Westminster Club

I wanted to go wordless, but wasn’t able to with this one from Bento. Instead of sipping a Tsing Tao at Kitsch, maybe I should have been at The Westminster Club? How different is this from the faux Chinese beauty on the walls of Kitsch? I quite like it in a sort of Inseminators poster way. Surely they could have incorporated the crack in the wall better.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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45 Responses to Westminster Club

  1. shazza says:

    T for…talented?


  2. Shreiking Wombat says:

    You’ve got to be joking:

    “Westminster is a northern suburb of Perth, Western Australia. Its Local Government Area is the City of Stirling. Westminster was formerly the southern part of Balga but was renamed in 1994 at the request of residents. This was the name of the original estate that existed before residential subdivision. Between 1936 and 1955, a limestone road named “Westminster Boulevard” passed through the area .”



    • Bag O'Turnips says:

      Had Wetsphincter been developed during the last decade, rather than the early 1960s, no doubt they would’ve called Ravenswood Drive Westminster Boulevard, like they do nowadays in vainglory with the outerburbs.


  3. Shreiking Wombat says:

    And somebody tell Kitsch to fix their fucking website. The pixels, they bleed!


    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

      It’s more than the pixels SW. But don’t forget that “Kitsch people are here to look after you and take care your experience is a positive one”.


  4. Bento says:

    Mrs Bento quite enjoyed Cirque du Soleil. Even though whimsical French-Canadian contortionists aren’t really my bag, I might take her along to see more of this international art/sport I’ve been hearing all about. Review to follow.


  5. David Cohen says:

    I’m booking the venue for the Media Ball as we speak…


  6. Jaidyn-Jaxxon says:

    See this is what I mean about undercarriage. Where’s the rib support? Fucking nowhere, people seem to think that the curves of the lower ribs are immaterial, rudimentary – ‘and yet these are subtle inspirations as they are reflected by a complement of earnest comfort.’ There are moments where the Westminster connects with that of the humble flesh markets – ablaze with bare boobs, a flurry of shit shat, open jaws and the spittle and smell of the patrons..


    • Natalia Fan #1 says:

      A modest place to perve, the look and feel is as important as the … bare bulbs … pretentious it will never be.


  7. orbea says:

    Do the Westminster Club exchange reciprocal rights with Maddington Swingers?
    If one plots on a map the location of each club with the Rivervale Swinging Den, the divided septum of the Illuminati emerges, pointing to Dumas House in West Perth a well known den of licentious behaviour.


  8. Bag O'Turnips says:

    If I can recall, having grown up in and around Balcatta, that this one-and-same building used to be Rosetti’s, an Italo-Australian eatery, often used as a reception hall for those typically big woggy weddings and dinner-dances, the latter being an institution amongst the Italian migrant community…y’know the ones, with the five-course meal, interspersed between courses with dancing along to the same old bands that have played that same circuit (Romano’s, La Villa, Uncle Domenic’s, et al) for decades, fuelled with much draught beer in jugs and house wine by the carafe. And being half of that stock—enough to be inside it, but removed enough to avoid certain clichés—I’ve attened a couple of these said events there back in the late 80s to the mid 90s.

    Somewhat tacky in its earlier guise, yes. But not anywhere near as tasteful as its present incarnation.


  9. Bag O'Turnips says:

    Shit. I’ve mixed up buildings! Rosetti’s was the building immediately south of that. By the way, is it still there? I have had little to do with that area since 2003, when I moved to Morley after my dad passed away.


  10. Snuff says:

    Having now thoroughly perused their excellent and interesting website, I can only presume the artwork refers to the ‘mysterious blonde’.


  11. Kim says:

    hi was wondering what happnd to the tbirds? im looking for an old freind but cant seem to find her anywhere.. her stage name was tara she looked like cemeron diaz.. please help if u no where she is..


  12. The Legend 101 says:

    T for terrible little wrecked Shop or Bar.


  13. Kim Kavanagh says:

    What happen to the west minister club? I heard rumours that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Not sure how true those rumours are but I miss the 4pm Veggie show on Fridays


  14. Chelsea says:

    Oh darling we probably would of told you to


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