
The architecture mag is now online. (Autumn 2015). Where myself, She-Ra AND Alannah opine on the city. Finally the right three are together.archifinal

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to Arbiters

  1. GivDBird says:

    threesome, heh heh


  2. Sir Bill International says:

    You build it , and the world laughs.


  3. vegan says:

    any feedback from the architectural world?


  4. FEDup says:

    It’s still (more than) a bit of a joke. Classic “move to where the ball was”.


  5. Snuff says:

    As well as being in New Zealand, Dunedin has Otago University. Perth’s not in the race.


  6. Scanners says:

    Perth’s improvement coincided with the loss of Swan Lager.


  7. Anonymous says:

    pretentious waffle


  8. Slanderer says:

    Commodore house crashing is still big out my way. Presumably driverless.


    • Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

      Not yet. Google will have a Perth add-on that can be downloaded separately to get you safely into someone’s home after a big night on the piss.


We can handle the worst