. poor lisa says:

    Your typing has deteriorated and I miss the bombed-out takeaway pictures, but other than that you haven’t let success change you much.


  21. No, my correction of typing has deteriorated. Before correcting now, I always ask myself “Would these pigs know the difference between losing and loosing anyway?”

    I just took another takeaway shot the other day. What has changed is the volume and quality of submission pics. So many good ones every week.

    What also hasn’t changed is that I still haven’t done anything about that book idea. I’m loosing it badly.


  22. Frank Calabrese says:

    What also hasn’t changed is that I still haven’t done anything about that book idea. I’m loosing it badly.

    Well with New Visions 31 due to go to air in June – Have you considered “The Worst Of Perth – The TV Show” ?

    Imagine the the best of TWOP, complete with moving vision and sound :-)


  23. Rolly says:

    Good one Franco.
    Get to work on it Lazy.
    Like – NOW


  24. I’d actually want to do something that paid something. Video is so much more work. If I did video, I’d do it online.
    I’d rather be a guest of Bob Maumill and do some radio instead.


  25. Frank Calabrese says:

    I’d actually want to do something that paid something. Video is so much more work. If I did video, I’d do it online.

    Who says you have to do all the filming – that’s what the Vollunteer crews are for :-)

    I’d rather be a guest of Bob Maumill and do some radio instead.

    Maumill is a waste with his philistine listers – I’d go for Steve Gordon on Saturday Night – he already has Alex Manfrin once a month as a guest.


  26. Even with the volunteers it is still a massive amount of work. Having done video for 10 years i know. My hair alone… And all that stress and no money. I can sit in my pyjamas sinking howling wolves and get no money


  27. Grrr says:

    I preferred TWOP then… but I am by nature like that.

    I believe the bombed our shops are still bombed out too.

    Perth doesn’t go changin’


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