On the streets of Fremantle

Some lovely snags of Pakenham Street Fremantle from Google seen by Illusiver. The street violence, the graffiti. It just needs a going out of business sign and a struggling ugg boot shop. Essence.



About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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24 Responses to On the streets of Fremantle

  1. Plonka says:

    I swear that’s my mechanic being beaten up there.


  2. Rolly says:

    That’s what happens when a bloke helps another bloke to unlock his car to get the keys that he inadvertently left in the ignition.


  3. Pete f says:

    No boat ramp but it is the port city so there’s water nearby. Doggers?


  4. Anonymous says:

    I assume some of you saw this.


  5. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Are whale carcasses the new Commodore in the lounge room?


    • Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

      Relax, Geofffff Parry is tracking it in the 7 helicopter. Phew. Now if fucking ECU would just get going on the Commodores I’d be feeling a lot safer right now.


  6. you'll get wet says:

    RWL, you woulda loved the old Alhambra Bars on the corner of where the Hay St Mall now is, pride and place on the wall went to a whale foetus from the Babbage Island station, though some whalers in Freo went one better and had their lounge covered with leather made from whale dicks, pink and white, mottled.


  7. Dylan H. says:

    What’s that blue thing on the ground by the feisty skinhead’s feet?


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