Three songs of the sea

By Pete F. By EV. Even without the Gropper spelling, dolphin seafood just sounds a bit like Kangaroo pet meat to me.And by Jaidn-Jaxxon’s friend Ganondorf who spotted this guaranteed linkfail while at Trigg, the breakers rolling in across the limestone spires like flecks of spittle on a Winton’s teeth.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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36 Responses to Three songs of the sea

  1. Snuff says:

    First one is charmingly not worst. Haven’t tried いるか yet, so not sure about the second. Last one’s weird. For sound.


  2. David Cohen says:

    I prefer snaper.


  3. rottobloggo says:

    Very nautical – from the Dolphin website:

    In 2009 Ulf and Jen Benander were taking an afternoon walk along the foreshore in Mandurah and they saw a mother dolphin and her baby swimming close to the water’s edge. Jen being passionate about dolphins and coupled with her husband Ulf working for a Seafood Retailer at the time the name Dolphin Seafood was born, the logo was created and the company foundered.


  4. Pete says:

    So of the business ‘floundered’ was it only tempurary?


  5. Pete says:

    A flakey attempt at a pun.


  6. Pete says:

    This is all a bit too much to barra on a mundi afternoon.


  7. Pete says:

    What next? Tales of herring-do?


  8. Pete says:

    All this pesce traffic.


  9. Pete says:

    Traffic wouldn’t be a problem if I trevally’d on the train.


  10. Bag O'Turnips says:

    I’m sure they’re “dolphin friendly”, in that they wouldn’t dream of excluding a bit of mammalian seafood fare on their extended price list.

    Or you could just by a tin of tuna, the Polony of the Sea (or does that mantle go to “seafood extender”?), which I’m sure that there’s a little bit of such by-catch included, as not to be left out to go to waste.


  11. The Legend 101 says:

    $40 for 2 killos of fish! thats a rip off if its even true!.


  12. The former Mrs xxxxxxxxxx says:

    I can’t put any of that up, but I liked the bit about stealing your poetry. TLA
    And I’m not sure what post piece you are referring to.


  13. The former Mrs Ulf Gunnar Robert Benander says:

    That was about the “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
    Similar xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx as, the xxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Can you just imagine the way my poetry was butchered xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?
    It was quite hilarious, the goof ups!


  14. The former Mrs Ulf Gunnar Robert Benander says:

    There was a man from Sweden
    Promised this Aussie girl “Eden”
    But he broke her heart
    Tore her world apart
    Cos it was all lies
    To her he was feedin’

    But txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Constantly amuses
    Cos’ his xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


  15. The former Mrs Ulf Gunnar Robert Benander says:

    Is that the WORST?
    Just a short composition for fun.


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