egg him on

Easter’s coming up: don’t forget to get that perfect gift, guys! Fremantlebiz says this ad is in one of his local newspapers this week.

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71 Responses to egg him on

  1. NVL_II says:

    Unless there’s a hidden graffiti cock, some dodgy spelling, or an ironic AM radio joke that I’m missing, congratulations on taking a few days to run TWOP into the fucking ground.

    I’ll be back when TLA is back.

    PS, you’re a cunt.


    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

      You manage so-called “art gallery” xxxxxxxxxx and have the chutzpah to call someone else a cunt? Get back in your hipster hole, cunt.


    • Bento says:

      Woah. A bit harsh, dude. I wasn’t overly excited by your Nate Dogg post, but there’s no need for such hostility.


      • Shazzanator says:

        I’m starting to think there’s a back story missing here.


        • Natalia Fan #1 says:

          No back story as far as I’m concerned Shazzanator, except if you question whether any “gallery” manager who posts a series of cretinous comments such as these, and who runs such an equally cretinous “gallery” as xxxxxxxxxxxx, is qualified to dispense advice on matters of taste and the like. He can shove a tiki up his smug hipster asshole as far as I’m concerned, and preferably one in his mouth too.


          • Natalia Fan #1 says:

            Oh, scroll down the above indicated page to see NVL in his full commenting glory. Cunt.


          • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

            Hey hey hey Danish-designed tikis designed in Denmark by designers


          • NVL_II says:

            What do you do for a living, NF?

            What qualifies you comment on how my place of work has questionable matters of taste?

            Do you work in the arts?

            Have you visited the gallery?

            Would you be prepared to say any of that to my face?

            I doubt it. I seriously doubt it.


            • WAtching says:

              So let me get this right. Only those who work in the arts are qualified to comment on matters of taste? Why would this be so when you have argued at length that art requires no analysis at all?

              Additionally, you’re concerned about xxxxxxx being mentioned on this blog when you were more or less bursting out of your skin to advertise it here. OK.

              I agree, however that your boss may not wish to have his or her business associated with the inanities you have so far sprouted here. So fair call on the XX.

              Sorry: the O is no go…it’s a low blow I know, but there you go…


              • Bento says:

                Lo, the O goes the way of the dodo, owing to Coco.


              • WAtching says:

                Just noticed your ‘name’ is no longer a hyperlink to your blog. Why is that?


              • NVL_II says:



              • orbea says:

                NVL_II first mentioned their workplace in other posts, unbidden.

                Coco should go and remove them from history as well.

                Can we visit this gallery beginning with the 15th letter, take a coupla snaps and post it as a ‘worst’ now?

                Seems pretty much fair game “in the publish anything school” direction this blog has taken.


                • NVL_II says:

                  I removed any link to my “blog” as the suspicious type’s on here seem to think its some kind of marketing strategy. No, its not a strategy. I don’t want any more publicity. I’m done with that blog. It’s done. Over. No more posts.

                  Please, feel free to take snaps of the window display to be used as a “worst”. Keep in mind, my comments dont reflect the owners opinion, I have no vested interest apart from a weekly salary (no commission).

                  Orbea, you haven’t visited the gallery?

                  TLA has, recently, he thinks it’s great. I will try hard to come up with a worst, but it will be hard with all the great stuff we have here.

                  But, I agree : COCO/DC – PLEASE remove any mention of the gallery in the other thread that Natalia Fan linked to, again xxxx’s are fine.

                  Fortunately, I have not used my wordpress account to log in here.

                  So, in the interests of public safety, this will be NVL’s last post, as NVL.


            • Natalia Fan #1 says:

              @NVL II

              What do you do for a living, NF?
              Freelance cunt.

              What qualifies you comment on how my place of work has questionable matters of taste?
              Two eyes and half a brain.

              Do you work in the arts?
              No. Some might ask whether you do.

              Have you visited the gallery?

              Would you be prepared to say any of that to my face?
              Of course.


        • Bill O'Slatter says:

          Apparently he’s got a few quid on the horse in this race.


        • NVL_II says:

          No back story.


    • rottobloggo says:

      Um. There’s some missing punctuation?


    • WAtching says:

      Strategy fail.

      Get abusive about the content of another blog whlie the current post on your own blog is a little… well… shit.


    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

      For once I had better things to do and sadly missed the party yesterday. While my higher self says that NVL should be left to dig his own pit of ignominy, and that much of what needed to be said has in any case been said by abler commentators than myself, my baser part cannot resist making the following observations:

      (1) Yes, for various reasons I dislike the vapidity, homogeneity, and other aspects of XXXXX’s signature design style. While I am not unhappy to admit this as a matter of personal opinion, neither am I a relativist who backs away from the simple fact that statements of personal preference (“I dislike x”) inevitably harbour universal claims (“X is ‘bad.'”) The prevalent notion that everything is simply “just a matter of opinion,” which I suspect would be NVL’s last ditch defence, does much to cover over the far more rewarding possibility of genuine disagreement.

      (2) I’m not sure why art-critical statements, including the names of their targets, should be censored. After all, art critics make such claims all the time, albeit in a less directly vituperative manner. For example, while I’m no professional critic, let’s consider some of the design work of Matte Stephens, an XXXXXX favourite. It’s a triumph of style over substance. Stephens makes every cityscape he paints a uniform exercise in 50s-retro-cutesy Klee-esque whimsy, regardless of context. It might work for New York – there seems a natural, historically sanctioned fit between style and subject in that case – but Sydney? Perth? Stephen’s approach is somewhat analogous to the colonial landscape painters who couldn’t help but render the Australian landscape in European terms, except that Stephens could help it if not for his wilful, culturally and artistically insensitive opportunism. Perhaps I was wrong to label such art or its perpetrators and handlers “cretinous” – cynical more like it – yet it is difficult for me not to see its buyers as anything but. I’m not denying anyone their “right” to meaningless, apolitical nostalgia, but please don’t dress it up as otherwise.


      • Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

        Yeah exactly, it’s all horseshit


        • Natalia Fan #1 says:

          I was trying to be more polite JJ, and to demonstrate, however much I think it’s horse balls, that I’m capable of expressing my distaste in a slightly more nuanced fashion than earlier efforts might suggest. Anyway, I’ve no doubt succeeded in coming over like the cunt I am once again, only in a different register.


  2. Danny says:

    Sweet perfect give for all the kids out there hahaha


  3. Snuff says:

    These look more classy. I know … Godwin’s.


  4. Russell Woolf's Lovechild says:

    Wouldn’t a vibrating egg be harder to eat?


  5. The Legend 101 says:

    Is this real if it is where can you buy the egg?


  6. RubyRuby says:

    This seems to be a closer tie in with the true spirit of Easter – all those bunnies came from somewhere.


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