Weekend Worstoff 171

A tribute to the great man in Comic sans. Well that’s a slap in the face. By Nataliafan#1. Now Dicky Court or Margaret Court…Ass yoghurt by James N. in Nedlands. (Scoop missed by Outrage in The Post)Lucky star shows that multiculturalism (and possibly homosexuality) are totally cool in Dog Swamp, where Adam and Omar am shit..
And John S likes this toy prison on Lord Street.Worst well.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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34 Responses to Weekend Worstoff 171

  1. rottobloggo says:

    Yuh my ass is so fired.


  2. Russell Wolfe's Lovechild says:

    Ass yoghurt is better than dick cheese. According to my GP.


  3. poor lisa says:

    if you would to like to attend by 28th
    October to Nick Drew?

    I mean I hate Charles Court as much as anyone who ever wanted to get out of Freo as quickly and directly as possible in 1982 but even he doesn’t deserve this shitty flyer that nick drew.

    And “I love this place?” Did he ever say something like that?


  4. Lucky Star says:

    The toy prison is a not worst. A perfect mix of whimsy and depression. Teddy looks like he’d make all the others his bitch.

    Teddy: “Oi, worm, get over here and suck Teddy’s d**k!”


  5. The Legend 101 says:

    Does that yoghurt say what i think?


  6. Bag O'Turnips says:

    Now where’s the felch and haemorrhoid mudpie flavour located again?


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