bizarre twist in Rottnest murder case

Pair held over Rotto head, WAToady reports…”Isn’t that what the young people call ‘tea-bagging’?” Bento asks. This sick city.

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22 Responses to bizarre twist in Rottnest murder case

  1. Snuff says:

    He’s a funny bugger, that Bento.


  2. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Will this guy still be called the Rotto Head even if they find the rest of him?


  3. Russell Wolfe's Lovechild says:

    Separately on the Worst twitter, if I lived in some of those north Adelaide suburbs I’d be looking for a disused bank vault and a barrel of my own accord. As they say, the hard part is always trying to put the lid on by yourself.


  4. vegan says:

    i am hoping that the alleged dead chap turns up at court this morning (undead of course).


  5. skink says:

    he’s a failed jockey and a racing identity?

    then surely he’s the Headless Horseman.

    come on, Ichabods, lift your game.


  6. My Ning says:

    In a related incident, Teh Worst ran the following headline on Sat (page 5):

    Court sequel to head arrest

    I have seen neither Court nor its sequel, but I’m surprised somebody is letting it head an arrest.


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