Freo Tableau

Nice. A  tableau from Pete F. Nothing better than a tableau unless it’s tableaux. Worse even than recent Leederville action, Freo’s still back in 2007 artz mode. Well if it’s Freo, 1977 is still possible. Just to share a story. When I was in Freo the other day on High Street, the bus to Yangebup, the bus to fucking Yangebup tooted its horn for us to get out of the way. Dude, step off! You’re going to Yangebup! Also noted on High Street was the Bus to Kwinana Hub. Such was the Fremantle Vibrancy. And yes, I managed to get served another overcheesed Freo pizza, after begging the garcon to prevail on the kitchen to “ease up on the formaggio”. How do they have such crap pizzas in Fremantle? It’s as if these Italians had never visited Italy.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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46 Responses to Freo Tableau

  1. Pete says:

    Hmm, the tableau, I remember now, an afternoon of boozyness followed by inappropriate wearing of white thongs & claims to be Tim Winton so its ok to look like this. Fun night.

    I do so love the vibrancy injected by running mostly empty buses up a dining area. Did you see the wave of black as the bus from Armadale (or Kwinarnia) vomits its cargo? Or perhaps that’s only weekends.


  2. sharon says:

    Pfft, bloody tourists.


  3. GB says:

    I don’t see what’s so worstish about the last photo, it’s kind of nice… in a ‘let’s listen to weird music and talk about our shakras’ kind of way.


  4. Pete says:

    Ahem, Mr moderator, I have my Big Issue complete with reviews, but no bio. What is this? Russia?


  5. Pete says:

    I don’t have it with me. Could possibly have passed for you, although there were no cunts mentioned.


  6. The Legend 101 says:

    I like that bottom mosaic, Very Colourful


  7. RubyRuby says:

    Is anyone else going to the Hulbert Street Sustainability Fiesta?


    • RubyRuby says:

      Come and join in our annual celebration of all things sustainable on Hulbert Street over the weekend of September 24th and 25th. With two open homes, five open gardens, five opn art studios, two busking spots, a show and tell area and lots of stalls, Hulbert Street is the place to come and be inspired and have fun! Tell your friends!


    • RubyRuby says:

      So, it’s settled, then – TWOP to crash the HSSF on Saturday. Bring your own turbo powered, sticker plastered ute of choice… we should fit in well! (Shazza, can you organise stilts?)


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