Outrage Sunday 291 so huge

“I’m only speeding because I need a poo!” They have a vehicle for everything at RPH.
What are you doing to mark the 401st anniversary of the Bard’s demise? Writing a scurrilous ballad about some aspect of WA, I hope. “We wondered, you cunt, that thou went’st so soon/From teh Perth’s stage to the grave’s tiring room.”
“There is a difference between a grub and a butterfly; yet your butterfly was a grub.”
Whatever: it’s going to be so huge. I will build a great mural – and nobody builds murals better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a huge, great wall on the Barrio, and I will make TLA & Bento pay for that wall. Mark my words. It will be so huge.

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9 Responses to Outrage Sunday 291 so huge

  1. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    When Teh Post succeeds we all succeed.


  2. JaneZ says:

    Really Paul?
    “For swimmers on the beaches, such as Ken Crew at North Cottesloe in 2000, Labor seems to be offering virtually nothing.”



  3. you'll get wet says:

    “For swimmers on the beaches, such as Ken Crew at North Cottesloe in 2000, Labor seems to be offering virtually nothing.”

    Kelly is the Minister for Dead Surfies. He’s on a membership drive to recruit Great Whites for United Voice. He’s even started to dress like an undertaker.


  4. Shreiking Wombat Ninja says:

    Sign me up!


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