Chair and Manji

After recent criticism that TWOP was lacking vibrancy, Deefock Cohen claimed it would be better if all of his offerings were posted. Here’s latest. Chair next to bin… I’m not saying it needs padding (wot fuck?) maybe there’s some subtlety I’m missing only seeing it on the phone, but let me add a bonus from Mark H of a Mandurah House.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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50 Responses to Chair and Manji

  1. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    Folding yellow chair
    Carnival reminiscent
    Put it in the bin


  2. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    Mexicana house
    Truly a ‘Pancho Villa’
    Mandurah no less


  3. Snuff says:

    I like the house. Wide verandahs, 2, possibly 3 garages, and a registered lawn. Not worst.


  4. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    OT, but page 11 of this week’s Perth Voice is worthwhile: “Get streetwise urges conservative poster boy.”

    Cory Bernardi, SA Lib senator, has visited Perth recently tell us how he wants the burqua banned (“referring to it as ‘Mohammed’s Snuggie'”); a No Che Day “which celebrates the death of mass murderer Che Guevara” (sounds a bit familiar somehow); and, best of all, Human Achievement Hour, “where participants turned on all their technology to counter the Left’s ‘sitting in the dark’ for Earth Hour.”

    “We have programs designed to infuriate the Left,” says Bernardi, whose conservative activist website can be accessed here.


  5. vegan says:

    thanks for the photo of the house, i’ve admired its ugliness for years.

    it would go perfectly in a book of ‘ugly houses i like’.


  6. shazza says:

    I’m speechless on the chair.
    But loving the Cherokee stylin on the tee pe man.


  7. Ljuke says:

    House looks like it’s styled after a Super Mario Bros. game.


  8. langhorne says:

    Must be just me but I don’t think that chair has added any vibrancy…
    The house- yes. More ‘bonus’ photos please!


  9. hovean says:

    Brick wall hurts my head
    Wish I had a yellow chair
    to sit myself in.


  10. The Legend 101 says:

    Maybe it didnt fit in the bin so they put it next to it.


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