Submit Vile Vistas

It’s all very well for BSWAM to point out the pimples on the arse of the generally charming Hudson River Valley. And I understand that adding sliding aluminium windows to a 1680s tavern is “not ideal”, but where is real worsting at re: Western Australia? Where are the worst views to be had? Submit some, particularly spots that are the main focus and I’ll add them here. I’ll start with (natch) Kalamunda and it’s putative town centre, Barberry Square, where the new for lease signs on the shithouse new erection only cover the fading for lease signs in the buildings behind. And next door. And around the corner. Another that comes to mind is the Dunsborough town centre. I drove through Midland on Sunday and it is also pretty bad, but it is on a national highway, so it’s not quite as egregious I guess. If you don’t have pictures, send us the google maps link. Kalamunda.kal4kal1kal3


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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39 Responses to Submit Vile Vistas

  1. Shreiking wombat ninja says:

    Anywhere in “iconic” Fremantle. Not to mention Queen Lizzie quay, or Buswell COS.


  2. Zuben says:

    The thing to remember about places like Amenia is that they were built at the dawn of decentralised finance of the sort most developers — especially in Australia — now take entirely for granted and then some .

    So its resemblance to Kalamunda is more than coincidental .

    I recon the Dunn street development will be heritage listed one day …


  3. Zuben says:

    By the wa I welcome your return to architecture / construction for topic of interest as opposed to roadside deposits and eccentric photocopies in public places .

    Do Perth architects sue ?


  4. Purple Wyrm says:

    How about the perpetually barren Cascades site on Guildford Road in Maylands? KFC on one side, Noodle House on the other and the lone and level sands – dotted with cocos palms – stretching between.,115.896043,3a,75y,20.69h,78.35t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1WvZJg2j8FmNWMzWhChEWQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


  5. Scanners says:

    Can someone please find the designer of the Muzz Buzz logo/font/colour scheme and give them a good slap around the head. If they also happen to be the same person who came up with the name Muzz Buzz, then slap them twice, and twice as hard.


  6. mancey says:

    Tilt panel monstrosity at 51 Forrest Ave Bunbury.


  7. JaneZ says:

    The eaveless treeless sea of black tiled roofs in Balcatta.


  8. Bento says:

    I’m a big fan of this one in Murdoch. Orchard Court, Botany Way, and not a tree in sight.


  9. BSWAM says:

    Route 9 between Poughkeepsie and Beacon is an unending crawl of hideous shopping centers crowning once-lovely hills. On the opposite banks, the imaginatively named Route 9W is particularly scuzzy between Highland and Newburgh. Ulster, just north of Kingston, is acres of Kalamunda-style development and the stretch of 9W that links it with Saugerties to the north is a ghastly no-man’s land of rural poverty interspersed with really really bad ideas. Then you have more subtle places like Ulster County Route 25 also known as Creeks Lock Road, which dawdles the length of the picturesque Rondout Creek and varies from “quaintly run-down” in May to “appalling backwoods blight” in November. Pretty much any town of any size has a string of crappy WalMart-Jr. garbage trailing along its main routes in and out – Catskill, Hudson (to the north), Newburgh and even Nyack are bolstered with chain-store dreck. But my favorite has to be the long drive north on Kingston’s Albany Avenue which becomes Ulster Avenue at a certain point. It starts below. It may look beautiful – and it once all was. Keep heading north to witness the eventual collapse of civilization.,-74.0086139,3a,75y,27.44h,84.25t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sB4lTgRAgJ9XYcccjPta1jA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656


  10. Slanderer says:

    Maybe the question is whether Kalamunda is the blueprint or a loving tribute?


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