A lot of people is going to die New York

More travelling worst of Perthers, again from New York but this time from Tristan C. Incredible sinister tennis poster, with superb torn mouth screaming horror as well as either a terrorist threat, eco whining or a psychic with a very slow connection making a 9-11 prediction. Nice to see that the grammar nazi has chosen to annoy this incipient serial killer/terrorist/ psychic by correcting their spelling.

The second piece is a classic example of New York cock graffiti. Remember, Perth style is generally disembodied cock, while NY style is more often penis about to ravage the mouth of a photo model. Anyway, nice use of the melon ball. Whether it was necessary to write testicle on it as well..? I guess you gotta give NYC the benefit.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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28 Responses to A lot of people is going to die New York

  1. Vetti says:

    best poster scream ever. that is all…


  2. Rolly says:

    “A lot” is singular, not plural.
    Once again a perfectionist displays his/her/its ignorance.


    • Maybe they are going all crazy writing for effect. If he writes “Righ” around the corner, he could do anything.


    • Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

      Yeah a “people” is singular noun.

      Go back and check your Kovacs clippings file.


    • This sounds like a lots of bollock.


    • Snuff says:

      Once again you certainly have, Rolly.

      The expression a lot does not determine whether the following verb is singular or plural. Although lot is singular in a lot of people, the verb that follows is not singular. The word people is the head noun and, being plural, ensures that the following verb is also plural.


      • Rolly says:

        The descriptor is “a” – singular – lot.
        Just as “lots of people” is wrongly used to describe a large quantity of individuals, it more correctly means groups of persons.
        On the other hand a living language mutates…….


        • Snuff says:

          Read above. Again.


          • Rolly says:

            If you read “a lot” as a measure of quantity then you are correct, but the use of “a lot” in this manner is a popular misuse of the expression.
            I can be as semantic as the worst of the linguistic pedagogs who condemn modern syntax contractions in the written language as inelegant idleness, and teachers of language who fail to correct this insidious trend in their students, whether through ignorance or laziness, as absolute Philistines and linguistic transgressors.
            The written language requires absolute unambiguity and precision if it is to be universally understood and not merely by those who are of the same colloquial origin as the writer.
            Longer, more complete sentences usually save a considerable amount of time and effort by eliminating the need for subsequent intercourse to fully explain the writer’s intent.
            Unfortunately, the majority of language academics completely fail to understand the socially divisive impact of imprecision and vagueness of construction, especially in international discourse.
            That’s why diplomats and ambassadors all talk funny, like.
            Also, that is why so many people who are taught English as a foreign language in a pure form become so completely bewildered when they first encounter people whose native tongue is one of the multitude of regional variants, including the oddity that is the version taught in WA schools.


  3. rottobloggo says:



  4. Joel T says:

    The use of the melon ball as the right nurry is truly innovative. Well played.


  5. Bartender's Skills with a Manhatten says:

    The only thing about this that disturbs me is that TWOPers come to New York and don’t lean on me for free drinks. What, do I, like, smell or something?


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