We also…

What is the other mysterious service you offer EPMVC? Would it be leeches, trepanning, crystal proctology? The owl also wants to rap about Mobil apparently. From Craig M.

About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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28 Responses to We also…

  1. skink says:

    owl ventriloquism?


  2. orbea says:

    Areology – determining health status by the size, shape and most importantly – feel of areolas.


  3. rolly says:

    Gotta luv the twitter: Only three quarters of oz gerbalists pissed whilst writing crap.


  4. Natalia Fan #1 says:

    Green spots? Follows on from vaccination, or lack thereof, somehow?


  5. David Cohen says:

    We also…are proctologists and do b-owl inspections!

    I’m here all week!


  6. Jaidyn-Jaxxon Taylor-Shanesmith says:

    We also


  7. skink says:

    “Geoff Gallop joins WAToady – log in tomorrow for his first column”


  8. Hugh Jass says:

    And in other news, we need some of these in Perth:


  9. Mez says:

    pretty certain that the last dot point used to advertise flu shots for the elderly and under fives. Funny how the TGA says it wasn’t a bad batch but kids still went into convulsions. Can we please find an alternative medicine practicioner to blame it on!

    but anyway, is that a smiling panda in the bottom left?


  10. Apparently this has now been replaced with a swanky new sign.TWOP, cleaning up the city one sign at a time.


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