G’Day Bollards

Melbourne seems to still be stuck in previbrancy. Geelong anyway. 

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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9 Responses to G’Day Bollards

  1. juantrak says:

    What’s the idea behind this? To redirect road ragers into the bollards, and away from attacks on other motorists?
    If they made all the bollards spitting images of politicians and councillors, the amount of damage incurred by each one, would probably be a better indication of popularity, than any Gallup Poll.


  2. Hillz says:

    those bollards are nothing on the mundaring sculpture park “Tourists” :)


  3. ewfire11 says:

    Fitted with cameras to detect the brainless burn out boys (who’s Fathers never drove anything more potent than their donkey carts), and with also the ability to launch several gas canisters directly through windscreens the moment stupidity is detected. Bring them on.


  4. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Does ECU know about this? Might be more effective than a few left-over limestone blocks.


  5. GivDBird says:



  6. Scanners says:

    Is the one at the front Dennis Cometti?


    • juantrak says:

      The honker ain’t anywhere near big enough, to be Cometti. Cometti’s nose always precedes him when he enters a room.


  7. Simon says:

    God that must be Melbourne airport…


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