Eaten by Snails

These pictures were were put up at Curtin recently. I don’t know if graffiti or security promotion. Perhaps to scare off ne’er do wells. In any case, once eaten by snails, voila! Art.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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50 Responses to Eaten by Snails

  1. The Legend 101 says:

    First Comment yay, what was eaten by snails?


  2. Pete says:

    They’re some aggressive snails you’ve got there.


  3. Lucky Star says:

    Snails do not fear authority..


  4. skink says:

    ‘Cottesloe bid for heritage listing fails.’

    this made me smile. Are there any old buildings worth listing on the Cott beachfront? Is there anything old at all apart from the pies in the corner shop? Can’t help think this was a shallow attempt by the local bananas to pull up the rope ladder.


  5. WAtching says:

    Was there a pile of freshly tasered snails in front of this?


    • poor lisa says:



    • Bento says:

      Stop! They’re gradually getting away!


    • sharon says:

      I recall the days when police officers were expected to be tall and fit, these days they appear short and sluggish.


      • skink says:

        set a slug to catch a snail

        these days the only qualification required to be a copper is that you can fog a mirror.


        • sharon says:

          And sniff out a drug lab. Let the good times roll, they just got their 100th lab today.


        • Pete says:

          Alternate qualification is the wish to escape the economic mess that is the UK.

          must be willing to learn tasering.


          • skink says:

            must be willing to develop a sense of entitlement

            must be willing to learn that in a state without a bill of rights and with no system of criminal common law, they can do what the fuck they like.


            • skink says:

              must be willing to wear a boiler suit and a dayglo vest, and generally look like a heavily armed garbo


              • orbea says:

                garbo with steel caps, baton, secret mace, taser, glock with additional clip, and cuffs

                must be willing to justify own self-administered illicit drug use as “just social”, while confiscating illicit drugs for own use, while supporting union denial of need for random drug tests

                CHOGM is the sound of a cop coughing


                • sharon says:

                  Must have a fine tuned ability to avoid being where you are most needed.


                  • RubyRuby says:

                    A friend had his face bashed in (literally – still having regular visits to have the pins realigned in his cheek bones, 5 years later) in Northbridge one night. His partner had been king hit, and was apparently dead. My mate crawled to the police HQ, and saw officers through the glass. They looked at him as he slapped the windows, but wouldn’t answer the door because he didn’t use the after hours contact button. A passerby called 000 – a squad car eventually turned up from Claremont.

                    This kind of situation takes full on effort to be so useless when you are part of emergency services. No one in the building called an ambulance, either.


              • skink says:

                I did enjoy it when the police complained that the weight of all the weapons on their utility belt was giving them back pain, to which the answer would seem to be either:
                a. lose some weight, fatso.
                b. maybe you don’t need to be so heavily armed
                I wonder if there is a corollary between the increased use of firearms and tasers and the fact that officers are so unfit and overburdened that they can’t chase anyone?


                • orbea says:

                  dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx x xxxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx.

                  Just didn’t have time to only x particular phrases.


  6. orbea says:

    beautiful worst


  7. pete says:

    A picture of a security guard on a university campus and no one has drawn on a Hitler moustache? What’s wrong with the youth of today.


  8. rottobloggo says:

    I assumed they went for the sweetmeats first.


  9. Grrr says:

    Got no where else to add this, but apparently this is how “the real meeeja” deal with nekkid women on trains:,0,6119168.story


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