
James N, the stalker of the Bayswater noticeboard that is a stargate of worsts, probably connected by some wormhole (if not cornhole) to Moora, strikes again. Some dispute on the merits of dog breeding and also horses that died of old age, rangers (and no doubt rang-ers) and all measure of “‘teh fuck?” James N. says, ”
There was a crudely written note (in biro, on lined note paper) up there last week advertising puppies for sale. Apparently someone must have objected, because this follow up appeared over the weekend.
Our dog won numerous 1sts etc best Har Lequin out of wa 85 lovely pups sold well. to all. all they want is to scam childrens pets houses etc. Our family know way more about breeding all breeds an training than dog snatchers like RSPCA Policy an DUMB ugly rangers. John Orshot from Cop Shop sold me a horse they tried to scam it we had it for more 30yrs til it died of old age. 7 new has a vidio clip of it. Pioneer Village show.”
 Def worth a click for larger.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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32 Responses to Scampt

  1. skink says:

    this has all the vibrancy, directness, poor grammar, latent violence and complete hatstand paranoia of Ned Kelly’s Jerilderie letter, but with pets.

    you’ll never take me alive, you RSPCA pigs.


  2. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Today Tonight before video.

    Dog breeders are probably the closest thing Perth has to hillbillies. Everyone has their own Deliverance story of driving to Gosnells or Kelmscott when old Fido was sent to the farm.


  3. Bento says:

    Every dog guaranteed to be at least 1/16 winner of ‘best newborn puppy’ at Perth Royal Show 30 years ago. Woah.

    Between the prize and buying a nag from that bloke off Cop Shop, it looks like our friend’s life peaked in the early 80s, and has been spiralling towards the (N)IGA Express noticeboard ever since.


  4. Dude says:

    I don’t understand, what was the original ad for?


  5. Snuff says:

    Orshot ? I guess it was a while ago.


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