An bring me that tiger lickin’ stick

Hate to have to bump WAtching again, but I just loved this from James N. An empty bottle of Tawny Port next to a tawny tawdry tiger pillow on the streets of Highgate. Good to see that Highgate’s being covered in the last few days, despite the fact (or perhaps because) Bento’s being pleasured by Japanesers in Japaneser land. Lovely, lovely Perth Worst. I like how even a pillow tiger can blend so well into its surroundings. This is a worst that the historians of the future – I hope will say, “What was the deal with those ancient Perthians? I mean seriously, what was the deal with those cunts?”

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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23 Responses to An bring me that tiger lickin’ stick

  1. munkipants says:

    i’ve often suggested to senor monkeypants that we get one of these for the boudoir from Home Art – but he’s not buying my line about a tiger in bed.


  2. Shreiking Wombat says:

    Unfortunately Animal Review does not appear to have any reviews of tigers. So we’ll just go with King Cobra (A+) instead:

    “Granted, the King Cobra is not the absolutely most venomous snake in the world*, but it’s better not to bring this up in the company of King Cobra. One bite from King Cobra is enough to kill 25 people or drop an elephant. Sometimes King Cobra does this as a party trick.

    “King Cobra’s other party trick is to raise up to one-third of its body off the ground and scare the living hell out of everyone at the party. Being the world’s longest venomous snake, and having been recorded in the wild at up to 18 ½ feet, King Cobra can then look a full-grown man in the eye. King Cobra will then let out a bone-chilling hiss that sounds something like a growling dog. King Cobra has ruined many a party with his so-called ‘tricks.’”

    King Cobra

    Plus fuck Tawny Port. Too, also.


  3. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    The tiger looks somewhat droopy. Great photo.


  4. WAtching says:

    Highgate Vortex?

    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Flagon?

    You Decide.


  5. Hugh Jass says:

    That has got to be a set up. It smells of fake.


  6. Bag O'Turnips says:

    Gooning in style, eh? Where’s the more traditional bedtime attire, of an inflated silver goonbag and bottle of Passion Pop or Chateau Yaldarra? Is someone trying to elevate the fine art of public drunkenness and falling asleep in some inner city doorway?

    What has become of our social state when it has come to this? Don’t tell me the winos too have gentrified! How can I slum it now?


  7. 13th Oyster says:

    Hobo kitsch.


  8. David Cohen says:

    Not much is being elevated when it’s a bottle of Queen Adelaide.

    That stuff won’t put much of a tiger in your tank.


    • Bill O'Slatter says:

      and will lead to bouts of forgetfulness where your outdoor livin gear is abandoned. My guess : not far from the Brizzie.


  9. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    This is just terribly poignant and sad. The tiger’s gaze draws one beyond the bile-stained grass and into the forever unreachable bamboo thickets of our youth. Heartbreaking.


  10. rolly says:

    OT – more in the line of “in competition with” Tiger: news from not-so-Virgin Blue.
    Movers and wankers, it seems.


  11. WAtching says:

    “Scam hits West Coast. John Worsfold says the club has still not given up hope of receiving three Nigerian footballers the club paid $3m for…”

    The Best Ever.

    I can see fthe hopeful look on Wooshas face.


We can handle the worst